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Halloween 13

Chapter 2 (there is no life plan)

By Big Bird Published 4 years ago 6 min read

Ok so I swore off boys. Well, not too long after the movie theatre incident I went to visit my grandmother since I got my braces off. It was one of my favorite places to go because there was a park, a diner, and a couple stores nearby. They were all within walking distance so my freedom expanded. She lived in a cute little neighborhood similar to ours so it was never unsafe to walk around by myself.

One day I went to get some snacks and I passed by a house with the garage open. There was a black 1972 Corvette Stingray being fixed by a handsome guy my age!! I didn’t know much about cars but I have always loved the shape of any classic car. Cars like that are such beautiful works of art, and at that moment, it looked as though the owner was also.

I proceeded to strike up a conversation although I was scared shitless. I had passed by his house many times before and heard drumming but never knew who it was. I asked if he was a drummer and he was suprised I knew he played. We began to talk, and I found out this handsome face was named Kevin. It was his dads car but they were fixing it up. He let me sit in its all leather interior beauty. I acted as if everything he was saying was penetrating my brain turning into logic, but it’s as if everything went kind of fuzzy. I smiled and nodded to pretty much anything he said, and he was so sweet and smiley right back.

From then on we became fast friends. I met his sister, dad, and mother. Now every time I went to grandmas I had to stop by Kevin’s house.

One day I went by and I saw his mom outside spraying off sidewalk chalk from their driveway. It was summer and I had on Jean shorts, a crop top, and ur typical stylish platform strappy shoes, as if I wasn’t tall enough already.

I asked if Kevin was home, and then something happened. As she said no I’m sorry he’s not, I felt a leak in my pants. I wasn’t peeing, but something was making me shit myself. Panic immediately took over and I said “ok I’ll check back later”, and I booked

it! I’ve never run so fast in my life. All I could think about was getting to my grandmas toilet. I was 4.5 blocks away, and Thank God I didn’t trip and break my ankle in those shoes because man was I sprinting ! I ran into the house down the hall to the bathroom and my shorts were ruined. I’m 13 years old why am I shitting myself?!?!

That was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I didn’t have a change of clothes so I talked to my Oma and she put my shorts in the wash. I took a bath in the meantime, and sat around in the back bedroom pants-less for awhile. I wasn’t sick but that was the first time my body had done that involuntarily.

Later that day Kevin called and I definitely didn’t tell him about my shitty ass day, but we tentatively made plans for Halloween.

His sister Amanda knew I had a mad crush on her brother, but we started to be close friends so she didn’t mind if I liked him. In fact one day I came over ,and she decided to do a makeover on me to impress Kevin. She told me she needed to pluck my eyebrows. I had never plucked them before and she seemed like a pretty stylish teenager so I said ok and off the hairs went.

In the 90s very thin eyebrows were popular. Girls were expected to be skinny with eyebrows to match, and the make up was pretty hideous in my opinion. Emily decided to pluck mine very thin. It wasn’t bad and I liked it at the time but boy was my mom MAD and they never grew back the same. I did get a smile or two from Ken afterwards, and he played the first song he ever learned on his new guitar 🎸 for me which was “All The Small Things” by Blink-182.

Finally a few weeks went by, I turned 14, and Halloween 🎃 came around. I was a biker babe, Kevin was a zombie, and Amanda was Britney Spears. My mom took me to my grandmas to trick or treat. At the time my cousin was living over there also. I went to see him while I had time to kill, and look through his CD collection since I knew it was content my parents wouldn’t allow. I picked out the only female CD he owned which was “Tidal” by Fiona Apple 🍎. The cover was white but it had beautiful black and white photos of this disingenuous artist I had never heard before. He let me listen to it so I put the CD into the player. My life was Forever changed that night when I heard Fiona sing “Criminal.”

Shortly after I left to go trick or treating with my friends. Ken was in rare form that night. He was trying to jump on my back and horsing around WAY more than usual. I had no idea how I was doing game wise. Did he like me, or did he like me like me? Boys are so hard to read sometimes so I just gave up and played along. We got TONS of candy in our pillow cases that evening. Amanda and everyone else in our crew went home and Kevin offered to walk me back to my grandmas since it was dark out.

We got there and my grandparents were conveniently out for dinner. My cousin was home, but he usually stayed in his room for the most part. My grandparents had a very awesome wooden swing in the backyard. I asked if Kevin wanted to sit down for a minute. He said yes. We sat down and rocked back and forth staring at the clear navy blue night sky.

We talked and laughed and then what I wished came true. He asked me if he could kiss me. I said sure and this kiss was so very different from the only other one I had experienced. First of all no more braces, but the best part he wasn’t over zealous. He flowed with my pace and truly tried to read me and what I was saying without words. It was the most amazing Erotic experience any innocent teenager could experience. Plus he was a gentleman and didn’t try to be inappropriately handsy and any tongue was amazing. Once I got my barings the inner hormones took over and we really started to make out. I had my hands in his hair he was kissing my neck and we lip locked for a good few minutes. Then towards the end I realized something...Kevin was a zombie for Halloween!!!! I had no way of hiding what we were doing afterwards. Once we calmed down he told me I was a very good kisser. I blushed and told him he was also. We got up so he could go and he hugged me really tight. It was magical but then my mouth took over and said my famous last words that forever kept me in the friend zone from then on. Hey Kevin does this mean you’re my boyfriend? 🤦🏽‍♀️ The 35 year old me wants to slap the 14 year old me.

He smiled and walked away. I went back into the house to find my cousin was out of his room!!!! He was 24 at the time, but still looking out for me till I was picked up. He said “So if you give me half your candy I won’t tell your dad what you were doing.” My mouth dropped open.”

“What do you think I was doing?” I asked “Oh Go look in the mirror!” He scolded. So I looked, and not only did I have partial zombie make up on me, my hair was a mess, and I had lip prints all over my neck. Oh jeez I said to myself and washed everything off at the sink.

I came back in the living room and my cousin was laughing at me. Well did you have fun? He asked

“Of course I did” I replied

Ok good, now give me the candy....

The End

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About the Creator

Big Bird

Hello Everyone!! I’m a very blunt and opinionated single mom trying to survive while facing many obstacles. I call it like I see it. My child was the product of a one night stand on TINDER. Hope You enjoy.

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    Big Bird  Written by Big Bird

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