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How To - Compliment A Hot Girl - And Make Her Interested In You

Different rules apply if you want to stand out from the sea of competitors.

By Md Rakibul HasanPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

Hot women live in a different reality than the rest of us.

I’ve dated my fair share of bombshells, including Onlyfans models with tons of followers. If attention from thirsty guys on Instagram and shallow real-life compliments were water, they’d have their private ocean.

But the more people get of something, the less sensitive they become to it.

Imagine you’re walking down the street and see a stunning woman. Nice figure, a beautiful face, radiating waves of sexy female energy. The living impersonation of all your visual dreams.

If you’re like most guys, your mind goes blank for a second and all you can come up with is damn, she’s gorgeous. But a generic compliment makes her see you as just another guy who loves her for her looks and wants into her pants, no matter how sincere your intentions.

If you want to stand out from the sea of competitors, you have to change your strategy.

Ask Yourself This Simple Question Before You Open Your Mouth

Your mindset can make or break your approach.

The worst thing you can do when complimenting anyone is to come from a place of expectation instead of sincerity. Sought-after people have powerful bullshit detectors because every day, someone kisses their ass to get a promotion, an introduction to their network, or some steamy bedroom action. And nothing feels more fake and off-putting than insincere appreciation.

So before the first word leaves your lips, ask yourself this question:

“Why do I want to compliment this person?”

Your answer should be some form of: “I appreciate XYZ about them and would like to express it. I don’t expect anything, but let’s see if we vibe and where it leads.”

If it isn’t, think long and hard about why you expect others to react in a certain way, especially if you haven’t talked to them yet.

After all, they could be a horrible human, so don’t fall victim to the Halo effect and place them on a pedestal.

Put your best foot forward but have no expectations.

Avoid This Common Trap When You Compliment Her Appearance

Speaking your mind is good, being smart about it is great.

Any variation of “you look hot” doesn’t do it. It’s like telling you “you’re a man.” You already know and she does, too.

Even if you’re more specific and mention her good-looking pants, she’ll know it’s because of her ass in them — back to square one.

If you want to compliment her looks, do so in a way she likely hasn’t heard before.

Easier said than done, I know — but it’s possible if you understand a simple fact.

Women often spend hours in front of the mirror before they go out. I missed a plane because my ex-girlfriend had to fix her mascara at six in the morning. one of my former friends got ready for a night out when I went grocery shopping — she was done by the time I had finished the meal. That’s why appreciating the specifics goes much further than the superficial.

To do that, you have to revert your blood from the basement to the first floor and think a little harder.

  • “I like how your earrings match your belt and shoes. You’ve made the colors work so well together.”
  • “Your hair looks amazing, I bet it took ages to get it that smooth/prepped up/flowy etc.”
  • “I adore your makeup — it’s the perfect mix between chic and natural. It’s hard to do, so props for that.”

There’s nothing wrong with complimenting a hot girl for her looks. But if you want to stand out from the masses and get her interested, get out of caveman mode. Be a little more nuanced and you’ll see her eyes light up and your chances skyrocket.

Focus On Her Effort Instead Of The Results

For the best results, extend the above principle beyond her looks.

Even the most sincere and sophisticated compliment is a firecracker compared to the nuclear bomb of complimenting someone’s hard work.

A few months ago, I saw a girl with a gorgeous butt — something that pushes my buttons like a five-year-old with ADHD at an arcade hall.

Here’s how our conversation went:

Me: “Hey, do you work out?”

Her: “Yes I do actually.”

Me: “I could see that. Your ass looks amazing.”

This violates everything I’ve talked about before. She has likely heard it a gazillion times, it’s a little crude, and she knows what I was thinking when I saw her rear. But…

The workout question framed the compliment to be about her effort. When we talked, I found out she put years of hard work into the beautiful body she has today. Her eyes lit up with every sentence because finally, someone saw and appreciated the years of blood, sweat, and tears at the gym.

When you do that, you show empathy and intelligence, two insanely attractive traits.

This requires a little knowledge about her but with practice, you can extract tons of information from a little small talk.

  • Does she have rich parents or has she put years of effort into her career?
  • Was she always that sporty or did it take tons of training?
  • Has she spent years developing her skills or was she always talented?

People see things they’ve invested time, money, or effort into as more important. Appreciate what’s behind the results and you’ll create an instant connection.

Include This Genius Twist To Comply With Human Psychology

Humans always want what they can’t have.

If you compliment a hot woman, you imply that you’re interested and she can have you. This gives some of your value away and if you overdo it, she’ll lose interest. It’s the deep-rooted psychology of attraction.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game — and play the rules to your advantage.

If you compliment her in an ambiguous way, it will keep her guessing instead of assuming she can have you.

Before the feminists come to roast me like a suckling at a barbecue, I don’t mean you should make her feel bad on purpose. That’s bad game. Just don’t throw yourself at her saying, “you look so good I’d drag my balls through a mile of glass shards just to hear you fart through a walkie-talkie.” Leave a little room for interpretation to make it fun.

  • “Your face is too cute, I can’t look at it.”
  • “I like your laugh, it reminds me of [insert animal.]”
  • “Wow, you were so cool until you said that.”

Hot women are used to guys blowing smoke up their asses because they won the genetic lottery. Stand out from the masses. Tease them a little. Keep them guessing. Play the game.

When you do, follow this rule of thumb:

Make confident girls feel shy and shy girls feels confident.

Most people have self-doubts even if they have no reason to. Some of the hottest girls I’ve met had the biggest insecurities around their looks. Gauge how she reacts and calibrate your responses.

A little well-placed banter grows her interest like a greenhouse a tomato.

Summary To Help You Pay Sincere and Hard-Hitting Compliments That Will Get Her Interested

Complimenting hot women can be a little tricky because they’re used to hearing sweet nothings.

If you want to get her interested in you, use these three strategies:

  1. If you mention her looks, be as specific as you can.
  2. Complement efforts instead of results.
  3. Use ambiguous phrases instead of seeming like she has won you over already.

Last but not least, only say what comes from the heart.

Nothing is as unattractive as an insincere compliment.

Say it because you mean it, not because you expect anything.


About the Creator

Md Rakibul Hasan

Md Rakibul Hasan is a freelance writer and technology enthusiast with an interest in business, health and cyber-security. He has written for The Word 360 and other publications.

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    Md Rakibul HasanWritten by Md Rakibul Hasan

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