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How to Unleash Your Power to Manifest Your Dreams, A Step-by-Step Guide to Attracting Your Desires into Reality!

Master the Art of Manifestation: Learn the Proven Strategies for Bringing Your Dreams into Reality

By raam phogatPublished about a year ago 8 min read
How to Unleash Your Power to Manifest Your Dreams, A Step-by-Step Guide to Attracting Your Desires into Reality!
Photo by Paul White on Unsplash

The Truth about Manifestation, and what they don't want you to know...

The universe is full of mystery.

Our earth is but tiny speck, in this unimaginably large universe. Great and powerful civilizations have risen, and fallen… and with these civilizations, vast amounts of knowledge have been lost.

For example, take a look at this battery that was discovered in ancient Iraq thousands of years before electricity was invented.

Or, what about this 6000 year old ancient Sumerian seal. If you look at the image in the upper left hand corner [zoom in to the image to show the planets, or show a close up of these planets from another image], you’ll see that it depicts all of our planets surrounding the sun, with their correct relative sizes, and their correct orbits. Keep in mind; modern science has only discovered our complete solar system within the last 100 years.

In some cases, sacred knowledge like this has not been lost, but has been suppressed and hidden. As our modern science advances, things that were thought to be impossible, meta-physical, or science fiction, are looking more like they could be a scientific reality, or possibility. We’ve now proven that there are parallel universes, multiple dimensions, and communication that is faster than light using quantum entanglement.

As science and spirituality advance, they continue apparently intersect with one another. There is emerging scientific evidence that suggests that your consciousness is directly tied to the universe, and that the universe itself, may be entirely composed of consciousness.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

The universe may actually be a projection of our collective consciousness.

Throughout history, scientists, and other prominent people have made statements about technology and science that is now widely accepted and used today. Take a look at some things widely considered to be “facts” in the past, but later proven to be false.

Everything that can be invented, has been invented.

- Charles H. Duell - 1899

The aeroplane will never fly.

- Lord Haldane - 1907

There is a world market for maybe five computers.

- Thomas Watson - 1943

Crazy, right?

I know some of the things I’ve said may be a lot to take in… and you may not fully grasp the implications of what this means…

So why don’t I shift topics, and introduce myself...

Who I am is not really as important, as what I’m about to share with you, but you can call me Vincent. I’ll get more into who I am a bit later, but if you stick around for the next few minutes, I’m going to teach you the strange, but incredibly powerful wealth generating Midas Manifestation Effect.

This is the secret principle that the elite 0.001% of the population use to alter their previously predetermined destiny…

I’ll reveal how you can secretly tap into the universe, to create unlimited wealth, health and abundance in your life. You’ll be able to do this at will, and generate real, spendable money almost at will. Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss this.

This technique taps into the hidden laws of the universe, and works every time. It doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are. It doesn’t take hours and hours of dedicated practice or training. It’s something you can do almost instantly.

Before we get into this… I just want you to know this presentation may not be available for long, because there are people who absolutely do not want me revealing these secrets. It has gotten to the point now where someone, or some group, have actually set fire to my office but I’ll explain that a bit later on.

What many people do not realize is that there is a storm coming… and no, I’m not talking about a hurricane, and those who are not prepared, are going to get swept away, and possibly not make it through alive.

The truth is, we’re living in some very dangerous times… and you can feel it in your gut… in your bones… that something big is coming… you can call it your sixth sense, intuition, or whatever name you wish to call it, but the truth is… we call can feel something is coming.

You see, so far, we’ve seen some astonishing things happen recently. It's safe to say, things aren't they were just a few years ago. Economies have been devastated, hundreds of thousands of people have died across the globe and people are still scratching their heads for answers.

=>>Access here to find about manifestation to became rich or to make money with this secret method<<=

Everyone is wondering…

“When will things go back to normal?”… and to be perfectly honest, things may never return to normal.

While most people are worried about buying the latest iPhone, a world-wide food shortage has left third world nations in levels of poverty, never seen before. Nations that depended on 1st world countries to buy their goods, for tourism, and other thigns, are suddenly left with nothing.

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP), has warned that the economic damage could cause starvation to increase over 100% around the world.. to a staggering 260 million people.

Now, I know you may be thinking, “Well, those are very poor countries, that could never happen to me.” When mass lay offs happen, when businesses start to go under as stimulus money runs out, or if a second or even third wave of the virus hit, your source of income, your job, may be at risk.

Many people from countries like the United States, Australia, Germany and other wealthy countries have seen a massive surge in homelessness and poverty.

Ask yourself this questions… if you lost your job today, how long would you be able to live on your savings? What if there were no “other jobs” you could simply go out and get after job was lost? What would you do?

If you’re not prepared, or one of the “lucky” 1% of people in the world who are wealthy, you could be in for some very hard times, and may very well for the first time in your life, end up losing your job, your car, your house or even your family.

It doesn’t have to be this way however. Most people think that they simply have “bad luck” or can’t control what happens to them. This couldn’t further from the truth. I’m going to show you how you can get prepared for whatever happens to us in the future, and put the constant worrying about money behind you; once and for all.

I’m a linguist, cultural researcher and self-proclaimed “seeker of knowledge.” I’ve spent decades deciphering ancient texts, researching ancient civilizations and traveling the world.

One day, while at a conference with an archaeologist friend of mine in Egypt, I decided to do some exploring, we decided to do some exploring around the city. My friend and I stumbled into an old bookstore off the beaten path. My friend Steve, just wanted to get out of the blistering sun, but I… I was drawn to this place. I felt strange as soon as I saw this book store… almost if something was about to “happen.”

I walked in and was greeted by a very old gentleman. He smiled, and nodded politely and then quickly took his gaze off of me, and back to the book he was reading. I wandered around the shop looking at all of the books. As I moved toward the back of the store, I noticed a book was out of place, and looked as if it was almost about to fall off the shelf. I went to push it back when I noticed behind it, was another book… very old, covered in dust.

I took it out and examined it, and realized it was extremely old… I had the feeling of electricity running through my body… as if I knew this book was very important but I didn’t quite know why.

As I flipped through the pages, I was noticed drawings of ancient Egyptian Gods, such as Thoth, the ancient God of Magic and Science, and Ra, the Egyptian sun God.

Then, it dawned on me… could it be… that this book was a lost manuscript from the lost library of Alexandria? Some of the markings resembled markings manuscripts from that library had, but I couldn’t be sure unless I had time to study them and compare them.

The library of Alexandria, was an ancient library that was said to contain vast amounts of knowledge and long forgotten secrets, and was destroyed in what many historians believe (including myself) to be a fire, along with many rare books from all around the world.

I knew I had to have this book, so I took it up to the front of the store, and asked the shop owner “How much?” He looked at me and smiled, and said in a quiet voice in his local dialect, he knew that book would find the right person one day.

We agreed on a price, and I walked out of there with the book. That is the day my life changed forever.

I told my friend I was tired, and wanted to return back to our hotel, but really, my mind was racing with what I had just purchased and I couldn’t wait to examine it more.

The book, while pretty badly damaged, was full of mystical incantations, diagrams, and what looked like to be sets of instructions… although at the time I couldn’t decipher it easily.

I stayed up nearly all night trying to translate what I could without my notes and resources of my home office to help. The text that I deciphered, talked about vibrational energy of the soul. It explained that every living human, has a unique vibrational energy. The consciousness, was the gateway to the universe, and allowed the universe to directly interact with your vibrational energy.

It seemed to suggest, that these Egyptian Gods, were the ones giving this knowledge to the people. Once I returned home from Egypt, I was able to fully investigate the manuscript.

Now, I know you’re wondering what this has to do with manifesting abundance, money and wealth, I promise, I’m about to reveal the secret I learned, and I know you’re going to absolutely love it.

It was then that I discovered something very strange… references to something known as the Akashic records.

I’ve always thought this was a myth, however renowned psychics like Edgar Cayce have talked about it in detail, and claimed to channel information from it.

The Akashic records are mentioned here and there in some ancient manuscripts. It’s believed that everything that has ever been, and will be, is encoded directly into the fabric of the universe, and that by tapping into this phenomenon; you can essentially access information directly from the universe.

While in some sort of trance, Edgar Cayce was miraculously able to diagnose people with medical conditions, even though he had no medical training and have never met the people he was diagnosing. While asked questions about a variety of topics, he would give detailed, knowledgeable answers.

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About the Creator

raam phogat

Hi there! My name is Raam and I am a passionate writer and blogger. I have a background in experience in this filed, and my mission is to share my experiences and insights with others who are interested in my posts.

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