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Celebration of Faith and Love

By Dare Arowolo Published 10 months ago 3 min read

I want to use this privilege, on this very significant day to celebrate an icon who play an extraordinary role in my journey. Today, we come together to honor a truly exceptional woman—a pastor and a mother—who pours out love, kindness, and unwavering faith into the lives she touches. On this special day, we celebrate her remarkable impact and reflect upon the beautiful qualities that make her an inspiration to us all.


Pastor Bola Oloko is a guiding light for countless souls of which I am not an exception. Each time she steps up to the pulpit, her words ignite a fire within the hearts of her congregation. Her sermons are driven by an unwavering faith and a genuine desire to uplift and inspire. Through her teachings, she encourages to embrace hope, find strength in times of adversity, and live our lives with compassion and grace.

Beyond the walls of the church, she faithfully extends her wisdom, support, and prayer to those in need. Regardless of the challenges faced, she keeps her faith resolute, reminding us that there is always a silver lining in life's darkest moments. Her unwavering belief in God's love and providence sustains us, reminding us that with faith, anything is possible.


In addition to her invaluable guidance as a pastor, our beloved mummy is also an extraordinary mother. She exemplifies the true essence of motherhood. Her nurturing spirit shines through in the gentle words she shares, the comforting hugs she offers, and the unconditional love that knows no boundaries.

She remembers our joys and sorrows, always ready to extend her hand in friendship or wipe away our tears. Her caring nature radiates warmth and security, creating a safe haven for those seeking solace or guidance. To each of us, she is not simply a pastor but a motherly figure whose unwavering love and care have shaped our lives in countless ways.


What sets our dear pastor and mother apart is not only her faith and motherly qualities but also her deep empathy and compassion. She has an extraordinary ability to connect with people on a profound level, to empathize with their struggles, and to provide the support they need. Be it a shoulder to lean on or a listening ear, she is always ready to give of herself to alleviate the pain of others.

Her selflessness extends to the wider community as well. She tirelessly engages in outreach programs, working to improve the lives of the less fortunate. Her acts of kindness, whether big or small, have brought hope and happiness to countless lives. Always leading by example, she teaches us the value of kindness, compassion, and the transformative power of giving back.

Today, as we gather to honor this incredible woman, let us recognize the immeasurable impact she has had on our lives. Her unwavering faith, loving nature, and boundless compassion have touched us deeply, and her dedication to her roles as both pastor and mother has left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Happy birthday to our extraordinary pastor and mother. May this day be filled with an abundance of joy, love, and blessings. As we reflect on the beautiful person she is, let us strive to emulate her inspiring qualities as we continue our own journeys of faith, love, and compassion.


As we commemorate this special day, we reflect on the beautiful words from Your Word, found in Psalm 139:13-14, which say, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb......

Father, we lift her up before You today, asking that You continue to pour out Your blessings upon her life, sustain her with Your strength and wisdom, and grant her the desires of her heart. May her faith in You deepen with each passing year, and may she continually find strength and joy in You.

We also pray for her well-being, both physically and spiritually. Protect and guide her, O Lord, as she navigate the challenges and pressures that come with her roles as a pastor and a mother. Give her peace amidst any storms they may face and surround her with a community of love and support.


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