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I can't kiss you anymore, who is more suitable for me in this life

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't feel the heartache.

By li liPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Later, I went to the place you mentioned. I have to say, that place is really beautiful. I sat on a bench on a street where people came and went and watched the sun go down little by little. Unfamiliar crowds flow with endless vehicles. Everything is very unfamiliar, only the roadside stop sign shows that this is your city, the city you like. All this is like falling into a dream in a time tunnel. After waking up, I was in a trance. After a long time, I asked myself why you are here.

Probably because of you.

After being separated from you for so long, I was startled to realize that I remember every word you said. Even the expression on your face when you speak, the broken hair in your ear, and the tiny sunlight hitting your hair. I even remember, just as you remember what I once said, you are my dream. People say, I came to your city and walked the way you came. That's why I came here, with such silent steps, on a road that I can no longer walk with you.

Before I met you. I once saw a sentence from the Buddhist scriptures. "Fear because of love." I had a momentary fear, like the feeling of dying. In this way, if you like someone, you are permitting him to hurt you. He can isolate you. can ignore you. can leave you out. And you don't blame him. because you want to. I often dream of those who get along with me day and night. You are sitting on the sofa watching TV. Stay focused. I'm sitting next to you and playing games. You turned your face and smiled at me. Then after two or three gossips, it feels like a lifetime. Later I also met many people. People ask me how you are. I said I forgot and then said after a while, it was probably loved. In Li Zongsheng's song, he once sang "Someone asked me where you are, but I still can't forget it after so many years. No matter how beautiful the spring breeze is, it can't compare to your smile. Those who haven't seen you will not understand it." Your people don't understand, and some people are born with the appearance of love. I don't know when, I started to remember every word you said, in addition to not seeing you sad, I also wanted to give you the best things I thought were like offerings to you.

If you want stars, I will block the light of the moon.

If you want clouds, I will cover the heat of the sun.

If you want a breeze, I will stop the spring rain from coming.

as long as you want. Just you.

You are my dream day after day, and my only hope in the cold weather. I think I probably have this idea in mind, so I can follow the endless road and keep moving forward.

Looking back now, me and you. It's just a chance encounter in the cycle of life. There are always many opportunities in life. And this time, it was you, and it was fixed, at the moment when I wanted to hold hands. After that, there was joy and anxiety. Not without frustration and loss, nor without hesitation and confusion. However, just like the splendor that has been in life has to be repaid with loneliness and eternal night. I choose to stay together, so I have to have the courage to give up everything.

When it was the worst, I also secretly hid in my room and cried. in the dark.

Cai Kangyong said. "The souvenirs of love are never those watches and necklaces you gave me, or even those sweet text messages and photos. The most precious souvenirs of love are the ones you left on me, like the rivers left on the terrain. Those are The changes you made to me." It was you who changed the trajectory of my life.

If it weren't for you, I think I'd still be that young man who was not afraid of the sky.

If it weren't for you, I don't know what it is to be afraid.

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't know what loss is.

If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't feel the pain in my heart.

If not you, if not.

I said I will fall in love with other people in the future. But you are always there, in that position, standing upright and untouchable. I think if I hadn't met you, I would still be like the billions of people in China. When the age is right, start a family and start a business. But because of you, I think my world has a little more color. You are a bright and sad juvenile blue. I met you, I hope to see the scenery with you. I wish I could hobble with you holding hands, or at least I wish I was growing old with you then. So now, I don't want to hide at all, the reason why I left home when I was young is because of you. There are millions of people and millions of ways to love. And I happened to choose the most radical one. I'm afraid it's too late to like you, and I'm afraid it's too late to start from scratch.

I long for love, but I am afraid of getting too much. You are the pain that I can't get and the sorrow that I lose. In fact, from the very beginning, I love your soul the most, and it fits me best. It's not that I don't understand, I just don't speak. I'm obsessed with loving you in my way, which is probably the biggest and sweetest mistake I've ever made. I said something casual to you at that time. You get angry. You said you hated that sentence the most.

Although there is still a long time to come, I know that I will be disappointed in the end, because as long as people have too much hope for something, there will be a lot of disappointment in the end. Such a statement is the same as "Love is not long, wisdom will be hurt". So, I was a little choked up.

How many evenings, when the white sky finally disappeared. I will be filled with indescribable anxiety. I thought it was over again, another day is over. But I haven't forgotten about you. I gave you too much, and in the end, you couldn't bear it and finally chose to throw it away, and I was also disheartened and felt as if I had been let down. We did not fail love, it was love that failed us. This is probably the saddest thing in love.

I will still wake up in the middle of the night, and I will still dream of you. I dream of your face. your hands. your eyes. your hair. what you said. Over time, only your blurred outline remains. There are so many things in life that can't be assumed like I can't assume I didn't love you. Everyone chooses a way to deal with the past, and some choose to forget to start over. And I choose to remember, I know you must have forgotten, then, I will remember. If one day you look back, you will see me. You only need to look back at me to know that it is me and to know that I have never walked, even if you have left me thousands of miles away. Everyone has their way of living as if you cannot dictate the form of pain and pleasure. If you love, you will be happy. Sad. Just like when I recalled you, in addition to despair and remorse, there were also some moments when the corners of my mouth would consciously bend when I thought of it lightly.

I remember that you said you wanted to go to a place with the sea. So far, I have only wanted to go to places with the sea. People say that in March, Qinghai Lake is connected to Qinghai Lake with rapeseed flowers everywhere. The yellow and blue are distinct and beautiful. I think I'll be glad when my teeth are gone and my hair is gray. I once thought about being with you, the sun shines on the streets of Lajoie, and I finally walk in the sunshine hand in hand with you. I never thought that this tiny wish would never come true until we parted. Maybe I can easily talk about everything about you, but now I think about it, I don't even have a photo with you. If there is, then I can still look at you in the photo and imagine that I can still be with you in the afternoon. Swim in the sun. So what's the difference between us being together?

I don't know how you left me in the first place. I don't know how we hurt each other in the first place. Maybe we've never been in love. After a long time, I thought you were the person I imagined. I lost my sense of reality and just felt full of remorse. I think I will spend the rest of my life with such regrets, because the person I love the most, I failed to protect you after all. sorry.

The thousands of times in the past are still vivid in my mind, and on a whim, I want to gamble again. You won't look back. I won these days and nights apart from you. I've developed many of the habits you've had, and one of them is curling up in the quilt, the way you used to sleep. But I have one more action, that is, I will stretch out my hands to hug my knees. Someone once said that this is the position of a baby in the mother's body. When people feel insecure, that's how it is. Before going to bed, I went to the bathroom to wash my face, I tried to get rid of the tears on my face, I think people in their twenties and twenties, seem a bit pretentious all the time. I looked at the face in the mirror and said silently in my heart, let me hug you for the last time in my dream, and let you hug me for the last time in my dream, even if the blood is dripping. I love you. Or love you.

The biggest criticism of people is to think that they are very important in other people's hearts, but they are not bullshit. One day a friend asked me why I lost the courage I had in the past? Why didn't I go to you? My mother also said that if I still like you, I will chase you back. Who was not at fault when they were young? I said, no, it's impossible because we've all grown up. Just like now, I can't give up everything for you. I had nothing, and it was because of you that I felt a little comfort. I grew up, and I understand the world but also understand the responsibility. Growing up is not good at all. When you grow up, many things need you to think of you. Because you have a responsibility, you are an individual, but you still have a responsibility. You will not give up your responsibility because you are lonely, you love or something else Can't let go of it.

You once said that you want to live well. I set you free to banish you further. Also, exile yourself further.

If you want peace, then I will go wandering.

If you want to sacrifice, then I will kill the enemy.

Just ask you to accompany me all the time in the opposite direction.

Just please keep living in my heart.

Hope I can too, stay with you like this, never need to leave.


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