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How a blood donation changed my life

Not only did my donation save someone else, it saved me too.

By Ariana Yeager Published 3 years ago 3 min read
How a blood donation changed my life
Photo by LuAnn Hunt on Unsplash

She missed. As I began to wonder what was taking so long, I looked over at my dad. He seemed hesitant to tell me, but then said “They’re trying to find your vein...just breathe,'' It was painful as she tried to adjust the needle in my arm, then another woman came over, she couldn’t find the vein either. I stared at the ceiling high above, heard the basketballs bounce on the other side of the curtain that separated the gym in half. Finally a man came over and found the vein. The first lady remarked, “You’re flowing!” I think I let out a breath. It was as if I was in an out of body experience, I felt the pain in my arm, but my mind wasn’t there. I was sort of in shock with what I was doing, in disbelief I agreed to this, but not wanting to back out. Everything in me was pushing me to handle the situation head on and remain strong. Once the blood was flowing it wasn’t bad from there on out. I got more used to the feeling although it was still weird, a feeling I’ve never experienced. A feeling I hoped I’d get used too. I didn’t know how a blood donation could change my outlook on life, but that night something within me shifted. I overcame a fear that has impacted my whole life, I felt invincible as silly as it sounds. Needles always made me nervous and simply getting a flu shot always felt like an unmanageable task. I never knew why needles scared me so much, all I knew is that they did scare me and here I was facing a significant fear head on. Willingly even. And suddenly some things I wasn’t afraid of anymore or at least not afraid to face and if I was, I didn’t let it eat me alive as I would have normally let fear do. It was an odd sort of confidence boost. I really believe I proved to myself that I am capable, strong and I overcame a barricade in my mind. I realized that in life, the future, and the choices we have to make may seem scary but I’m okay with being scared, it’s a part of being alive. Being terrified has as much to do with being alive as being exhilarated does. There needs to be a balance, and with a balance of emotions comes growth and experience. Even when situations arise that challenge you, the end result could be even better or help shape who you are.

One day my dad fell very ill, he was hospitalized. His blood count was exceedingly low and he wasn’t in good condition. That day, I was there in the hospital with him when he received three units of blood. It took three donations to save my dad and those three people who chose to donate saved his life and inspired me to want to save someone’s life too. Even though I don’t know who they are, I always wish that they are well and I am thankful towards them. During the blood donation they said they didn’t reach their goal for that day, they barely got 100 donations. While I understand that some people can’t donate, there are a lot of people that can and I wish more would. Honestly, it's such a simple act that can change someone’s life, their families' lives, and even the life of the person who donated. As we walked out to the car that night my dad said, “I’m proud of you bud, I couldn’t do that, they were searching for awhile.” I won’t ever forget the feeling I experienced that night, I was happy and then suddenly relieved, at what I allowed myself to overcome, so now I wait every 56 days until I can donate again, and experience euphoric memories of how my first blood drive lead me on a path to significant self-growth. And now to leave you with this, simple and selfless acts may not always seem like much to some but they can be everything to another.


About the Creator

Ariana Yeager

But, what if it does work out?

She walks through Hell with a smile because she owns her demons.

Don't say why me, say try me.

If you can't beat the fear, do it scared.

You only live once? False. You live everyday.

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