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F*ck Ruin

It's a Gift

By Amanda NicolePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
F*ck Ruin
Photo by Jithin Kumar on Unsplash

Ever have something in your life fall apart? A relationship, a job, a situation. Have you ever felt devastated that it fell apart? Or have you been happy. I'd like to propose that ruin is a gift. Have you ever watched Eat Pray Love? If so, do you remember that scene where Elizabeth is emailing her lost lover and explaining that ruin is gift? I think sometimes we forget that concept in the midst of ruin. And that's completely understandable. Ruin is painful and it hurts for a very long time. You have to go through much healing to get to a place of peace again. And that's okay as well. Healing takes time as I've written about before. But this isn't about healing. It's about ruin being a gift. You may not see it at first and that's okay! Overtime however you'll come to these realizations.

It was the best thing for you. Sometimes we don't see it right away but when ruin happens it's often for a good reason. Maybe someone wasn't meant to be in our lives, maybe something wasn't meant to work out or maybe it was a protection from getting hurt worse down the road. Whatever the reason is it was a gift. And that's because sometimes things have to fall apart so that better things can happen in it's place. It's called balance. "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain" as Dolly Parton would say. So basically whatever happened was all for a reason and it was a good reason as well.

Something better is on the way. Sometimes things fall apart so that something better can come along. Or someone better.

Now does that mean we mourn what/who we lost? Of course it does. Loss is painful no matter what. It takes time to heal from loss and you should honor that by allowing yourself time to heal. You should give yourself grace. Understand that pain is a part of life and it will hurt for a while. But also have the understanding that this won't last forever and it will all make sense in the end. See time has a way of healing everything, so as cliche as it sounds give time time. Because if you rush things you may end up hurting more then if you just wait it out.

Ruin can teach you so many things, it can teach you what you deserve and don't deserve and it can also make you stronger. So in that sense it's a gift. It's gift because it's the road to tranformation. It's opening up a chance for you to really do some soul searching and find yourself again. It's opening up a chance for you to come back stronger then ever and potentially happier then ever. It's opening up so many chances for you and so many new opportunities. It's an invitation to change your life for the better and as Taylor swift would say "Come back stronger then a 90's trend"

Sometimes we have to have our hearts cracked open like a walnut so that we can change ourselves. Sometimes we have to work hard to get there but when we do it's so worth it. And best of all we'll appreciate what we end up with that much more. We'll understand why things had to happen the way they did, we'll understand why certain people came and went from our lives, and finally at the end of the day when we really sit and think about all the pain and suffering we will finally be absolutley 100% free from it all.


About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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