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...because its the Web of Life

By Lotus TaraPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

I thought about this question, what I'm I thankful for? At first what surfaced was the everyday stuff, you know. Like having both parents, supportive family, my health and well as you can imagine the list goes on endlessly. Who knew, right? That 2020 would bring everything to a halt. A Pandemic of a killer virus know as Corona put a stop to our "normal" everyday life. I mean the entire world stopped. No school, all business closed indefinitely, and all humans quarantined. I think I just described a futuristic film made in the early 90s about world catastrophes but no, this truly is happening in real time. I am in it; we all are and the unknow is more certain than what anybody truly knows about what is going on.

It's November and the year is almost over and there is a surge in many areas and it seems like we might go into a second "lock down" meaning quarantined again. It’s a Mad Era if you ask anybody but yet I can only be thankful for it.

If I may dive deep into the ocean of possibility and take you with me for, I can only see expansion and inclusiveness in this global situation. For one moment foster within yourself a grapeseed of imagination and allow light into the darkness and see what I mean.

At the end of March 2020 all humans were required to stay home for a 4-week period or more if necessary. That's one month, 31 days and 370,000 hours with no contact but those whom we're living with. Imagine that? We went from one extreme of constant never ending doing to doing absolutely nothing, and for the first time perhaps in our life time everyone stayed home and the sky became blue again, the air was breathable, there was no trash, its other inhabitants came out perhaps more so do to lack of trash and the food in it, rivers cleared and mountains showed themselves. Mother Earth proved all of us wrong, we need her more than she needs us, and without her we can throe our racism and hatred out the door for they don't exist therefore nothing to fight for, for the fights that all nations have is because they want a piece of HER.

For the first time in my life I saw a clear sky. No chemtrails and the earth became still and quiet, and I felt my mother. The sustainer of my and all life whom within her she carries soil, water, air, and fire. The beauty she holds just is, and her ability to heal when left alone is seen as miraculous but I see it as common sense for when left to do without being controlled what's necessary will be done. And for the first time, time stopped controlling humans. All routines were broken and we as humans had to and where made to think differently. Needless to say, the stress impact placed many on fight or flight vibrations. Fear and the unknown became too much for them and so there is suffering but there are those who broke away from survival mode and saw more. We saw more years before this pandemic, and many of us followed the idea that there is more to life than just work entertainment and or anything external. Many of us believe in an internal awakening. An AH-HA moment. A moment of contemplation and reflection that will link us into a higher understanding of self. One moment where taking a breath is not measured in time but experienced and felt without being rushed. For the first time in our life we as humans were forced to stop.

All external distractions where discontinued indefinitely and perhaps for the very first time everyone entered an unknown zone. That place of not knowing what to do with self, and finding out who is this "I". All of a sudden, we were given no choice but to see what is in that mirror. As we looked deep into it, we asked what has society become? I'm I guilty of crimes I've never committed but allowed them to happen?? For the first time many began to ask self-expansive questions? For the very first time many had the opportunity to ask what do I want from life?? For the very first time many woke up and they had a real sit-down breakfast with their family. As humans for the first time we were given an opportunity to reevaluate life and give it a different meaning. This act alone of reflection and reevaluation causes evolution to occur. Deep internal questions awaken the sleep within and stagnation dissipates. Newness begins to flourish. No different than Mother Earth, we too began to detox from internal toxicity.

Different parts of the Brain/Mind are needed to evolve in our times and without this global pause the evolution of humans might not have a chance due to a stagnant way of what was. The Great ReSet I believe is what they call it, not only occurred and is happening to Mother Earth but also to all Human Beings.

I look at this moment as the epiphany of our humanness for its no longer about what one can do physically or externally but to have the mind set to achieve what is desired and to go beyond fear, anger, jealousy, and sadness. To rewire our entire, believe system so we can succeed even when the perception of failure is more evident. The pressure of the pandemic allowed many to bloom (expand) in ways that otherwise could have never occurred.

This expansion like a great renaissance brought people from all over the world to connect, and communicate. As much as the external world shows borders and division, internally as humans we have changed regardless of good or bad, we are being forced to let go of the illusion of control, and realize that perhaps all we can do is control ourselves our emotions and our thoughts.

Life as we know it will never be the same and all though many wish it so, it cannot be for expansion and inclusiveness is in the works. Those who resist will suffer due to attachment of the physical world. Yet many know that the universe works in vibration and energy and the cat has been let out of the bag. We create our internal reality and are the creators of this life. Many felt it but never had the TIME to look into it. Being quarantined, all we had was time and many of us dove deep into this idea, researched and it so happens to be TRUE.

The believe that any of us need external validation is simply a mirror of us not validating our greatness as human beings. We hold all that which Mother Earth is within and our connection to all living things is due to the fact that there is no difference, we are One.

As this journey of words comes to an end, I hope that you see this moment in time as an opportunity to heal, grow, flourish, and thrive. No one knows what’s to come and this uncertainty is frightening yet if we could muster up the courage to go beyond those fears there is an internal world that is at peace. IF we can see beyond our own perceptions, we will find a world within that is controlled by our own doing. A place deep in the mind that when tapped into connects us to our god-head. In this place we are in balance with all of nature. In this place we no longer in conflict with thoughts and emotions. In this place we feel safe and loved not by others but by self and we have been granted the opportunity to slow down and reflect for nothing can be more healing to a society than to have a moment of self -reflection. For this I am Thankful.


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