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Holistic Dentistry: The Key to Preventing and Reversing Cavities?

How the Weston Price Diet and a Focus on Overall Health Can Transform Your Oral Health

By Izabela BąkPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Holistic Dentistry: The Key to Preventing and Reversing Cavities?
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Cavities are a common dental problem caused by tooth decay, where acids attack the enamel, creating small holes or cavities that can lead to tooth loss and infections. While poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates are often blamed for causing cavities, research suggests that deficiencies in certain nutrients and vitamins also play a significant role in their formation. In this article, we will explore the concept of holistic dentistry, which focuses on dental hygiene in the context of overall body health and how it can help prevent and even reverse cavities.

Holistic dentistry is not a complete rejection of modern dental hygiene, but rather a shift in focus towards dental hygiene in the context of overall body health. The idea of holistic dentistry was put together by Weston Price, the founder of the National Dental Association and a pioneer of holistic dentistry. Price traveled to remote tribes in different parts of the world, including Aboriginals and Native Americans, and was surprised to find that they all had perfectly healthy teeth, without regular dental check-ups. He discovered that cavities were rare in these cultures because they did not have a Westernized diet, with their main source of nutrients being fish, fatty meats, and butter, meaning sugar and grains were missing from their diet.

Price's diet primarily considered fats and butter as two essential ingredients that can prevent tooth decay. His diet is often compared to the Paleo diet, which focuses on little to no grains. Price emphasized the importance of knowing that nuts, plants, and grains can be prepared in a way that neutralizes phytates before they can neutralize other nutrients in the body. Price's diet also pushes for people to eat lacto-fermented foods, especially vegetables because they can limit phytate and are excellent for your gut.

In addition, Price's diet accouDental cavities are a common issue that many people face, and often the solution is a visit to the dentist for a filling or other dental work. However, there is an alternative approach to dental health that focuses on prevention rather than treatment. This approach is known as holistic dentistry and emphasizes the importance of a natural, healthy diet and lifestyle for maintaining strong teeth and overall health.

The concept of holistic dentistry was pioneered by Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who traveled the world in the early 1900s studying the dental health of various populations. He found that people who ate traditional, nutrient-dense diets had much better dental health than those who ate a modern, processed diet. Price identified several key factors in a healthy diet, including nutrient-dense animal foods, healthy fats, and fermented foods.

One of the key factors in a healthy diet, according to Price, is the avoidance of processed foods and refined sugars. These foods can cause imbalances in the gut microbiome, leading to inflammation and a weakened immune system. They also contribute to the widespread problem of lactose digestion in people in the West, which can lead to tooth decay and other health issues.

Price also advocated for the use of ghee, a type of clarified butter, as a healthy fat alternative. Ghee is high in calories but has no sugar or carbs and contains vitamin K, which is a fat-soluble vitamin that can activate tooth mineralization, vital for cavity prevention.

Price's colleagues took the diet a step further and tested it to see if it could not only prevent tooth decay but also reverse it. A clinical study was launched and published in the British Medical Journal, demonstrating that the diet could greatly impact healthy teeth in children aged five and six, who had badly formed teeth with dental cavities. The study measured the degree of hardness of the teeth among other aspects to paint a clearer picture of tooth health, which was measured before and after the diet change. The study found that there was an arrest in the cavity process, there was no new formation of cavities, and in some cases, there was remineralization of teeth.

While holistic dentistry can help prevent and even reverse cavities, it is important to tailor the diet to the person's age, health, and lifestyle before embracing the Price diet fully. For example, young children and pregnant women have different nutrient needs and should be careful when adopting dietary changes. Additionally, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing regularly.

In conclusion, the concept of holistic dentistry provides a valuable alternative to conventional dental hygiene practices that can help prevent cavities and promote overall body health. By emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle, holistic dentistry can help people maintain strong teeth and gums naturally and without the need for invasive dental procedures.

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About the Creator

Izabela Bąk

I'm a passionate business analyst.

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