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Healthy and unhealthy relationship

The difference between a healthy and unhealthy love relationship

By julia kimPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Healthy and unhealthy relationship
Photo by Pradeep Potter on Unsplash

Therefore, the word "love" undoubtedly comes to mind when you think about a child, a close friend, or a romantic partner. Immediately after that, other emotions such as joy and hope, excitement, trust and security, and yes, occasionally sadness and disappointment, rush in. Perhaps there is no word in the English language to which more of us can relate than love. It's odd that we are never expressly taught how to love, despite the fact that it plays such a significant role in our lives.

With the hope that we'll figure it out, we establish friendships, manage brief romantic relationships, get married, and bring babies home from the hospital. But the truth is that we frequently treat the people we love disrespectfully. It may be done subtly to shame a child for not trying hard enough in school or to guilt a friend into spending time with you. Other examples include peeking into your partner's texts. We will all engage in bad behaviors in relationships, and we will all engage in unhealthy behaviors ourselves. It accompanies being human.

One in three women and one in four men may suffer relational abuse in their lifetime, which manifests itself in its worst forms as abuse and violence towards our loved ones. When you hear those statistics, if you're like most people, you'll immediately think, "Oh, no, no, no, that would never happen to me." When we hear the words "abuse" or "violence," our natural reaction is to turn away and assume that these things only happen to other people in other places. But the reality is that abusive behavior and dysfunctional relationships are pervasive. We simply refer to them by various names while ignoring their link.

In an unhealthy relationship, abuse can sneak up on us. We want to increase everyone's ability to love more effectively by providing a common language for discussing a subject that is generally taboo and hard to talk about. We also want to empower a large front line of support, mainly friends. It's crucial to begin by highlighting the dangerous symptoms that we commonly ignore in order to do this.

• Intensity: Abusive behavior is not always present in relationships. They get off to an amazing and thrilling start. There is a rush of intense feelings and love. It feels wonderful. You truly feel as though you have struck the lottery. But in an unhealthy relationship, these emotions gradually change from exhilarating to overwhelming and possibly even suffocating. Your gut tells you something. Maybe it's when your new boyfriend or girlfriend starts showing up everywhere, messaging and calling a lot, or when they declare "I love you" sooner than you were prepared for.

Even though they are aware that you had other commitments that day, they may become irritated if you take a while to answer. It's critical to keep in mind that how a relationship develops over time is more essential than how it begins.

In the early stages of a new relationship, it's critical to pay attention to how you're feeling. Do you feel at ease with the intimacy's pace? Do you feel as though you have room to move about and breathe? Starting to speak about your own demands with your voice is equally crucial to master. Your requests are being honored?

• Isolation is a second indicator of unhealthy love, and in my opinion, it is one of the most usually overlooked and misinterpreted symptoms. Why? Every new relationship begins with this strong desire to spend time together, so it might be simple to overlook when anything changes. When your new partner begins isolating you from your friends and family, your support system and becomes more and more dependent upon you, isolation sets in. They may question why you spend time with them, for example. They're such losers," or, "They want us to split up," when referring to your best buddies. In regards to your family, they are entirely against us.

Sowing seeds of doubt about everyone in your romantic life is what isolation is all about.

Healthy relationships feature independence, two people who enjoy spending time together while maintaining ties to the people and pursuits they previously valued. Even though you might first spend every waking moment together, maintaining your independence over time is crucial. To accomplish this, make and adhere to plans with friends, and encourage your partner to do the same.

• Extreme jealousy is yet another sign of an unhealthy relationship. Extreme jealousy can resurface once the honeymoon phase ends. Your partner may start to be more controlling, constantly wanting to know where you are and who you are seeing, or they may start stalking you both offline and online.

Extreme jealousy is also accompanied by possessiveness and mistrust, repeated allegations of infidelity or flirting, and a failure to listen to you when you reassure them that you solely have their best interests at heart. Any human relationship will inevitably experience envy, but intense jealousy is different. It has a hint of danger, desperation, and rage. This is not how love should feel.

You can evaluate and better understand almost every relationship in your life by being aware of the warning signs of unhealthy love. For the first time, you might comprehend why you're disappointed in a friendship or why you experience anxiety and discouragement whenever you interact with a particular family member.

You might even start to recognize how your own ferocity and envy are creating issues with coworkers. While you can't make every unhealthy relationship healthy—some of them you'll have to end—understanding is the first step to improvement, you can take daily steps to make relationships better.

The good news is that it's not particularly complicated. We may practice open communication, respect for one another, kindness, and patience every day. Additionally, while practice will undoubtedly improve you, I must reassure you that it will not make you flawless.

When that standard is not fulfilled, people should be for how they are treated and have a language and a voice to use instead of just tolerating it. Relationships have been viewed for far too long as a delicate subject, despite the fact that they are among the most crucial and difficult life skills to master.

Understanding and practicing the art of being healthy may enhance almost every element of your life. Not only can it help you escape the rabbit hole that leads to unhealthy love, but it can also help you avoid harmful symptoms. Even if love is an instinct and an emotion, I am persuaded that we can all develop and get better at loving through time. Thankyou.


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  • julia kim (Author)10 months ago

    Good work

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