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Here's what we can learn from Meg thee Stallion and Tory Lanez

There are always two sides to every story.

By the kitchen sink. Published 4 years ago 4 min read

Let me begin by stating for the record that no man should ever put his hands on a woman, much less shoot them. The same is true for women. Domestic violence should be a no brainer. No one deserves to be shot. Megan thee Stallion did not deserve to be shot and we should continue to protect our women.

Now... That said, this entire situation is unfortunate. If you haven’t been following the news in pop/hip-hop & rap culture, Meg Thee Stallion released a statement on social media confirming that she was in fact shot in both of her feet by Singer/Rapper Tory Lanez.

The world has been waiting anxiously for Tory’s side of the story. We all have been waiting for him to address the situation and just say something. Albeit confirming the details, proclaiming his innocence, releasing an apology – everyone has just been waiting. Tory finally broke his silence by releasing a project dedicated to the incident and his take on things.

What we all can learn from this situation is quite a few things:

By David Travis on Unsplash

Silence is powerful.

I learned quite some time ago that silence is extremely loud in almost every situation. Have you ever argued with your partner or significant other and they ignored you? Sent a lengthy text craving a reply and didn’t get one? Confessed something you’ve done, for the receiving person to not even utter a word? Waited anxiously for your favorite celebrity to clear up a rumor while they kept their silence? It drove you crazy, right? Well, often – with the right intention – silence is indicative of strength. Keeping your peace and holding onto your silence allows you the opportunity to just... listen. When you’re silent, you have the chance to really analyze the situation at hand: sit back and allow others the opportunity to speak their own peace and react how they see fit. That is what Tory did. Some might say he kept his silence to build anticipation to release a project and make money. While that could be true, try looking at it from a different lens: Tory Lanez sat back allowed others the opportunity to draw their own conclusions and chatter amongst themselves about something only two people really know the truth about. When you’re silent, you access the situation in its entirety. You don’t respond out of emotion. You don’t react out of impulse. Your silence – when used purposefully – creates a space where you can remove yourself from the situation and observe. Ingest the reality of what’s going on, and present an opportunity for yourself to reflect first, then move accordingly.

Keep your relationship private.

Now, Tory Lanez and Meg are in the public eye, thus their private business (made publicly) is open for public consumption. However, up until this happened, no one really knew – or was able to confirm – they were an item. Keeping your relationship, and things that happen within your relationship private is key for successful one. Once you open your relationship up to outside opinions, influences, and detail vultures, your relationship is no longer your own. It is no longer a safe space for you and your partner. It is no longer a space where the two of you can make mistakes privately, learn from them, and move forward without being ridiculed and judged publicly. Ever run to your friend every time you’re in a fight with your partner, and feel stupid when things get worked out and you run back to them? Have you ever shared every detail of your private relationship with someone and you can't seem to figure out why your relationship is always going through the motions? Every detail of your life is not for everyone. People plot. People wish bad on you. People are jealous. Something so sacred and precious to you is subject to negative energy and the plots of others the moment you choose to share what should be kept private. You never know who is secretly wishing you fail. You never know is secretly plotting to take your man or woman. You never know when someone quite literally, is praying for your downfall (or your relationship's). You should be able to break up and make up or have fights with your partner without the fear of being that dumb guy – or girl – that always goes back. Keep your relationship private and see what success you find from it.

By Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Celebrities are just... human.

After listening to Tory’s project, at the end of the day these were two people in a relationship – or situationship – that just happened to be made public. Real people go through real things, even when you’re a celebrity. It is important to remember that everything that glitters isn’t gold. You should never look to a couple as “relationship goals” even if they are Beyonce and Jay-Z, or Tory Lanez and Meg Thee Stallion because you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Even your favorite celebs deal with everyday life, and unfortunately, Megan is currently having to relive a traumatic experience because it is continuously headline news. Couples, spouses, friends with benefits, and human beings involved will go through things. We shouldn’t be surprised if they end up back together, because at the end of the day they’re just... human.


About the Creator

the kitchen sink.

In the kitchen sink, we look for all things we can consume that benefit our life! Knowledge is power and health is wealth. We’re here to eat and spill the tea. Grab a dish.

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