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Flavors of Red

First Date Submission

By Jeremy EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Flavors of Red
Photo by Jeff Siepman on Unsplash

“Are you nervous about tonight?” asked Marcus.

“A little. She hasn’t spoken to me since she got back from Atlanta.” said Aiden.

“That’s what tonight is for brother, a little red wine will help make amends.”

“That right there, is exactly what I’m worried about man. There shouldn’t be a reason to make amends if she didn’t do anything. I feel sick about the whole thing.” Aiden was nervously pacing the aisle of wine, barely noticing the numerous bottles of ruby begging to be chosen in front of him.

Marcus, familiar with his best friend’s attraction to Julia, had been setting up a meeting between them for weeks. The banter between them had been growing through their numerous texts and phone calls, but Julia’s quick disappearance to Atlanta the week prior had set Aiden’s insecurities on edge. Tonight’s first meeting at Alyssa’s, Marcus’ girlfriend, house could be the beginning of something for them both. While Aiden continued his frantic pacing, hands pulling aimlessly through his curly hair, Marcus casually browsed the selections, eager to pick up a few bottles to keep them warm on this frighteningly cold February night. Aiden’s nervousness at meeting Julia made him chuckle. To Marcus, going to see Alyssa always felt like coming home. He was eager for his friend to hopefully feel the same way about Julia one day.

For all that he had prepared for the evening, Aiden still felt a bit lovesick, like somehow the night was not going to end in his favor. Though he had no claim to Julia, he worried something had transpired in Atlanta to push her away from him before their first date had even rightfully begun. It was like the universe would somehow summon unexpected variables to prevent him from expressing his emotions clearly and he would fumble for the right words to express how he truly felt. Aiden just wanted Julia to take away the pain of past relationships, to heal him once and for all. Something told him that they were two like minded souls that could help each other to their true purpose.

“Hmm let’s see. I forgot what Alyssa told me she wanted so I’m going to let fate decide and hope it’s sufficient.” said Marcus, his back to Aiden. “Dream Date Merlot. Seems like this might work in your favor Aiden.”

“I can use all the help I can get dude.” Aiden agreed, leaning against the end of the aisle, head tossed back in defeat.

The friends purchased four bottles of Dream Date Merlot, climbed in the car and drove slowly toward Alyssa’s house. Normally a short five minute drive, it took twenty minutes before they arrived at the one story grey brick house.The blistering storm that had blown in earlier that day threatened snow at every turn and the real threat of black ice slowed their journey to a crawl. Their breath formed clouds of mist in the chilly night air as they exited the car. Aiden’s heart beat dramatically against the confines of his ribcage the closer each step came to the door before them. He tried in vain to peer into the windows but the drawn curtains made the house appear as if no one was home. Juggling the two bottles he carried from hand to hand, Marcus rang the doorbell, glancing over his shoulder to smile at Aiden’s misery.

Alyssa opened the door, wearing a set of silver silk pajamas, the blouse slightly exposing her tight stomach, clearly an outfit meant to impress rather than be practical given the state of the weather outside. Unwittingly, Aiden began to roll his eyes and caught himself.

“Hurry up and get inside you two!” She bounced lightly from foot to foot in a childlike manner. Once inside, Marcus, bottles in hand, tried to lean down and give Alyssa a kiss. She shied away, lifting her left shoulder in protest before surrendering and planting a light kiss on Marcus. She then turned to Aiden, giving him a warm friendly hug.

“You can set the bottles on the coffee table in the living room. Julia is on the couch waiting for you.” Her eyes twinkled as they penetrated him trying to read his reaction.

Aiden took a deep breath. He could feel electricity radiate through him, beginning at the tip of his toes and shooting out the top of his head, coursing through his whole body. The living room was dimly lit by candles and Aiden’s throat began to close at the sight of Julia on the couch. She was curled up on the corner of the couch wearing red sweatpants and a matching hoodie as if waiting for him to come keep her warm. Aiden noted that she had that tomboy look about her that he loved. He sat the bottles down and felt his confidence growing. Turning towards her she sat up, eyes transfixed on him and introduced herself. As she hugged him in greeting, he lightly planted a kiss on her forehead, already enamored by her.

Marcus and Alyssa had silently appeared in the doorway, along with the two other bottles, 4 glasses and a wine key.

“We need to get some music going!” Marcus exclaimed, jumping in the air with enthusiasm “And let’s pop that Dream Red Merlot!”

“Dream Red?” questioned Julia as she took the glasses from Alyssa, lining them in a row on the coffee table with the other bottles, her eyebrows raised quizzically.

“Dream Date,” Aiden corrected them under his breath.

Alyssa snorted with laughter. “You two bringing us wine should be dream enough”.

“Now don’t be mean,” Marcus chimed, reentering the room as quickly as he had left, bluetooth speaker in hand, a wink evident in his voice.

With the bottles opened and the ruby wine flowing, the four friends got comfortable and settled in as the smooth R&B played in the background. The merlot was dry and medium bodied with a smooth and fruity finish that warmed its way down their throats and filled them with laughter and growing confidence. It was nights like these that made life worth living. Good conversation, company and the delicious taste of a smooth red flowing through them. Eventually, Marcus and Alyssa dissolved into their own conversation giving Aiden and Julia a chance to speak privately among themselves. When three bottles sat empty before them, knees touching, Aiden and Julia came to each other in solace.

“There’s something I have to tell you about Atlanta..” Julia began.

“Did you have fun?” Aiden asked quizzically, frantically looking down at his hands to avoid her gaze.

“Yes, but..”

“Were you safe”?

“Of course! I just feel like I owe you an explanation”.

“There is no need. In my anticipation for tonight I realized that I don’t need to know what happened. I honestly don’t care and it’s none of my business. As long as you’re here with me now. I feel alive. You help me feel alive.Can’t we just enjoy our first date, hopefully the first of many more, vibe and enjoy the wine”?

“Sure.” Julia responded and for the first time of the night she truly smiled. Leaning in, she kissed Aiden lightly, the slight red of his lips let her taste the merlot in a way she liked even more.

Aiden responded in turn, his lips finding hers all too exciting. From behind them, Marcus loudly cleared his throat. Alyssa’s playful smile caught Julia’s eye, she blushed, turning almost the same shade of ruby that they had been consuming all evening. Aiden glanced at Marcus, grinning from ear to ear, clearly caught red handed.

“To Dream Date Merlot!” Julia raised her glass.

“To Dream Date Merlot” the rest concluded as they chimed their glasses in unison.


About the Creator

Jeremy Edwards

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