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How to Impress Women During The First Impression

Your first impression on a woman matters.

By Diane DoraPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How to Impress Women During The First Impression
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Your first impression on a woman matters. You have a few minutes to make the best impression you can to impress her and show her what you've got. If she sees a guy who is nervous, rude, negative, or any other trait that she doesn't find sexy then you may blow it for good with her.

Unfortunately, there are some things that are completely out of your control when it comes to how she views you. These are things about yourself that you can't manipulate in a first impression like your appearance, your voice, or your body type. She may always judge men with certain characteristics in a certain way.

For instance, if your voice is extremely deep and she has had many bad experiences with men whose voices are deep, then you may be rejected in her mind before you even get to prove yourself as a decent guy. This kind of judgment from her is not an arrogant thing but instead it comes from her lovemap.

Her lovemap is made up from her experiences with men, and women, throughout her life and how she views those men and women. These experiences can be bad or good.

For instance, if she had a mean teacher in junior high who treated her poorly and made her feel bad about herself then she may associate his cologne or mannerisms with a negative feeling. So if you are wearing the cologne he wore or acting with the same mannerisms that he did then you may end up with her label of 'avoid this mean jerk'.

On the other hand if she had a great teacher who lifted her up and led her to great things then she may associate his cologne, mannerisms, and way of talking with a great guy. If you are wearing that cologne or have his characteristics then she may like you instantly!

So those are the characteristics that you can't control, but there are some qualities that you can control when you approach her and make your first impression, and those are the things you have to concentrate on to put your best face forward.

So here are rules to remember when you are trying to impress a woman with your first impression.

Avoid the Pickup Lines and Stick to Relevant Conversation. Talk about what you are doing at that moment, or ask her for her opinion on something obviously related to where you are. Engage her in conversation and show her that you are interested in her mind and thoughts.

This will also show her that you are not just trying to get in her pants, but you are trying to get in her mind. Many guys who use pickup lines appear to be creepy or after one thing from her. These guys don't bother to engage her in talk, so how do they know if they like how she thinks or acts? This is obvious to a woman and many guys sink their ship before they get to try again with her.

By Miquel Parera on Unsplash

Don't Be a Whiny Jerk!

Men don't like women who complain and whine, and vice-versa. Men who are negative and whiny, or rude, are not attractive and they have a way of draining energy out of a woman, and no woman who feels drained after meeting a man is going to look forward to meeting him again!

Women want you to add something to her day and give her a boost of 'feel good' energy, and if you can improve her day somehow then she will want to see what else you can do for her. So keep the conversation positive and fun and you will make a great first impression with her that will leave her wanting more.

Dress to Impress

If you want to impress a girl with your first impression then you have to be dressed to impress her. You can't approach a girl in sweats and no shirt and expect her to see something she longs for. While it may not always be true that great guys dress up and lazy guys dress down it still is something women consider in the back of their mind.

It has been proven that women will consistently choose the better dressed guy for everything from one night stands to potential love. A well dressed man exhibits a goal orientated and passionate man who will be able to take care of his woman in all ways, while a guy in sweats and no shirt exhibits a guy who is a couch potato and non goal-orientated guy who a woman will have to take care of. Which one seems more appealing to you?

So use these 3 tips and impress women with your best self when making a first impression. Your attention to detail will pay off and earn you date after date.


About the Creator

Diane Dora

man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink.

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