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His Cup Overflows

By Malia

By MaliaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

What genius decided soap should smell like food? That’s a call to poison control waiting to happen. Aiden thought, despite the fact that all of his favorite Bath and Body Works soaps were food scented.

Namely Strawberry Pound Cake, Market Peach, and Black Cherry Merlot.

His sole purpose in critiquing soap was to kill time and calm his nerves. His first post-COVID date would take place in the restaurant across the street two hours from then. Aiden had forgotten how to "person” let alone flirt.

So, happily focused on soap, Aiden decided to give them sniffs back-to-back. He carefully unscrewed the top of the Black Cherry Merlot and placed it back on the shelf open, its pump next to it. As he grabbed Market Peach, his hand bumped into the open bottle next to it.

To his horror, the Black Cherry Merlot fell from the shelf. He went to grab it ninja fast, only to knock it further away… where it spilled!

All over a woman’s shirt!

Not just any woman, but an alarmingly attractive one.

“Ah!” She jumped in shock.

The entirety of her black button down shirt was dripping.

Aiden turned a shade of red he hadn’t been before.

“Goodness… I am so so sorry!” Hastily he grabbed a million paper towels from the hand washing station, went to dab her dry, winced, then handed her the paper towels.

“Thanks.” She said, sopping up the soap, breathing getting faster.

Aiden noticed she wore professional slacks and her black hair slicked neatly in a ponytail. “Uh oh, were you trying to relax after work and I ruined your day?”

Her eyes were watering, but they still managed to crinkle in the corner with a smile. “No. I needed more hand sanitizer before my shift… I’ll just call in late and run home to change.”

Aiden shrunk into himself. “I can’t make you late! Look, if the shop next door has a shirt that works for you I’ll buy it!”

She said it wasn’t necessary but he insisted it was. Within minutes they were out of the store with the soap paid for, the sanitizer, and an extra bag for her shirt.

At the clothing store, Aiden immediately found a blouse nearly identical to the one she had on and extended it for her approval.

She squinted at it, “That will work fine! But… your sleeve is all wet too!”

Indeed, the bottom half of his left sleeve was dripping. “Crap!”

“You look sharp. Were you on your way to work too?” She asked, arching one eyebrow.

Aiden, unsure if that was a flirt, reluctantly admitted, “I… have a date after this.”

“Oh.” She checked her watch. “I still have forty minutes. Let’s find you a shirt too then!”

In go mode, they hunted in the men’s section. “I got it!” Aiden exclaimed, holding up a shirt covered in pictures of Nicolas Cage.

She winced.

“Joking!” He laughed.

Then she laughed, “Thank God.” She threw a shirt at him, “This would really make your eyes pop!”

The blue pinstripes where just his style. “Sold!”

The checkout line snaked to the back of the store. She was standing so close Aiden could feel her body heat. A fact he tried to ignore.

“So, tell me about your hot date!”

Aiden suddenly found his shoes fascinating. “I really don’t know much about her. A mutual friend set us up. All he told me is that she’s a “bombshell blonde” and we seem like we’d get along.”

“Sounds promising.” She smiled. “And you’re a nice guy. It will go great.”

Aiden smiled awkwardly. “Thanks, but you barely know me.”

She looked in the distance a few moments then back into his eyes. “I’ve heard it said that we all are like a container, and when life shakes us around, what spills out is what we hold within us. For example, if you harbor anger you will have an outburst, or if you’re full of love you’ll show grace. A glass of Merlot will never spill out coffee. You get me?”

“Yeah. You’re rubbing in that I spilled soap on you!”

She laughed, “No! But when that happened you were shaken, yet you responded with thoughtfulness and a solution. That proves you contain at least some good character.”

His heart grew warm then, “You responded with kindness when spilled on. That’s harder I think.”

Finally it was their turn to be wrung up. Once she had her newly purchased shirt in one hand, she gave his hand a firm shake with the other. “Well I gotta run. Thanks and good luck tonight!”

Aiden stood and watched her walk out with his hand still extended. What a beautiful, kind, calming woman.

Catching himself, he shook off the thoughts of her and went out to find the perfect bouquet of flowers for Miss Bombshell. His friend had told her to look for a man with flowers.

The florist cart was guarded by a turtleneck wearing man who pushed his chest out like a peacock. Aiden agonized over the choices until the worker waved a hand over the single stem red roses.

“These say, ‘I love you.’” Said the man with puckered lips.

Aiden shook his head, “Not there yet.” Then he zeroed in on a bouquet of pink and orange daisies that just looked so happy.

“Those say, ‘nice to meet you cutie.’” This time the man spoke as if he felt a bit queasy.

“Perfect.” Aiden smiled and bought them. Indeed, he hoped it would be nice to meet her, and that she’d be cute. His nerves were then met with equal parts excitement.

Musings of Miss Bombshell followed him to the restaurant over an hour later. He had picked this one for its beachfront view and it didn’t disappoint. The hostess led him to a table on the rooftop that screamed “romance.” Heat lamps made it toasty. Strung lights made it cozy.

A voice interrupted. “Hi, my name is Joy and I will be your server tonight.”

He glanced up into a familiar pair of twinkling brown eyes. All at once he felt excitement and horror.

“Oh!” He said as all the blood drained from his face. It was her. The woman he had spilled soap all over. “What are the chances?”

“I know right? Nice shirt by the way.” She laughed.

“Nice shirt yourself!”

His hands grew clammy. Aiden sat a little taller in his chair.

Joy pulled out her note pad and switched the tone of her voice to sound more professional. “So, what can I get you to drink, sir?”

“Water, please.”

She nodded and left.

Now his leg bounced like a rubber ball.

The table shook but he didn’t notice.

He studied the menu as if he would be tested on it, breaking only to scan the room for a woman as nervous looking as he felt.

She was ten minutes late.

Breath in. Breath out.

He propped up the bouquet on the table so it would be more visible.

She was twenty minutes late.

Joy snuck up to refill his water and whispered, “I’m sure she’ll be here soon. Good choice on the flowers by the way, they look very happy.”

As Joy walked away, Aiden noticed a familiar face across the room at the front desk. It was his cousin.

“Marlena, is that you?” He yelled and waved.

She turned around quickly, then shouted his name. She ran to embrace him, heels clacking loudly.

“I haven’t seen you since before the shut down!” She grinned and tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. “It’s good to see you.”

Uncharacteristically, she wore a red dress stuck to her like saran wrap. A dress so short it could be classified as a shirt as well. “You’re awfully dressed up!” He exclaimed.

“Yeah. I’m here for a date but am a bit late. I’m hoping the poor guy is still here.” She looked around the room frantically. Just then, Aiden put together the pieces. First he felt numb, then cold. Then he burst out laughing.

“What??” She sounded offended until she noticed the bouquet on his table. “Oh no. Are you the hottie-with-a-swimmer’s-body Josh told me about it?”

“He called me that?” Aiden laughed harder. “I’m gonna kill him.”

She rolled her eyes and sat down. “Whelp. We might as well catch up.”

“Agreed. But Josh was right that we’d get along. You are my favorite cousin.”

A minute later Joy came by.

“I see you two are getting along great already! What can I get started for you?” Joy’s voice cracked and Aiden felt a little thrown off himself.

Marlena told Joy her order then looked to her cousin, “And what would you like hottie-with-a-swimmer’s-body.”

Joy turned red.

“Eh.” He pulled at his collar. “Risotto, please.”

“Good choice.” Joy left with no time for Aiden to update her.

Marlena began chatting immediately. She had a way of speaking while inhaling that prevented Aiden from stating his predicament.

A few minutes later Joy was back.

“Here is your water. And your glass of Cactus Park Merlot.” She set the alcoholic beverage in front of him.

“Oh I didn’t order Merlot...” he stopped mid sentence. Then he glared at Joy, who just winked and left.

“Ohhhhhkay, what was that?” Marlena’s eyebrow touched her hairline.

Aiden explained as Marlena leaned in closer and closer. “This is fantastic! But she thinks I am your date… I’ll storm out like you offended me! No... I’ll act completely woo’d by you then you break it off in front of her!”

“Or we could just tell the truth...”

She stuck her tongue out, “You’re so boring.”

Then the dinner rush hit. Every available table became full. Joy was hopping around with trays of food and drink. The closest the two came to interacting was finding one looking at the other only to glance away. When their food was ready, a different waiter dropped it off.

Aiden found his leg bouncing again and focusing on conversation became increasingly difficult.

Just as Aiden was studying how the wine interacted with his mouthful of risotto, Joy came back. While she was refilling their cups he chewed as fast as he could. Marlena shot him a wide eyed look.

Joy slipped their check onto the table in saying: “Thanks guys, no rush.” But there was a rush, which she rushed off to.

Did I miss my chance?

Marlena handed him some cash, the pen and receipt. “You got this!”

Hands shaking, Aiden wrote: Joy, my blind date was my cousin! Would you meet me on the beach for a date of our own? Ideally I’d take you out for coffee, but a moonlit stroll should do nicely. - Aiden

There on the table the receipt, note, and flowers waited to be received by Joy.

The cousins said their goodbyes. Aiden found a bench under the tallest palm tree. He watched the sand change from pink to gray as the sun finally dipped below the horizon. All too soon, Aiden was alone with the sound of the waves and the feeling of his chest growing tighter and tighter.

Ten o’clock rolled around, an hour after the restaurant's closing. Just as he was about to stand and go home, he heard her voice.

“Coffee anyone?”

It was Joy with two to-go coffees.

The tightness of his chest released with a burst that lit up his face like a firework. He patted the space next to him. She scooted close, and handed him his cup.

Their fingers touched. Joy leaned in and her lips parted in an unmistakable invitation.

His eyes closed.

Their lips collided.

Aiden’s heart exploded.

His hands gripped tight into fists…

And his coffee spilled all over her new shirt.


About the Creator


I write for challenges to challenge myself to write.

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    MaliaWritten by Malia

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