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Into the Infinite Couple Universe

Path to Purpose

By Chynia NortonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Into the Infinite Couple Universe
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I was looking my husband in the eyes wondering what the heck I’ve gotten myself into. I had enough, and we were trying to decide if we would stay married. We married young and I was totally unprepared to really take on the role of being a wife. In my mind I thought our marriage would just grow “organically” like everyone I knew would say. I totally believe that our marriage is destined to be. We met through our fathers, we have the same birthday two years apart, and he believed in God just like I did!

As he left for work, kissing me goodbye, I started washing dishes. My eyes full of tears at the anger I felt towards God and myself for believing that we could make it. I needed to escape this anger I literally felt like I could explode. I grabbed my phone and looked for a video about anger, eventually clicking on Battle Field of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. I had heard this before though and it did little for how to practically move past this rage burning deep in me. I picked up my phone again and there I saw a video called Feminine Lesson- Anger and this is the moment that inspired me to write this and share this black business.

I saw this challenge and I immediately thought of this couple that I believe deserve more recognition for the wonderful work they do. I would not still be married or have my handsome son if I never came into contact with The Infinite Couple. The Infinite Couple lives on the bleeding edge of consciousness, and they do it together. Which I believe makes them stand out more than the average person in their line of work. When I watched the video of Sri Namaste Moore talking about anger I could feel deep down in my body the truth of her words. I have been forever changed.

Baba Richard Moore and Sri Namaste Moore are here to give the masculine to men, feminine to women, and men and women to each other. They believe in everyone being sovereign over their own lives which is a marvel in itself. They have taught me to not let racism be an excuse for not living my life full of purpose and they opened my eyes to how much privilege as a black woman I actually have. I can confidently say that I am experiencing life as a conscious creatrix of my life experience. I am no longer bogged down with the weight of being a victim. If there is something in my life that I do not enjoy, I am equipped to change it to be however I desire. That alone is well worth entering their sphere.

I truly believe that more black people need to come in contact with their message and the truth of who they really are. Black history is made everyday as black people live and years from now I pray black people will not have to look back at this time and see that they have been wasting their precious life energy complaining about and being a victim to their privileged life that people like Dr. King and countless other historical black figures have paved the way for.

Now is the time to live in the power you were created in. The black family unit is what was lost in slavery and now all family units are under attack. Everyone has lost vital information for how to build a strong marriage and then family but there is a new paradigm emerging and the way to build life long fulfilling partnership that leads to a strong family is here. The Infinite Couple is here to lead the way. I am so grateful that I found them. They are a black couple but that doesn’t define anything they do. What they do is beyond the color of their skin. They have their own universe.. come play.


About the Creator

Chynia Norton

I am a woman, wife, mother, and writer through and through.

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