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How (having the right) Aesthetics Can Change Your Mood, Lifestyle, and Behavior

Surrounding yourself with things you like (not surprisingly) will make you feel good.

By Li-Li πŸ““Published 2 months ago β€’ 3 min read

In a world filled with constant stimuli, the importance of aesthetics cannot be overstated. The transformative power of aesthetics is truly something that can elevate mood, behavior and overall lifestyle. The visual, auditory, and sensory elements that surround us play a significant role in shaping our experiences and influencing our well-being. Whether it's the design of our living spaces, the colors we choose to surround ourselves with, or the music we listen to, aesthetics have the power to transform our mood, lifestyle, and behavior for the better.

Mood Enhancement

The aesthetics of our environment have a profound impact on our mood. I have been working remotely from home since 2020 and changing up the home office and the desk space helps me feel like I'm in a more productive mood. I have rearranged it a few times but found a great combination of colors that make me happy (an emerald green with blush pink for a tropical feel!) and picture frames filled with my friends, family, and some of my favorite art pieces. Imagine walking into a room with vibrant colors, natural light, and carefully chosen decor versus a dull, poorly-lit space. The former is likely to uplift your spirits and create a positive atmosphere. Studies have shown that exposure to aesthetically pleasing surroundings can trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers.

Choosing colors wisely is a key aspect of creating a mood-enhancing environment. Warm tones like yellows and oranges can evoke feelings of warmth and happiness, while cool tones like blues and greens may promote calmness and relaxation. Personal preferences play a role, so finding a color palette that resonates with your individual tastes can have a profound impact on your overall mood.

Lifestyle Upgrade

Embracing the right aesthetics can lead to a lifestyle upgrade by fostering a sense of organization, clarity, and purpose. Consider the minimalist movement, which promotes the idea that a clutter-free environment can lead to a clutter-free mind. By simplifying your surroundings and opting for clean, functional designs, you can create a space that promotes productivity and reduces stress. I'm a big fan of minimalism, and having less material things around me and in my working space actually helps to make me feel relaxed, refreshed, and focused.

Incorporating aesthetics into your lifestyle choices extends beyond physical spaces. It includes the clothes you wear, the art you appreciate, and even the food you consume. Embracing a visually appealing, well-curated lifestyle can instill a sense of mindfulness and intentionality, encouraging you to make choices that align with your values and aspirations.

Behavioral Shifts

Aesthetics can act as a catalyst for positive behavioral changes. When you surround yourself with beauty and harmony, you may find yourself naturally inclined towards healthier habits. For instance, a kitchen with aesthetically pleasing cookware and a well-organized layout can inspire you to prepare nutritious meals, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

The influence of aesthetics is not limited to physical spaces; it extends to the digital realm as well. Social media platforms, websites, and apps leverage design principles to enhance user experience and engagement. An aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface can positively influence your online behavior, creating a more enjoyable and fulfilling digital experience.


Incorporating the right aesthetics into your life is not merely about creating visually appealing spaces; it's about consciously curating an environment that positively impacts your mood, lifestyle, and behavior. From the colors on your walls to the music you listen to, every aesthetic choice you make has the potential to shape your overall well-being. By recognizing and harnessing the transformative power of aesthetics, you can embark on a journey to create a life that is not only visually pleasing but also emotionally and mentally enriching. ~

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About the Creator

Li-Li πŸ““

Just a modest woman living in a modern world, writing about what I know while embracing life’s simple pleasures, & finding solace in the rhythm of words and the unconditional love of my dog. β™₯

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  • Alex H Mittelman 2 months ago

    Great story! Well written!

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