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Youth is a precious wealth

positive and inspirational

By li liPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

There are thousands of possessions in the world, but there is one kind of possession that is the most precious. You may not be aware of this possession at all, and you may not feel its value. With the passage of time and countless changes of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, on a certain day in your life, when you look back, you will find that you no longer have it. . It's not status, it's not money, it's lost youth. There are all kinds of losses in the world, but there is one kind of loss that is very helpless. It will make you regret it beyond your reach, and it will cost you your life. Even if you have the power to return to the sky, you can only sigh and beat your chest. It is not power or beauty, but priceless youth. Youth is an enviable capital. With a strong physique, you can hold up a blue sky; with strong energy, you can cultivate a magical land; with great potential, you can become outstanding and impressive. Youth is a precious wealth, but the old man of time regards it as the most accurate equalization, giving everyone only one point. No matter whether you are high or low, wise or poor, rich or poor, you can only have it once in your life, so you can have "flowers will bloom again, people will never be young again", "a hundred years is easy, and youth will never come". When we came to this world, everyone carried an empty basket, but every time we took a step, we had to pick up something from this world and put it in, so we felt tired as we walked. Life does have too much bitterness. After all, a person can't have any feelings, and it is impossible to leave the complex family, friendship, and love. But we don't avoid it because of the complexity of life, we still need to face it. Life is short and time is limited. When life can't get what you want or not, you don't just care about and complain, but do what you should do as always, and keep a calm mood towards life. "How far can a man go?" This is not a question of two feet, but ambition; "How high can a man climb?" This is not a question of hands, but will. In our short life, we cannot lose the three beacons of life: self-confidence, courage, and perseverance, and work hard on our land. Who can deny that tomorrow will not be a harvest day? One day, your hard-working hands will Your life is colorful, maybe you make failure vulnerable, but which successful person has not experienced failure? Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is surrender and failure. Every successful person starts with failure. For those who can’t even hold on to the starting point, how can they talk about a long journey? You know, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? You don’t have to complain that life gives too much Suffering, do not have to complain that life has too many twists and turns. If the sea loses the rolling waves, it will lose its majesty; if the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, it will lose its splendor; if life only seeks two points and one line of smooth sailing, life will lose the charm of existence. Even if you have all kinds of unsatisfactory things, all things are not going your way, you have a thousand reasons to be depressed and complain, but you cannot have one reason to give up your ideals and pursuits. Because you are young after all, the beautiful youth is still firmly in hand, hope belongs to you, the sun belongs to you, the world belongs to you! Maybe life is ruthless sometimes because people who work hard are not necessarily successful, but successful people Work hard, so don't give up easily, even if it's a one in ten thousand chance. I like a sentence very much: when winter comes, will spring be far behind? And I often say to myself: even in the cold winter, I see the magnificence of spring. Life is like four seasons, spring is hope, summer is magnificent, autumn is fruit, and winter is reflection. Please grasp the spring, go through the summer to harvest the autumn, and test the winter. There is only one life, we have to cherish; there is only one life, we have to fight! Positive inspirational article 1000 words two youth, what a beautiful and dreamy word, it is like life, it is happy, but it is full of challenges and Difficulties... Youth is like life, the road is long, it can't be flat, and there are also bumps and pits. We can take it as the object we want to challenge, don't be afraid, be brave, and we can also do well. In my life, there is such a "Sunshine Angel". He is one of my neighbors. He is tall and handsome. He is in the rainy season. He likes dancing and his dream is to be a dancer. However, life can't do what he wants: on a certain day of the month, he had a car accident and lost his right leg in the car accident, which means that his heaven ruined a dancer who lost his right leg. He can no longer dance, and can only live a broken life in a wheelchair... In the beginning, his will to survive was very low, his temper was very short-tempered, and he always had the urge to die. But one day, the story of a little tin soldier changed his life completely... He began to throw away his wheelchair, began to practice standing, fell again and again, and failed again and again, but it did not eliminate his belief in life... ...At last one day, he stood up, and the sun shone into the room, a triumphant smile flashed on his face, and his arms were open like an angel. One day, I asked him: Do you always fall or fail when you practice standing? He smiled, and then said firmly: Of course, I hurt, of course, I am tired, but I will not give up, I am full of hope in life, how old am I? In the rainy season, how can I waste my youth because of this little thing? It is the failures one after another that strengthens my confidence in the future, even if it is not possible to dance, but so what? I want to be a little tin soldier in the sun, the master of fate! Yes! Life is full of challenges and ups and downs, but we can't give up easily, if we fall, we have to get up, tell ourselves not to cry, we must believe in life and encourage youth, even if life abandons us, but we still can't give up a glimmer of hope... In front of youth, better things are waiting for us... Dynamic youth stimulates the body Every cell, sweat, and smile shape youth itself. The colorful reverie holds the colorful yearning and hikes in the eagerness. Spread out rice paper and use light watercolors to outline a spring of struggle. Draw a beautiful arc with time, and tell us: seize the present and gain momentum in the future. Youth is beautiful, we must give ourselves courage and tell ourselves: we must work hard to be strong... 1000 words of positive inspirational article 3 Everyone has dreams, and life without dreams is empty, but dreams always change with age change with growth. When I was in kindergarten, I saw the teacher teaching us to babble, so I wanted to be a teacher; when I first entered elementary school, I always heard my father say that being a lawyer is a great ambition for a person, and I admired lawyers again. ; And now, I visited Zhongkong High-tech Enterprise, and finally put my floating dream seed in my heart, and let it take root and sprout from now on. I hope my dream is like finding the brightest star in the vast silver sea and finding the most beautiful place on the rich earth. This is just like a state-of-the-art enterprise with the latest technology and the top talents. After 14 years of hard work, the China Control Group has grown from nothing and has continued to grow. It has developed a successful cooperation model combining production, learning, and research. A young and stable knowledge-based team composed of more than 1,600 industry leaders, full of vitality, innovative spirit, and rich experience in automation work. SUPCON Group follows the enterprise spirit of "dedication, cooperation, and innovation", and they have created their great career within 14 years. Our dream is not! Their spirit is worth our study. Walking into the central control, I saw the excellent scientific and technological works, which are the achievements they have created in the past 14 years. Seeing this, I remembered my dream again, determined to dream, and this dream became more firm. Finally found the brightest star in the vast silver sea, which is to be a famous host. I know it’s not enough to have a dream. If you don’t work hard, if you don’t sow seeds, there will be no fruit. You must have a confident smile, resist the fear of trembling, and impress the audience; full sunshine, the sunshine of knowledge shines on your dreams; steel Like a will, there is a will to work hard for one's dreams and move forward forever; a hundred thousand passion, with passion, you can do better. . . From now on, I will work hard like a central control company. They have created brilliance in fifteen years, and I will build the foundation with sweat. Of course, those who talk empty words will not get what they deserve, I have to start practicing and preparing. To learn the responsibilities of being a host; the basic abilities you should have; the sensitive response you should learn... Impress every audience with the most confident smile, the most beautiful voice, and the most beautiful gesture. In this way, I will keep working hard, even if there will be bumps and bumps on the road to realizing my dream, but I will not give up. I believe that as long as people who have dreams have confidence and perseverance, their dreams will surely come true. Realized! Central Control enabled me to find the most beautiful place in the fertile land so that the floating dream seeds took root and sprouted from then on. It made me aspire to my dream and understand that "there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb". Dreams, a great and beautiful word, make the earth shrink; make plateaus shorter; make tall buildings rise; dreams make people travel in the sky..., dreams change everything, dreams achieve everything, dreams make everything beautiful... Dreams make people continue to pursue one goal one by one. For those who have dreams, let's light the candles of dreams!


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