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Importance of Ethics

Moral Integrity

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Ethical Morality.

Sometimes it may be difficult to understand, why certain things happens, in my case, this happens to be, having lost nearly everyone in my family. I have always had a feeling since I was young, that I would end up walking alone in my latter years, and now that I am entering those years, that feeling has become more than just a feeling, it has become my reality.

When I was around 16 I was out doing some yard work for my grandparents, who were always very accommodating, in regards to helping out all of the grand children, throughout the entire family, and they would invite me out to their cabin to help them with the up keep on their yard. My grandfather, was an accountant, who owned his own tax firm, and he was very detail oriented, in making certain that I was paid fairly, this meant calculating in the gas mileage as well, and paying me accordingly.

I was just waking up to have a cup of coffee with my grandmother, however, as soon as I opened my eyes, I could feel as though, something was not right, and I made my way out into the living room. My grandmother informed me that my 2nd cousin, Joey, had been killed in the line of duty, He had been a police officer, highway patrol I believe, and he was doing a routine traffic stop, when the man he had pulled over, decided to pull a gun, as my cousin was approaching the vehicle. My cousin was shot, and the bullet that hit him, ricocheted off of his collar bone, and went straight into his heart, killing him instantly.

This was a very sad state of affairs, losing my cousin. Joey was a very good man, and he lived to serve others, as I try to do with my own life, in my own way. This was the beginning of the loss of many family members, which would proceed over the next number of years, until we reach the present day, where it's just me, my oldest brother that's left, and my two younger sisters. My older brother, Adam, passed away back in 2017 from a drug over dose, which was extremely hard to process, and then shortly after that, my nephew, Wesley, was murdered, which has been very hard for the family that remains.

I lost my mother in 2015 to what was ruled as a suicide, which I personally don't believe was the case. The most recent loss which I have suffered, was that of my late wife, who passed away in 2019, to a drug overdose, which didn't just shatter my world, it caused a change to occur, in the deepest recesses of my being, rippling outward, and causing me to not just have a mental break down, but a complete shattering of the self, that I was, and a rebuilding, into the me, that exists today. I advocate very strongly against substance abuse, suicide prevention, and pro life, which is my driving goal for living the way I do.

I go out of my way, in whatever way I can, if I know that someone needs help, I usually stop at nothing, when it comes to helping out my fellow man, because I have been in a position of needing help, and it was extended to me, in some pretty desperate times, when I otherwise, would not have made it through the trials, which I may have been suffering through, or from at the time which they occurred.

Life is way to short, to hold onto all those things, which can either hold us back, or keep us in a state of depression, which can not only hold us back, but adversely effect our ability to have healthy relationships with others, that hold true meaning. Learning to process grief in a productive way, that enables growth to occur, and the ability to move forward from past pains to take place. Living with love in your heart, and expressing it towards your fellow man, in a way, that enables that same process to repeat itself, which in my opinion, is by example, the best way to prove a point to others.

Don't waste time letting the trials of the past weigh you down, in fact, allow the difficulties you have been through, to make you stronger, and this in effect helps to make your fellow human beings stronger as well. When people see a strong example, that is leading their life in a way that is not only healthy, but productive, proactive, and with pure intentions, it inspires others to want to do the same, so never sell yourself short, on your capacity to impact others, because even when we don't know we are, we may be setting precedence for others to follow, so always act ethically, and with moral integrity, because you never know who's life you may be impacting.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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