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F%cking Solitude

We all need it.

By Amanda NicolePublished about a year ago 3 min read
F%cking Solitude
Photo by seth schwiet on Unsplash

We live in such an extroverted world. Always on demand and vibrant. But what would happen if we just sat and listened to the sound of our own breath? What if we took some time out of our day and had some solitude? What if we all just slowed down and took a minute to process our emotions? What if we took some time to unpack all the baggage we carry around on a daily basis? Maybe lighten the weights that weigh us down on the daily. Perhaps we need to slow the f*ck down. All week long we run around and do all these things. But when do we actually sit and process all that took place? What if we did that? Are we too scared of what might come up? Are we too afraid of letting go because letting go would mean being happy? What if we actually took some time for our mental health. How much better we'd be? I think we'd be great! Maybe our self esteem would be higher? Maybe relationships would be better with those around us. Maybe we wouldn't have to hide behind phones and tablets and computers. Maybe we could actually connect with others.

Problem is nobody gives us time alone. They always need something from us and never give anything in return. After some time our cup is empty and we have nothing left to give. Perhaps some time alone would allow us to fill our cups back up again. If we don't have that time how are we supposed to be at our best? We're not. We need time to breathe. Time to recharge and time to come back to ourselves. Time to connect to our fragile hearts that have been broken by lifes tragedies. Hearts that need restoring and love. Hearts that need hope and affection. If we keep ignoring these things how are we supposed to function? The answer is we aren't. We need to make time for solitude. Actual solitude. Putting our phones down and picking up a journal instead. Shutting down your computer, turning off the TV. Putting all connectons down and leaving them behind. Letting people see who you really are without your phone. And more importantly getting to know yourself. What are your likes and dislikes? What makes you sad? What makes you happy? What excites you? What drives you in the day? All questions we can answer during solitude. Conversations have there place but how are we supposed to engage when we don't even know ourselves or what to say? We need time to come back to our hearts and minds. We need time to figure out who we are and how we react to things. If we don't we may end up hurting some people and not meaning to. See being an introvert is a good thing. It doesn't mean your a bad person or rude. It simply means you reserve energy for those who deserve it. Those who understand your life and where you've been. Those who cheer you on or lift you up. Those who wipe your tears and make you smile.

A little solitude never hurt anyone, in fact it might make us better. We may figure out who we are and why we're on this earth. So stop, sit down put down your phone and actually relax. Breathe. Take each breath and scan your body for tension and process that. Let it go. But you have to do it alone. You can't do it with people in the room. You have to do it by yourself. After all.


About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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