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Death as an Opportunity for Growth & Healing

When we look at death as the end of the physical body, we miss out on all the possibilities for growth and healing that come with it. When people are afraid of death, they focus on what they're losing it.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Death is not something to be feared. It is an opportunity for growth and healing. There are many ways that death can help us to move forward in our spiritual journey and grow as human beings.

There is a greater consciousness that guides our lives

When we look at death as the end of the physical body, we miss out on all the possibilities for growth and healing that come with it. Instead of thinking of ourselves as separate beings, consider that we are all connected in the structure of the universe. Consider that each person has a purpose in being here, and that this purpose is unique to them. We are all here to learn and grow, which means we're also here to help each other along our journeys through life—a journey which may end unexpectedly at any moment.

When people ask me how they can get closer to their loved ones who have passed on before them, my answer is simple: love yourself more than you love anyone else. Spread kindness wherever you go; be kind even when no one else seems like they deserve it (because sometimes even those people do).

Mortality is a constant reminder of the preciousness of life and being alive

When you realize that your death is inevitable, it's much easier to focus on what really matters. And when you do that, you'll be amazed by how much more meaningful life becomes.

Life is precious because it's temporary. We are living in the moment and we cannot predict what will happen in the future. The only thing that we have is now: our past is behind us and our future may never come.

Death is not something to fear, but something to welcome when it arrives

When you die, it's not the end. It's a new beginning.

When people are afraid of death, they focus on what they're losing and what others will lose when they're gone. Their focus is on the loss itself, not on the new life that awaits them. Fear keeps us from embracing our true nature, which is one of love and joy—and if we don't embrace this part of ourselves before we leave this world, then we'll be missing out on a lot!

Death isn't punishment; it's an opportunity for growth and healing. When you pass away (not "if"), your soul will return home to God or Spirit—wherever you believe your spirit belongs after being separated from your body—and there will be nothing left but love and light. You might still be able to see other people around you who have not yet died as well; however if someone dies alone without close friends or family around them at their bedside when they pass away then those who loved them dearly may never know exactly how or why they died unless someone else saw it happen first hand (like myself).

Death is an opportunity for evolution and growth

Death is a natural part of life. It's not something to fear, as it is inevitable and happens to everyone eventually. Death isn't the end; it is merely the beginning of something new. Don't allow your loved one's death to get in the way of your ability to grow and evolve as a person. Instead, use it as an opportunity for growth and evolution in yourself.

We are all connected in the structure of the universe

You are part of the same universe. You are part of the same consciousness. You are part of the same body. You are part of the same family. You are part of this world, and so is everyone else on it, no matter how different we may appear from one another at first glance.

This connection is not just in your mind but also in your body: every cell in your body contains DNA that came from two parents who themselves were made up entirely from cells containing more DNA, which came from their parents (and so on). In fact, every living thing on Earth shares this exact same genetic makeup — it's just different combinations of it! In other words, you're really just one step removed from me anyway ;)

Death is part of life, and can help to heal you.

Death is a natural part of life. Death is not something to be feared, but something that can bring about healing and growth. It is also not the end; in fact, it’s an opportunity for you to evolve and grow further from your current existence.

Death isn’t an event—it is simply another process within the universe and part of our planet's infinite cycle. This means that there are no boundaries or limits when it comes down to how we experience death: there are no rules saying what you should do after someone dies or what kind of person you need to be in order for their passing not to hurt so much.

As humans who have been given this amazing gift called life (i know i'm repeating myself here), we often forget how precious it really is until something happens that makes us realize just how quickly things can change on us when we least expect them too!


Death is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be something that we fear. It can be an opportunity for growth and healing. Death is a reminder of the preciousness of life and being alive, so take this time to reflect on what it means for you personally. Let go of your fear, open yourself up to new experiences, and embrace the chance for evolution and growth!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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    Courtanae HeslopWritten by Courtanae Heslop

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