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How to Make The Change in Your Life That You Keep Postponing

If you want to change your life, start planning your every move

By Jay LawrencePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Make The Change in Your Life That You Keep Postponing
Photo by Ravi Roshan on Unsplash

So, you decided to make one or more changes in your life. You are at the point where you feel ready and eager, but you may not know where to start and how to proceed. Whether we are talking about changes in the professional, health, or personal register, it is useful to be prepared with strategies to make this journey easier.

Imagine your change as planning a trip abroad. It is useful to have a plan for what places you want to visit and how you want to show, as a whole, your experience, but once you get there, there will be situations that you can not predict in advance or the opportunity for itineraries. we didn't even think about it.

If you are like most of us, changing something about yourself or your habits can be a challenge. You already know very well that declaring that you will make that change is by no means enough. To make a change easier, first, find out why you find it difficult to change.

Why is it hard for us to change

You don't assume the change

When you want to change something, it is important to check what stage of change you are at. The moment you decided to change is the moment you took it.

You're afraid of failure

We are all afraid of failure, but failure is part of life. We can't always succeed at first, but that doesn't mean we should be discouraged. All the great inventors of the world have had countless failures to see their dream come true.

You're trying to change too much at once

Have you ever wondered why you are left with an unresolved to-do list? Most likely this is because it contains too many changes that you want all of a sudden. No matter how hard it is for you to accept, as human beings we have certain limits (yes, even you).

Our resources are finite, including the motivation we are capable of; it is, therefore, important to consume it effectively. Start implementing a goal, complete it, and then move on to the next one. in this way, you increase your chances that in a year you will reach a good part, if not all the proposed objectives. On the other hand, if you try to make many difficult changes at the same time, it will most likely be extremely difficult for you to complete them.

You don't replace the old with the new

It is often not enough to get rid of an unwanted habit; you need to adopt new ones to replace the old ones. Quitting smoking will have a much better chance of success if you start playing a sport or cultivating a new hobby at the same time. That way you won't feel like you're "losing" something; on the contrary, you earn much more than what you left behind: health, energy, new and interesting people you meet at the gym.

Now that you've learned some of the reasons why it's hard to change, read the following tips to find out how to make the change or changes you want easier.

Why do you want to change something?

Think first about why you want to make the change. What motivates you the most? Do you do it for your health, for your personal or professional evolution, for a person you care about? Analyze your motives and remind them whenever you need them.

Create a program to help you make your dreams come true

The habit of waking up early so that you can enjoy your time alone before the start of the workday will help you implement, for example, your business plan or have the energy you need for the exercise you want to do. a long time to do them.

Successful people have a morning routine that they strictly follow and that helps them achieve their goals every day. In this case, what will help you wake up in the morning will be to know, from the previous evening, exactly what you want to achieve before you go to work.

Make friends with yourself

To increase your chances of change, it is very important to know yourself. Strengths, weaknesses, things that make you vulnerable, and things that give you strength. Good self-knowledge means control over unforeseen circumstances and events.

Divide the target into small steps

Your action plan should contain as much detail as possible: calendar dates, times, specific places, detailed descriptions of things to do, and so on.

Set a time to start, not far in time. This will help you set your mind and focus your resources on what to do. Of course, if you have made the decision to enroll in a master's degree that starts only after half a year, all you have to do is wait for the date when the enrollments are made, but even so, in the time you have available you can start reading materials that interest you and are the subject of your professional choice.

Get ready to resist temptation

When deciding to change your habit, it is important to be aware that there will be temptations that will test your motivation and find solutions to counteract them. For example, if you want to quit smoking, it's a good idea to avoid smoking or to ask your friends or colleagues you used to smoke to talk to other places.

Set realistic deadlines

If you plan to buy a car this year, but your salary barely meets your current expenses, your plan to save a certain amount of money per month is unrealistic. This way, you will only get frustrated and feel weak or incapable. Perhaps in such a case, the first step towards achieving this goal is another goal, namely finding a better-paid job or trying to get a job.

Use useful tools to achieve your goals

Research has shown that people who write down an action plan are more likely to achieve their goals. You could try to create a vision board - on a large board, draw, color, paste photos, and anything else you think could help you, to visualize as many concrete details of your dream as possible.

You can successfully use the technology at your disposal to achieve your goals. Set reminders to help you along the way and personalize them. In this way, you will create a much deeper connection with your purpose.

Put your imagination to work

Imagine what you will do and what your life will look like after you decide to make the change. a lot of money to afford the holidays you dream of or you will finally earn from the profession or passion you love.

Last but not least, don't forget: you will most likely be able to make the changes you propose from an inner place rather benevolently than critically and harshly.


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