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For Those That Haven't Got That Guy On Lock Yet

Worried He's Not That Into You, Maybe There's Something You Can Do About It

By Jason Ray Morton Published 2 years ago 5 min read
For Those That Haven't Got That Guy On Lock Yet
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Are you worried he's not that into you? Maybe it's something simpler, something that you don't realize is important but is more important than you could imagine. Maybe it's some innocuous little thing that you do, or don't do, that he secretly wishes you would.

Guys only think about one thing. Right? If that's the case, then why haven't you got that guy in your life nailed down? Could it be that you aren't thinking about the same thing that he is? Maybe you're still assuming that all guys are nailable by nailing them? Times, they are changing, and with that so are the men.

You're Ignoring Obvious Facts

Nailing a guy down is still as easy as it ever was, but you might need a new strategy. The good part about that is that it makes guys seem less like the "dogs" in the relationship construct. Men change, and they mature. So if the old standby isn't working, then you might want to start paying attention to the obvious facts about men.

  • Men are more comfortable with being nerds in the 21st century. Even the 20th-century men have embraced that inner nerd that was always there. If you're not embracing the things that go along with dating a nerd, you'll never nail the guy down. Hence, sharing life with today's men means embracing things like Star Wars, The Avengers, Lord of the Rings, science fiction, and any other symbol of geekdom that once turned women off.
  • Men are paying more attention to the world. What this means is that you are competing for our attention. If you don't know what is going on in the world, there's no amount of sex that's going to keep you interesting over a long period.
  • Men are more aware. We've become aware of what we want from our relationships, what makes us feel loved and appreciated. We've become aware of the importance of feeling love and appreciation. 
  • Men are worried. Men around the world are worried that they can't be men anymore. Politics and social movements have created the feeling that manhood has become villainized by society. To simplify the point, men are in an awkward place where they have to read the landscape of any situation to know how to act appropriately. We've had to change.
  • Men are far less worried about sex than they were just twenty, thirty, and forty years ago. It's true. The downfall of the sexes from the sexual revolution is that sex has less meaning than it once did to men. We'd almost rather take our time and find someone we have lots of things in common with, are socially compatible with, and can be ourselves around rather than worry about "getting laid".

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

No More Control Through Physical Affection

Sorry ladies, but you no longer possess the same control of men that you did in the 80s or 90s. The 21st century changed everything. Now men expect more than the mutually pleasurable exchanging of orgasms. Like kids in a candy store, we'll take what's thrown at us, but it's no longer the biggest carrot you can dangle in front of our faces. 

Men today are more concerned with finding a woman that's fun to be with. They're looking for their best friends, someone that can carry on a conversation all night long and can enjoy old Star Wars movies and the new Disney Plus series. We've come to understand the value of having someone in our lives that cares about the things we care about and will enjoy them with us.

Look at Tik Tok videos for proof. Tik Tok videos are often little more than ways to attract a guy. Girls from their late teens to thirties are showing off their sexy side. The difference, is some of them have found that things like getting in the mud, riding four-wheelers, playing video games, working out, being a badass, and knowing what is going on in the world are a part of a total package that guys wish they could find.

Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

Have Some Fire

That doesn't mean you have to be the famous definition of the word hot. Nope, hot isn't the only trick to landing a man. If you want to nail down a guy, you do need to have some fire inside you. What that means, is you have to be willing to adventure out into the world, go exploring, be a little bit crazy, even.

People say that opposites attract, but do they attract enough they are staying together forever? Or, do opposites attract and eventually, because they have little in common, repel each other? 

It's far easier for couples that like some of the same things, can support the things their partners are into, or at least understand the appeal of something to their partner. If you're just as crazy as he is or are willing to go down that bumpy ride with him, he's going to be into you that much more.

Photo by Max Andrey on Unsplash

Don't Be Afraid To Pursue

For generations, we were on the prowl. the ones doing all the chasing. 100 years ago, it wasn't socially acceptable for a woman to pursue a man. Now, in the 21st century, it's perfectly acceptable to pursue the guy. 

Be the pursuer, even take the lead in situations. Men have spent such a long time as leaders in the world that when a woman takes the initiative guys not only enjoy being able to relax and follow along, they respect the strong and confident side of the woman in the lead role. Women have become so much more than they were in our parents' and our grandparents' generation that when they own that and take the lead, there's something inherently sexy about it.

In Conclusion

If you are trying to nail down a guy and are having a hard time getting the job done, switch up your game. If you used the old-fashioned go-to, sleeping with him, chances are you pulled the trigger too soon for that to be the hook needed to nail him down. It's not too late. 

Become his best friend. Prove that you're every bit as exciting a running partner, or partner-in-crime, as any of his guy pals. Take the lead from time to time, just to take the pressure off of him to think of date night fun. Embrace the things he loves to do. As a guy, we're starting to find those types of attributes in a prospective mate are every bit as important as the boudoir fun.


About the Creator

Jason Ray Morton

I have always enjoyed writing and exploring new ideas, new beliefs, and the dreams that rattle around inside my head. I have enjoyed the current state of science, human progress, fantasy and existence and write about them when I can.

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    Jason Ray Morton Written by Jason Ray Morton

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