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F&ck Perfection

It's a myth anyway

By Amanda NicolePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
F&ck Perfection
Photo by bert b on Unsplash

Perfect can be defined as something without flaws or imperfections. Here's a little secret, nothing and nobody is perfect. So if that's the case why are we constantly striving for it? Why are we constantly trying to be perfect. Here's the secret, we've all done things we aren't proud of, we all have regrets and we've all hurt people over the course of our lives. So again why are we constantly striving for it? We need to stop striving for perfection because its not realistic. There is no such thing as perfect. Nothing is without flaws. Everything has flaws. So we need to stop thinking there is a concept of perfection. What can we do instead? We can do our best at everything we do and make great strides towards positive changes. Perfection is not realistic. So we need to embrace our imperfections and understand that they make us who we are. They add to our personalities and make us loved even more by those around us. If everyone was perfect the world would be extremely boring. We also wouldn't have the chance to learn lessons that will help us in the long run and make us stronger people. We need to make mistakes. How else are we going to learn? We can't learn by being perfect. As much as mistakes hurt we have to make them.

And sometimes when making a mistake we think that in the moment it was a wise, rational choice. But in the end we realize it wasn't. And that's good. We need to learn those things. How else are we going to grow. We can't grow if we don't f^ck up occassionally. I've certainly done things I'm not proud of. I've hurt people that meant the world to me and vice versa. But in the end I learned some valueable lessons. I learned what kinds of people I need t0 have in my social circle, I learned what it is I need from a friend or a partner and most importantly I learned what it is I need to expect from myself. I would never have learned those lessons if we were all perfect. If we were all perfect I don't know what my life would've come to. I can only say that perfection is B*llsh*t and we need to stop putting pressure on each other to be such. See there is so much pressure to act, dress and be perfect. This is extremely harmful to our mental health and lives. We should all embrace our imperfections as they make us who we are. And ironically we need to accept that we're perfectly imperfect. We are perfect just the way we are. Imperfections, mistakes we've made and all. We shouldn't be pushing people to act the way we think they should. We should love everyone equally and accept people. Nobody/nothing is perfect as I've said earlier. No realtionship is perfect as no two people are perfectly compatible. Think about everyone you meet in your life, have you ever met someone that you agree on everything with? Have you ever met someone that met every single one of your needs? I didn't think so. So no relationship is perfect, just like no person is perfect. We're all imperfect. We've all made mistakes, We all have regrets and have times in our lives that we wish we could redo. We're all human and imperfection is part of the human experience. We all F*ck up daily. So instead of judging each other and bullying people for being simply who they are. Let's just do one simple thing. Love.



About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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