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How to communicate with power (by being assertive)

And without being rude!

By Enya sooryanathanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
How to communicate with power (by being assertive)
Photo by Rob Wicks on Unsplash

Speaking up and standing up for yourself can be quite a challenge for some people. For some, being assertive comes across as aggressive and rude: an approach that is both unhelpful and ineffective.

The capacity to effectively communicate your point of view while still respecting the rights and views of others is known as being assertive. Sarcasm, wrath, verbal abuse, bullying, and intimidation are traits of being rude, which lacks regard for the other person's feelings, beliefs, and opinions. Although there is a clear distinction between the two, assertiveness and rudeness are frequently associated.

In a nutshell, assertiveness means being confident without being aggresive. It can be brave, especially when speaking up in front of your supervisor. But there are various ways to say what has to be said when you have the confidence to do so without being impolite and while still upholding your professional integrity.

1.Maintain respect

Mutual respect is the foundation of assertiveness. You can communicate your feelings without being confrontational when you respect the other person's feelings. You can be assertive while remaining non-obtrusive, non-aggressive, and kind. It's critical to uphold mutual respect at all times by taking into account the other person's sentiments and viewpoints.

2. Explain how you feel and what you need by remaining calm (in posture and tone)

Respectfully express your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings while being clear and concise. It's not necessary to raise your voice or engage in conflict in order to stand up for yourself and speak your mind. Instead, it refers to maintaining composure, speaking in a cool manner, and steering clear of an argument. Resuming the conversation once you are both calm and in control of your emotions will help you communicate your feelings and the other person's feelings more effectively. Always be courteous, and keep your cool when speaking and acting out.

3. Be straightforward

Introverts or ‘nice’ people are often passive when it comes to asserting their feelings by beating around the bush or sugar coating their position when they need to ask someone to do something. This is an ineffective way to communicate as it makes them seem bendable and easily pushed over. Rather, project self-awareness and an inner strength – this is not being rude; it’s knowing who you are and showing self-respect.

4. Practice assertive nonverbal communication

Body language and spoken words are both used in communication. The way you deliver your argument will affect how well it is perceived. These are some strategies to learn about body language:

  • Keep your eyes in contact.
  • Sit or stand straight.
  • Use a voice volume and tone that are acceptable.
  • Maintain a calm and relaxed physique.

It is possible to be assertive while keeping positive working and interpersonal relationships: If you tend to be more outgoing, remember to always be aware of your tone and body language; if you are more reserved and reluctant to express your feelings, remember to embrace your inner strength and respect for yourself. Being aware of these things will enable you to express yourself.

Be aware that changing a certain behavior and turning it into a habit takes time. So trust the progress, always be kind to yourself believe that you are going to do it. Also we can only change the things that are under our control there a factors beyond our control that affect our day today life and behavior, So sometimes however good you are things can happen so always keep your mind alert and act accordingly. Believe in yourself and go through it we can't change what happens to us but we can change how we react to it. Thanks for reading!

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About the Creator

Enya sooryanathan

I am a student studying Bsc in biological sciences and a I am passionate about writing on health and beauty,ayurveda and fitness.

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