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Don't be reactive, you should be proactive. Active coping is based on logical thinking, while passive responses are the lowest level of emotional impulses. Humans are human because they "think" more than animals.

By Tina craft CPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Sometimes, just because we don't speak, doesn't mean we don't have anything to say. Sometimes it's because others are too fussy and I don't want to talk about it;

Because if you say it, no one will listen, and if you hear it, no one will understand. If you don't listen, you will be disappointed at most; if you don't understand, you will be truly desperate. Let's not talk about it, I'm afraid that if I export it, I will hurt myself.

Some people you don't deserve to tell him, some people you don't want to tell him, and there are many more people, it's nothing to talk about. If you can't meet the right person, you will never have to say something. For thousands of years, thousands of miles, you will let it rot in the distant time and space.

There is a word called miserable, unspeakable, because it has been said, and it can only be said to oneself. And what about suffering? About the world, billions of people, bustling, coming and going, there is no one who can speak!

Don't look for responsibility from those who admire wealth, just like you can't see responsibility from those who are weak. If the latter is just unaffordable, the former is unreliable.

A person whose heart is haunted by desire, don't expect him to be responsible for you, he will only be responsible for desire. On the way to pursue money and power, they can't give up except wealth and honor, and everything else can be put down. In the eyes of these people, your well-being is your life, and more important than your life is always his luck. A person, who entrusts the attribution of destiny to such a person, has no destiny.

So, don't put your life's bets on these people. Your bet, not his chips. If he loses, you will lose; if he wins, you will lose. He has won three thousand miles of land, over ten million people, and will not have your place. That is to say, you can never give up, but he cannot live and die.

Only those who can afford fame and fortune can afford the world. When fame and fortune become less important, the people around you become more important. Your life, your love, and your future will be carried by him affectionately for you.

In fact, those who need to take responsibility do not need you to carry anything. What they need, sometimes, is just a little bit of faith you pass on to them, and a heart to stand up for them if necessary.

Whether some people are good or bad has nothing to do with us. What we care about is the person we look up to in our hearts.

This person has what he wants to be clean, noble and kind. He is the last line of defense of human nature, the last pillar of conscience, your ideal country, and the embodiment of your spirit. In short, the other party has lived the way he wants but has been unable to reach it.

Because of this person, all the unscrupulous things in this world have been endured; no matter what the world is going down with, what kind of people are not ancient, I don't feel terrible. The most unbearable thing is that the best person in my heart has also turned bad. In the real sense, the sky has fallen, not how many gangsters there are in this world, but the people we care about most have become gangsters. Sometimes, a person's perseverance and eternity are the confidence and reason for many people to live seriously.

We always have a heart that loves to watch the fun.

I like to watch the fun, but it is actually a sign of the barrenness of life. A person, when he is not acting, will become a spectator of others. Being an audience of others all your life, you can see all the prosperity and excitement of the world, but life will follow the desolation to the end. Life's final verdict on this desolation is to make you mediocre. Mediocrity means that no matter how turbulent the world is, there is no trace of you.

In this world, you have been here, but only here. Besides, mediocrity is not mediocrity. Mediocrity is to live a worthwhile life to the point of reconciliation, while mediocrity is to live a worthless life to a pointless life. Like watching the fun itself, it is a vulgar fun. You are looking at people and people are looking at you. How funny others are, how funny you are.

In the lively place, there are also quiet people with cold eyes and cold faces, as if they are living in another world. They are quiet people, do things indifferently, and have always maintained a proper distance from this lively world: neither too far nor too close, not too close, not too warm, not indifferent, not grandstanding or pretentious.

When someone else's audience, it is better to be your own audience. To accompany others, it is better to accompany yourself well. In life, there must always be a song, and as you move forward, you can sing it to yourself like the sound of nature.

In fact, time is a giant tree criss crossing each other. And life is the bird that flies in and out. If one day, you encounter the cold wind and freezing rain in your life, and your heart is unbearable, then please wait a moment, you know, this giant tree is creating a spring atmosphere for you in the lee of life, And get closer to you little by little, as long as you work hard.

Rewards don’t necessarily come immediately after giving. As long as you are willing to wait, the beauty of life will always come when you are inadvertently dressed.

When you are in adversity and feel that everything is not going well, love, work, career, and ideals are all in vain, and you feel hopeless, you might as well look at this problem from a different angle and tell yourself: everything is the best arrangement, fortune and misfortune depend on each other , Will there be no surprise changes in the future?


About the Creator

Tina craft C

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    Tina craft CWritten by Tina craft C

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