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How to Be a More Effective Writer by Breaking the Rules

5 unconventional time-saving tips for new (and seasoned) writers

By Rick MartinezPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Nine out of ten writing experts say the same things about how to write better.

This article is about that one who gives those nine the finger.

Many new writers don't know where to start when it comes to writing and are bombarded with standard "how-to" and time hacking articles and courses. This matters because if a new writer wants to stand out, they need new tactics and techniques. Unusual ones to boot.

This article is for new or experienced writers who want to write faster, more effectively and engage their audience in unconventional ways.

We all have nutty busy lives, whether we are full-time writers or soon-to-be.

So if you can chunk out some extra time – why not?

When it comes to writing, it's essential to understand that the rules are there to be broken.

Many times, following the standard "how-to" advice, can actually lead to slower, more ineffective writing. It's stifling even.

You can speed up your writing process by ignoring the rules, trying something different, and creating more engaging content.

Here's what I mean.

Where ya headed, baby?

In the last session with my coach, she asked where I was headed

Of course, she meant in life and in business.

More to the point is she asked where or what my destination was. She was challenging me to begin with the end in mind.

I took it one step further and applied it to my writing game.

This may sound counterintuitive, but by starting with the conclusion, you can more easily figure out what points need to be made along the way. In a sense, it's like reverse engineering your story or article.

Try it.

This will save you time in the long run and help you stay uniquely focused while writing.

Channel your inner Charles

One of my favorite authors is Bukowski.

That being said, I think about his books, poems, and unique writing style whenever I start a new project. I'm not saying to copy his voice or style, but rather to almost place yourself in his shoes, then peck away at your Mac.

By thinking about how a famous writer would approach your writing project, you can develop a unique style and be influenced by someone you admire.

Edit as you go

Every expert I know says that this is wrong.

I even heard one say that a writer should "vomit" on the paper and then later go back and clean it up. Editing as you write may seem like a surefire way to slow down your process, but it can actually save you time in the long run. By getting rid of errors and bad ideas as you write, you won't have to go back and make significant changes later.

Go ahead and interrupt that narrative energy by allowing your pesty inner critic to come in and take over.

Write in short spurts and take breaks often

Have you ever heard of that writer who disappeared into the mountains for two months to write a book?



Look, I take my craft seriously, but I take my life pretty darn seriously. I wanna hang out with my wife. I wanna see my kids. I wanna go grab a beer mid-day if I feel like it.

So write in short bursts and take more breaks.

Rather than sitting down and trying to write for hours at a time, or disappear into the forest, break your writing into shorter periods. Write for 10-15 minutes, and then take a break.

This will help you to stay focused and avoid burnout.

Read your masterpiece aloud

This is an oldie but a goodie, but nobody talks about it much.

By reading your work out loud, you can catch errors that you may have missed while reading in your head. This will also help to improve the flow and sound of your writing. I'd even take it a step further and try it with a British accent.

Keep it fun.

If something sounds off when you read it aloud, chances are it will also sound off to your readers.

The final word

We all hope for more time.

The harsh truth is that we won't get it. 'Either time serves us – or we serve time,' as the saying goes.

By following these unconventional tips, even new writers can speed up their writing process and create more engaging content. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of a blank page or don't know where to start, consider starting with the end in mind and channeling your favorite writer's voice. Edit as you go to save time later on while still being able to take breaks and have some fun with it.

In the end, these tips will help you create content that is both enjoyable to write and engaging for your readers.


About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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