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Introduction to Me

Who I am and why I'm here

By Tyler MeekPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Nick from New Girl

If you’ve read any of my stories before reading this, you’ll get the impression that I’m not a very good writer. That’s because I’m not! I’m not really a successful adult, at least how the world describes successful. Who am I? Well, for starters, I question everything. On a regular basis, I analyze aspects of everyday life that don’t make sense to me, like why we still have to pay for food to survive or why we still use controlled explosions within a hunk of metal to move us from place to place.

Po from Kung Fu Panda

Secondly, I am introverted. I’m not the kind of guy to recruit a team around me to accomplish my goals or present my ideas to a committee. If you know about MBTI, I’m an INTJ; ‘nuf said.

Thirdly, I struggle with my love and hatred for people on a daily basis. I often find people…frustrating to say the least. They often don’t think about what they are doing and why they are doing it. However, the reason I am writing on this platform is that I actually like people, or at least I believe in their potential and want people to be happy, not just content. More on that topic in another post!

Fourthly, I kind of live in another world. This world has its flaws and, while I want to help fix them, I prefer to live somewhere else. One where I can focus on what I’m passionate about; one where people are mature and healthy; one where spontaneous indulgence is encouraged, not “irresponsible”.


What do I like to talk about?

My passions include:

Making this world better

Discovering new things

Exposing the junk that people have held on to for forever

The potential of people

Random ideas that pop into my head


Nutrition and the human body

Confusing things that I don’t currently understand

Why do I like to talk about it?

I want to use this platform as a place to lay out my ideas publicly, both for myself and others. I want people to have access to my craziness and I want to use the platform as a sort of digital whiteboard to organize my thoughts. I am inspired by inventors who were/are way ahead of their time who threw out ideas that led to great advancements that we love today!

For example, whoever started designing computers made a huge, inefficient thing that could do…slightly more than the average human could in a few capacities. Sure, that invention wasn’t that great but look what it lead to! We have computers that can do infinitely more than humans can ever dream of doing; also it fits in our pockets now! The one person took his dream of making a machine to help humans and turned it into the reality that his time period would allow. Because of their boldness, others studied it and thought up improvements. Those improvements wouldn’t have happened if the original clunker hadn’t been made.

My point is this: I want to throw out my ideas to the world, whether anything ever comes of them or not. I probably have not thought through everything, nor are my ideas perfectly efficient, pretty, or realistic; but they are something!

I want to do this because if even one part of one idea helps one person create one thing that makes one of my dreams come true, I will be happy! Sorry for all the "ones"! So please, steal any or all of my ideas and use them to make the world better.

Please read my other posts to continue to learn about my dream for the world. Thank you for reading this one!


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