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day 101

dear journal, this is day 101

By Sydney KeithPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

The world around me is turning to ruins, everywhere I look the buildings crumble and the ground shakes. What am I supposed to do?

I don't have much food left and my water supply is running low, the gases from the planet are affecting everything around me.

I am not alone though, on day 30 I found a young boy. He does not talk much or at all really, but it is kind of nice to have some company.

The kid keeps pointing at my locket that I wear, its only a small silver heart locket. I haven’t been able to open it yet, I can’t bring myself to do it. It was a present from my mother when I turned 16, she told me how it has been passed down from generation to generation. It was my grandmothers, and then my mothers.

I will have to make the journey soon to the next city over, but that means travelling through the bad lands and with this kid. I don't know if it is possible.

Anyway, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

This is Aria signing out for now, hopefully I make it to tomorrow

Day 101

The planet was plunged into complete darkness the day of 2021, on this day earths gravitational pull was somehow disrupted and we were pulled into the abyss. As earth began to break apart huge sink holes and caverns began to form, causing many people to be sucked down into the core.

I was one of the lucky ones, although I don't feel very lucky. I am stuck with this kid, I don't have a name for him just yet And because he doesn't speak I am unable to communicate very well with him. It is nice to not be alone though, I lost most of my family in the first half of what I call 'the reckoning'.

All I can remember was talking to my mother on the phone the night it all happened, I wanted to go out with my best friend in the whole world, Maya, but my mother did not approve. My father was neutral and did not wish to be involved.

At around 10 pm on the 29th of July 2021. I snuck out with Maya to go clubbing, I knew my mother would not approve so I laid out my pillows in my bed and left my tv. On for sound effects. I do not remember all that much exactly, we drove to a club called the 'Sound Bar' in Ontario California, this was only around 40 minutes’ drive for me and the road was relatively quiet. The next thing I remember is pulling up to this bar and hearing my phone ring, my mother was yelling and screaming at me as I picked up my phone.

"You young lady are so grounded! And to think your father and I were going to let you go out on your birthday tomorrow! Well not anymore missy, you are to stay home with no phone and clean the house for a week! You may be an adult, but I am still your mother, your father is looking for you everywhere"

I was so angry at what she had said, it was my life and I wanted to live it to the best of my ability regardless of what my mother thinks. What I said next, will stick with me forever.

"It is my life mother! You can't control me anymore, I hate you!"

And as those words slipped off my tongue, I remember hearing my mother scream and a loud thud from the other side of the phone. It hung up as the ground beneath me began to shake, I remember continuously attempting to call my mother back but no answer. I was terrified as I turned around to see the Sound Bar being engulfed by the earth, a huge sink hole had opened up just beneath it and I watched Maya, this girl I had known since we were both just 2 years old, be sucked down into the core of the earth.

Everything seemed so silent for a moment, as if time was just going in slow motion. The only thing I remember after that is attempting to run, but my feet felt as if they were glued to the ground. I could not move and started to panic, until I felt a sharp pain pierce the side of my face and the world went dark.

So that's the story of how I ended up here, I still do not remember much of what happened before or even the last few days. Apparently, I hit my head rather hard and woke up covered in dust and rubble, my face was stinging from where I had hit landed.

I knew nothing about survival, I did not know how to find food or water, what would be a good shelter, how to communicate with anyone without my phone. I knew absolutely nothing, but here I was.

Shot into a position where I not only had to care for myself but make a life out of it and it find others, for the first 3 days I struggled immensely with finding food and fresh water. Many of the old shopping malls or general stores were either turned to rubble, or ready to collapse and I was not ready to take that risk just yet.

Eventually I found an old journal, it had only been used a few times by someone named 'Penelope Oswald' or 'Poe' which had been signed on each page she wrote on. I knew a young girl name Penelope when I was quite young but never really made friends with her, I was quite outgoing and popular, but she was so shy and weird. I remember only small details of that day, I remember finding a muesli bar in a packet and eating it whole due to hunger, regretted that immediately.

Through the next few days after that I found a zoo, it was crumbling to the ground, but the inside of the zoo was perfect. I slowly wandered in hoping none of the animals were still there, they weren't thankfully and in fact there were quite a few necessities. For one the office had running water, a fridge however there was no power, the food for the animals was still in it and damn was that a good meal. I remember making a fire in the middle of the zoo grounds, it was not a very big zoo and was in a sort of oval shape with a large tree in the middle. Some parts of the zoo were falling apart but over time I managed to clean and fix it up, my only problem was food but lucky for me the zoo used to house a wide variety of birds.

I remember digging up the soil around the huge tree and attempting to grow some of the seeds stored, some grew but took weeks and it was getting extremely hard. I eventually started venturing out for food and supplies, I knew that I would eventually leave sooner or later so I had to gather as much as I could. I remember the day I found the young boy; it was day 30 but I had only just started writing in the journal so not much was documented. All I remember is finding him in an old mall, it was falling apart but I needed the food, so I went. At first, I tried to get rid of him and leave him there, but he followed me home, well to the zoo I called home for now, and I decided I would care for him.

And from then on, I have been caring for him, I still need to name him something other than kid but that is not important right now. Today was the day I decided to finally venture out further than I have before, I don't know what I may find but maybe I can find someone else. Today is day 101.

dear journal, today is day 101 and I’m going to find my family.


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