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Feminism vs Fake - Feminism

In this article u will cover two most important aspects of this ongoing " FEMINISM TREND ".

By SukunaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Feminism vs Fake - Feminism
Photo by Valentina Conde on Unsplash


Feminism is a social, political, and ideological movement that seeks to advance the rights and status of women. At its core, feminism is about equality: it's about ensuring that women have the same opportunities, rights, and freedoms as men.

Feminism has a long and complex history, with roots stretching back to ancient civilizations. Throughout history, women have fought for their rights and equality in various ways, from suffrage movements to the more recent #MeToo movement.

Feminism can take many forms, and there are many different strands of feminism. Some feminists focus on specific issues, such as reproductive rights or equal pay. Others take a more intersectional approach, recognizing that issues of gender, race, class, and other identities intersect and overlap.

Feminism is often misunderstood and misrepresented. Some people view feminists as man-hating, bra-burning radicals. However, this is a gross stereotype that does not accurately reflect the diversity and complexity of the feminist movement. Feminism is about equality and respect for all people, regardless of their gender.

Feminism is important because women and men are not treated equally in many societies around the world. Women are often paid less than men for doing the same work, they are underrepresented in leadership positions, and they are more likely to experience discrimination and violence. Feminism seeks to address these inequalities and empower women to live their lives on their own terms.

Feminism is not just a women's issue; it's a human rights issue. Men can be feminists, too, and everyone can benefit from a more equal and just society. By advocating for women's rights, we can create a better world for everyone.


Feminism is a crucial movement that works towards the advancement and equality of women. However, like any movement, it is not immune to being co-opted or hijacked by those who seek to use it for their own gain. This is known as "fake feminism," or performative feminism, and it can be harmful to the cause of genuine feminism. Here are some ways to recognize fake feminism:

1) It only focuses on the rights and issues of certain groups of women. Genuine feminism is intersectional and recognizes that different women face unique challenges due to their race, class, sexual orientation, and other identities. If a person or organization only talks about the rights of certain groups of women (such as cisgender, able-bodied, straight, white women), it is likely not genuine feminism.

2) It is more concerned with personal branding than real change. Some people may use feminism as a way to gain attention or boost their own image, rather than actually working towards equality. If a person or organization is more focused on self-promotion than on meaningful action, it is likely not genuine feminism.

3) It dismisses or belittles the experiences and perspectives of marginalized women. Genuine feminism recognizes that women of color, trans women, disabled women, and other marginalized groups face unique and often more severe forms of discrimination. If a person or organization dismisses or minimizes these experiences, they are not practicing genuine feminism.

4) It is exclusionary or divisive. Genuine feminism is about creating a more equal and just society for all people, regardless of their gender. If a person or organization is more concerned with excluding or dividing people (such as trans women or men) from the movement, it is not genuine feminism.

5) It does not address power imbalances or systems of oppression. Genuine feminism recognizes that patriarchy and other systems of oppression are at the root of gender inequality. If a person or organization does not address these power imbalances or fails to challenge systems of oppression, they are not practicing genuine feminism.


Overall, genuine feminism bout equality, intersectionality, and working towards real change. It is important to recognize and call out fake feminism so that we can continue to work towards a more just and equal society.

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