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Generation Z:

Boon or bane

By Idara UmohPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

also knon as Gen Z, encompasses individuals born from the late 1990s to the late 2010s. Celebrated for their early exposure to and proficiency in technology, entrepreneurial spirit, and emphasis on authenticity, this generation represents a shift in how we interact with the digital world. While these traits bring many positives, overindulgence can lead to significant drawbacks.


The pervasive access to technology from a young age has resulted in issues like internet addiction and challenges in social communication. This phenomenon is not merely a matter of spending too much time online; it can significantly reduce productivity and harm physical health due to prolonged sedentary behavior. Excessive screen time and online engagement can lead to addiction, impacting sleep patterns, mental well-being, and overall health.

A striking example is the tendency of many young people to spend hours scrolling through social media feeds, binge-watching shows, or gaming. These activities, while entertaining, can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to issues like obesity, poor posture, and eye strain. Moreover, the blue light emitted from screens can disrupt sleep cycles, leading to sleep deprivation and its associated problems, such as impaired cognitive function and increased stress levels.

Finding a balance between digital engagement and offline activities is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Encouraging hobbies that involve physical activity, promoting outdoor adventures, and setting screen-time limits are effective strategies. Educational campaigns highlighting the importance of digital detoxes and mindful technology use can also play a vital role in combating digital addiction.

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While technology offers incredible tools for learning and communication, its misuse can undermine critical thinking and research skills. The concerning trend of over-reliance on social media platforms, particularly in education, is notable. Rather than conducting thorough research, some students may turn to quick answers from sources like ChatGPT for assignments. While these tools can provide useful information, an overdependence on them can potentially lower educational standards and produce inadequately prepared professionals.

Moreover, the unchecked spread of misinformation through social media channels and influencers can mislead and confuse the public on important issues. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant amount of false information about the virus, vaccines, and treatments spread rapidly through social media, contributing to public confusion and hesitancy.

To mitigate these negative impacts, educational institutions and individuals must promote media literacy and discernment. Teaching students to evaluate sources critically, verify information, and understand the biases in digital content is essential. Media literacy programs should be integrated into school curriculums to equip young people with the skills needed to navigate the digital landscape responsibly.

Metal Health Concerns

Gen Z faces disproportionately high rates of anxiety and depression, often exacerbated by social media comparisons. Social media's curated presentations can create unrealistic expectations and foster feelings of inadequacy or anxiety. Celebrities and influencers on platforms like Instagram can set unrealistic standards, leading followers to pursue unattainable goals. This can result in severe consequences, including physical disfigurement and psychological distress.

For instance, the trend of undergoing risky procedures like plastic surgery to emulate celebrity appearances is alarming. The pursuit of an idealized image often portrayed on social media can lead to body dysmorphia, low self-esteem, and, in extreme cases, depression and suicidal thoughts.

To address these mental health concerns, it's important for individuals to cultivate self-awareness and seek support when necessary. Mental health education should be prioritized in schools and communities to help young people recognize the signs of anxiety and depression and understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Additionally, promoting positive body image and self-acceptance through campaigns and supportive networks can help mitigate the adverse effects of social media comparisons.

While Generation Z benefits immensely from their technological prowess and entrepreneurial spirit, addressing these potential downsides requires a balanced approach that prioritizes mental health, critical thinking, and responsible technology use. By fostering a culture of mindfulness, education, and support, we can help Gen Z navigate the digital age healthily and productively. Balancing the boons and drawbacks of technology is crucial for ensuring that the next generation thrives both online and offline.


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    IUWritten by Idara Umoh

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