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How to

Fail at Friendship

By PrabhakarPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Introduction: It’s not easy being a friend. You have to put up with the other person’s quirks, and sometimes you have to put up with their BS. But it’s worth it because friendship is one of the most valuable relationships you can have. Friendship is key in our culture, and we need more of it in our society. Here are three ways to build a stronger friendship:

Why Friendship is So Hard to Find.

People often think of friendship as a strong, lasting relationship. But in reality, friendships can quickly fall apart due to factors such as hurt feelings, differences in opinions, or simply not being compatible.

How Friendship Can Fail.

If your friendship is based on shared interests and values, it can quickly become unenlightening or destructive. For instance, if your friends don’t share the same political beliefs or views, this can lead to tension and incompatibility. Similarly, if you two do not see eye-to-eye on important life decisions, your friendship could end up in disarray.

What to Look for When Friendship Is Important to You.

If you want your friendship to last long term, you must look for qualities that make someone valuable to you – qualities that reflect onto your relationship and make it more fulfilling. These qualities might include: mutual respect; being able to talk about difficult topics calmly and openly; being emotionally supportive; sharing common interests; and sexually siring compatible offspring together (or at least enough compatible offspring).

How to Failure at Friendship.

Before you start trying to make friends, it’s important to understand the basics of friendship. For starters, Friendship is not a one-time event; it’s something that develops over time. Many people say that friendships are one of the most important things they have in their lives.

Friendship doesn’t just depend on words and actions; it also depends on how you act toward your friends. Be aware of the facts about friendship so that you can better understand what kind of friend you want to make and how best to interact with them. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Look Out for The Facts About Friendship

First and foremost, make sure you look out for the facts about friendship before starting anything else in your relationship with a friend. This way, you can be sure that everything you say or do will be honest and true – no secrets here!

Be Honest with Your Friends

If you want to create a strong and lasting friendship, it’s important, to be honest with your friends.

You don't want your relationships built on lies or deception – that would only lead to disappointment down the road (and certainly wouldn't be pleasant).

Instead, be truthful from the beginning and let your friends know where your head is at (even if this means they might not agree!).

Don't Be a Jerk

It's important not to become too egoistical or self-centered when it comes time to make new friends – after all, we all need some space sometimes! Instead, try being more understanding and gentler when interacting with your new friends. Remember: making Friends isn't easy – but it's worth it in the end!

Tips for Failure at Friendship.

If you're feeling like you don't have a friend in the world, it may be helpful to start with being a good friend.

Being loyal, honest, and supportive are all key qualities for a good friend.

If you can't or won't be there for your friends when they need you, that's not going to help matters.

Be Honest with Your Friends.

When it comes to being honest with your friends, it's important to remember that honesty is the best policy.

If you tell your friends something that could hurt them, make sure to do your research first before sharing anything! It's also important not to be a jerk – if someone is down, try not to make things worse for them.

Don't Be a Jerk.

If someone is performing poorly around you, it's important not to get upset and/or hostile – that will only make things worse and cause them more pain. Instead, try and understand why the person might be struggling and offer support to help them feel better about themselves.

Be Respectful of Your Friends.

Be respectful of your friends – they are just as human as you are and deserve the same level of respect no matter what their situation may be! Try not to take advantage of their feelings or weaknesses (which might include feelings of shyness or insecurity).


Friendship can be a difficult relationship to maintain. If you're not careful, it can quickly become unimportant in your life. To fail at friendship is not an option - it's simply too hard. There are a few things you can do to make sure that your friendship remains strong and valuable to you: be aware of the facts about friendship, be honest with your friends, and respect them. With these tips in mind, failure should not be an issue. Thank you for reading!

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