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How to overcome approach anxiety: 7 proven ways to cure your fear of approaching people

Are you tired of feeling anxious when it comes to dating? If so, you're not alone. Approach anxiety is a very common fear among singles that can prevent them from meeting new people and having meaningful relationships. Fortunately, there are many ways to overcome approach anxiety. In this blog post, we'll discuss 7 proven ways to cure your fear of approaching people. From taking small steps to changing your mindset, you'll discover how to conquer your approach anxiety once and for all.

By Jeeban Jyoti BhoiPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Remove The Anxiety

Understand what's causing your anxiety

Approach anxiety can be a daunting feeling that prevents us from taking action and going after what we want, especially when it comes to love and relationships. It can feel like you're walking into a wall, unable to take the steps that you need to take in order to reach your goal. In order to combat this feeling, it's important to first understand the root of it.

There are many different causes of approach anxiety, such as fear of rejection, fear of failure, lack of self-confidence, lack of social skills, or even fear of success. It's important to identify the underlying cause in order to develop strategies that can help you overcome your anxiety and become more confident in approaching people.

Once you have identified the source of your anxiety, you can start to look at ways that you can make positive changes. This could include developing better communication skills, practicing positive self-talk, or investing in yourself with therapy or coaching. By understanding what's causing your anxiety, you will be better equipped to move forward in your journey towards love and relationships.

Identify your goals

When it comes to overcoming approach anxiety, it is important to take the time to identify your goals. Start by asking yourself what you would like to gain from approaching people. Do you want to make new friends? Would you like to find love? Having a clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish can help you focus and stay motivated.

It may be helpful to break down your goal into smaller steps. For example, if you want to find love, it could be as simple as setting up dates or having a meaningful conversation with someone. Once you have identified your goals, make sure to write them down so that you can reference them later when you start to feel anxious. This will help keep you focused on what is most important and remind you why you are taking on this challenge in the first place.

Make a plan

Creating a plan to help you overcome your approach anxiety is essential for success. Start by breaking down the steps you need to take. For example, if you are worried about going up and talking to someone, start with simple steps such as smiling at the person from afar or saying “hi” from across the room. As you become more comfortable, start introducing yourself and making small talk. If you are feeling really brave, ask them out on a date or suggest an activity.

It is important to break it down into manageable chunks so that you don’t get overwhelmed. Once you have identified the small steps that make up the goal, create an action plan. Determine what steps you need to take each day to reach your goal and then set deadlines for yourself. Having an action plan will help keep you motivated and accountable and will help you track your progress.

Don’t forget to include rewards in your plan. Rewarding yourself along the way can be a great motivator and a way to celebrate your successes. You can reward yourself with something small such as buying yourself a coffee or treating yourself to a night out with friends.

Remember, the key to success is creating a plan and taking consistent action towards achieving your goals. With patience, dedication and practice, you can overcome your approach anxiety.

Baby steps

When it comes to overcoming approach anxiety, taking baby steps is the way to go. Baby steps are small steps you can take to work on your fear of approaching people one step at a time. This technique is particularly useful if your anxiety is intense and paralyzing.

Start by putting yourself in situations where you can practice gradually getting more comfortable with interacting with others. You can start off in a low-stakes situation like making small talk with a cashier at the grocery store or saying hi to someone at the bus stop. Then, work your way up to attending social gatherings, striking up conversations with strangers, and so on.

Challenge yourself but don’t push yourself too hard –you want to make sure that each step feels comfortable. If it doesn’t, take a step back and focus on something easier before trying again. As you progress, remember to reward yourself for every small victory.

Talk to someone who's been there

Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone who’s been through the same thing. Knowing that you’re not alone can be a powerful antidote to the feelings of loneliness and isolation that often accompany approach anxiety. Consider talking to a friend or family member who has struggled with this issue in the past, or join an online support group for people who have overcome approach anxiety.

In addition to emotional support, these individuals may also be able to offer helpful advice and insight on how they managed to get past their fears. Hearing from someone who has experienced the same thing can provide the encouragement you need to keep going and take the next step. It can also give you the opportunity to gain knowledge from their mistakes, so you don’t have to repeat them. Finally, it can remind you that even though the situation may seem difficult now, you will eventually make it out the other side.

Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself can be a great way to make sure you stay motivated and keep going in your journey to overcome approach anxiety. After each small victory or achievement, take some time to reflect on your progress and reward yourself for your hard work.

One way to reward yourself is to give yourself a treat. This could mean something as simple as buying yourself a bar of chocolate or getting a massage. Even better, it could be something that celebrates your progress, such as going on a short holiday or investing in yourself with some new clothes.

Another way to reward yourself is to set milestones. For example, if you want to become more confident in approaching people, you could set the goal of introducing yourself to three new people this week. If you reach this goal, give yourself a pat on the back and a reward of your choice!

Finally, one of the best rewards is simply taking a moment to appreciate how far you've come. Make sure you take time to recognize your successes and how much you've grown since you started.

Rewarding yourself can be a great way to stay motivated and keep pushing forward in your journey towards conquering approach anxiety. Don't forget to celebrate your successes and enjoy the ride!

Get out there and practice

The most important part of overcoming approach anxiety is to actually get out there and practice. This can seem daunting, but it’s essential if you want to reach your goals. Start off small and build up gradually; take it one step at a time.

You can start by making eye contact with strangers and smiling, or saying “hi”. This will help you to get comfortable with the idea of approaching people and will give you a sense of accomplishment. When you feel more confident, move onto bigger challenges like asking someone a question or starting a conversation.

It’s important to remember that everyone feels nervous before approaching someone new, so don’t be hard on yourself. As long as you keep trying, you’ll eventually get over your fear and feel more comfortable when talking to new people.

Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy the process. Approach anxiety is a natural response to feeling uncomfortable or out of place, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. As you work through it, you’ll find it gets easier each time, and you’ll become a pro in no time.


About the Creator

Jeeban Jyoti Bhoi

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