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Fighting Hunger

Helping to stop hunger

By Violet BluesPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

What fulfils me? I don’t even have to think when I am asked this question.

I want to help stop hunger across the world. I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s my passion. When I can finally earn well for myself , I want to travel to different countries and help feed the hungry. Hunger is a sensitive topic for me because I know what it’s like to be really hungry. You don’t care about what you get as long as you survive the day. Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time. I think society is the cause of the increase of hunger. I think that if women farmers had the same resources as men, the number of the hungry would reduce. My dream is to create a food donation site where they give out food to the hungry every week for free. I know a lot of people are finding new ways to make money but I think we all keep forgetting the most important thing.

I feel like writers around the world can help a lot if they write about hunger.

A great story teller is needed to spread hunger awareness. I would need help from writers from each country to describe every town or village facing extreme hunger and help. I’d write a Gofundme for that village and they would get the help they need.

People shouldn’t be able to starve to death when there are a lot of people who are willing to help. If only they knew how to help then they would be willing to help.

When I was young I lived in a poor village called Kyangwali in Uganda, we went to school and had to farm and pay school fees and food at the same time. It was easy because we had to eat flour and beans everyday. We had no choice as long as we didn’t sleep on an empty stomach. I myself got sick because of the same food I ate everyday.I got acid reflux and my friends got sick and died . Which made me realize that no one should be able to get through the same anymore. I’m 18 now and a senior in high school. I love writing. It has always been my way of speaking since it was hard for me to express my thoughts or feelings. I always go out every Friday to give food to the homeless in secret because I know how hard it is to sleep on an empty stomach.

I want to help people who want to help feed others. If there is an easy way for them to help then that would make a great impact in this world. There are a lot of organizations that help feed the hungry today. But if they were really effective hunger would be decreasing not increasing. To be honest I really want to give up everything and just die. I tell myself it’s useless because at the end of the day we all die, But when I see and hear the stories of these kids trying to survive and have the desire to live inspires me to help fulfil their desires. In order to solve a problem, it’s important to know its causes. Research helps identify the root causes of hunger and strategies to end it that have worked in the past. If we all come together, we have power . Many would say that partnering with God to end hunger requires us to organize ourselves for action. I think when churches come together , campus groups, community organizations, or individuals of good will, collective action makes a bigger impact than individual protest. Because we live in a democracy, Congress listens when people speak up, and we can be heard better when we speak together. Advocacy to end hunger involving educating, organizing, and mobilizing starts with us in our communities.

Many people around the world are too poor to either buy food or to access the resources they need to grow, harvest and store their food.

World hunger is still a problem due to the high rates of food waste. Food waste commonly occurs when restaurants and people at home throw out food. Often, distributors and retailers reject fruits and vegetables that have blemishes or spots. Estimates show that about a third of the world’s food production goes to waste annually. The U.S. alone wastes about 40 percent of the food they produce.

Hunger won't be avoided overnight.It will take a combined effort from governments, the private sector and individuals to achieve or at least come close to zero hunger by 2030. These efforts must be enacted across all nations. Efforts include finding lasting solutions to empower people and lift them out of poverty, bringing an end to conflict, taking better care of our planet and making a conscious effort not to waste food. The success of reducing hunger levels in the past highlights the potential to do so again in the future


About the Creator

Violet Blues

Hellow my name is Alice

Am a really nice person who likes expressing her feelings through writing

Feel free to send me anything you wrote and I will read it and give some feedback

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