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Invisalign Treatment with Affordable Cost

Invisalign treatment in south east London

By LucypettersonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Invisalign in Crystal Palace is the clear aligner technology that offers a removable orthodontic treatment and is comfortable to wear. Invisalign is custom-made according to the unique needs of a patient. These help realign your teeth slowly and gradually, providing you with the perfect smile you were looking since a long.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign are clear dental aligners that are easy to wear and simple to clean. These are removable so that you can wear them off while having a meal or drink. These aligners are made of clear plastic which is comfortable to wear, unlike traditional metal braces with wires and brackets. Invisalign can seamlessly fit around your daily routine and are almost invisible to see. You need to wear a series of aligners that gently move your teeth into the desired position and help straighten your smile.

A word about Invisalign treatment in South East London

SE 19 dentist offers a specifically designed treatment with luxury and world-class facilities. They focus on:

• Prioritizing the patient’s comfort and convenience the moment they are in contact

• Offering pain-free dental treatments with complete relaxation

• A high-class evidence-based dentistry service that meets the expectations of every patient

How does Invisalign treatment in South East London work?

Typically, your Invisalign journey will start with a digital scan, where the dentist will take a 3D X-ray and images to establish the type of aligners required. The images will also be used to show you a simulated image of the final result. Your smile consultant will assess the smile and provide you with custom-made aligners that suit your unique style.

Once the set of aligners is prepared, you can start using them. Your dentist will guide you on how to use these aligners and show you the first one to put in. In order to get the best results, you must wear the aligners for 22 hours a day and remove them only while eating, drinking, brushing, or flossing.

Aligners are worn in the same way just like a mouthguard. As you progress through the treatment, you need to change the aligner set as directed by the doctor, and will also notice a gradual change in your smile. At the end of the treatment, your teeth will be in the desired position with the perfect smile you opted for.

Why choose Invisalign treatment?

There are several advantages of Invisalign over traditional metal braces. Some of the most significant are:

• Fast and effective: Invisalign is ideal for crooked teeth and helps them shift into a straighter position. These can adjust overcrowded teeth and fill gaps in your smile, in a matter of months.

• Clear and comfortable: Invisalign is made from bio-grade clear plastic material that provides a perfect fit in your mouth with no rubbing or scratching, so they are comfortable to wear. Moreover, the aligners are very discreet and are hard to get noticed unless you reveal the secret.

• Innovation in dental technology: Invisalign has taken the dental world by storm, replacing old ugly-looking wire brackets for teeth straightening procedures. Now the newest digital scanning equipment allows capturing live images of your teeth, which are used further to prepare clear aligners according to your particular needs. You can even preview your smile and know how you will look, before you start an Invisalign treatment.

Start your journey toward a perfect smile

Mindful Dentists London has years of experience providing teeth straightening solutions to their patients. Apart from providing the best Invisalign treatments, the team of Mindful Dentists also offers other dentistry services, including teeth whitening, dental implants, bridges, routine dental check-ups, veneers, tooth extraction, etc.


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