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Diabetes - How to control blood sugar levels?

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By DhanyaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Diabetes - How to control blood sugar levels?
Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

Mainly due to lifestyle choices which involve poor choices in diet and lack of exercise, type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes affecting about 17 million Americans and is the seventh leading cause of death due to the complications related to the disease. In order to manage or cure type 2 diabetes, diabetics need to learn how to control blood sugar or glucose levels.

Type 2 diabetes tends to run in families also. Type 1 diabetes usually starts earlier in life whereas type 2 diabetes occurs later in life. Symptoms of diabetes 2 may not be apparent in certain sufferers which is why of the approximately 17 million sufferers in the U.S.only about half know their diabetic status. This makes periodic testing for diabetes very important because knowledge is power.

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What is diabetes?

Although it is scary to know that the death rate of diabetics is about ten times higher than non-sufferers, it is also empowering because it allows the sufferer to learn about diabetes cures or diabetes control that will improve a diabetic's life span.

Diabetes or sugar diabetes as it is sometimes known is one of the three sugar diseases that include hypoglycemia and syndrome x that occur because of the consumption of a vast amount of sugar or refined carbohydrates and a lack of exercise.

With type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce any insulin which means that diabetics with this type need daily injections of insulin. With type 2 diabetes, the body inexplicably does not properly respond to the insulin produced. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetics produce some insulin sometimes even normal levels of insulin that the body simply ignores.

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Insulin is the hormone that carries glucose through the different cells in the body and allows the body to convert blood sugar or glucose which is the simplest form of sugar into energy that is needed by the body for normal functioning.

Glucose is produced when we eat starches or carbohydrates such as rice and bread as well as when we ingest sugar and other sweets. Blood sugar levels are determined by the amount of glucose that is present in the blood.

With the lack of insulin production or the inefficient use of insulin, blood sugar levels build up in the body and tissues and are then excreted through urine which leads to the body losing its main source of fuel. This loss leads to diabetes complications such as the damage of nerves and blood vessels in the body which will lead to eye problems including blindness, heart and kidney disease, limb amputations, infections, etc.

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Type 2 diabetes and maintaining normal blood sugar levels can be managed through insulin replacement and medication. However, diabetes natural treatments have a far-lasting positive impact and may offer a diabetes cure. These mainly involve incorporating exercise into the diabetic's lifestyle.

A proper diabetic diet plan is important because you will know which carbohydrates are better for the body and which are not and how to space out the carbohydrates so that the daily requirements are met while maintaining normal blood sugar levels. The diet also ensures that a proper healthy diet is incorporated into the diabetic's lifestyle.

Maintaining normal glucose levels requires the daily monitoring of blood sugar levels using the various meters currently available. Frequent at-home monitoring allows for a change in treatment when needed based on sugar levels. Extra monitoring is required when pregnant, weight loss or weight gain has occurred, the diabetic suspects that they have low blood sugar, etc.

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