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A List of Events by L.A. Moore

By L.A. Moore - NashPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo Credit Lisa Fotios via

So, having major depression makes me a kind of Scrooge, but I know kindness when I see it. In fact, it is super easy to spot. You see it, feel it, and hear it all over the place. It could be someone saying thank you and genuinely meaning it. Or it could be a friend giving another friend farm eggs simply because they prefer those over the grocery store version (honestly, there is a difference, and my stomach can tell the difference. Cramps with grocery store eggs and no cramps with the free-range eggs. *shrugs* I do not know guys; my stomach is a weird one.) So, here are a few examples of acts of kindness that I have seen and been a part of.

Kindness Contagion 1

We did not know we were part of the kindness until we were at the payment window paying for someone else's meal, but that is what happened. We were waiting in the drive through line waiting to pay for our food we ordered and the person ahead of us paid for our food. Not sure how long this was going on or anything, we decided to keep it going. I ended up paying for the persons meal behind us. This was at Chik-fil-a I believe. I was pretty happy that day. Confused at first but happy was the end result. It was nice.

Kindness Contagion 2

The same scenario here but at an Arby's drive through I believe. I think at the time Chik-fil-a and Arby's may have been competing in who can make the kindness chain last longer... I may be wrong. Do not quote me on it. It is just my opinion of what may have been going on at the time.

Kindness Contagion 3

This is a scenario where my roommate my daughter and I were at the grocery store in HEB. I was in the meat area looking at meat and I saw that there was quite a bit of shorter older people than myself. And there are bags above where the meat and such were stored on refrigerated shelves. I was able to reach these bags, so I continuously pulled these bags down until I left the area. I did not mind a bit. I really enjoyed it in fact. It was the simple act of helping that made me smile.

Kindness Contagion 4

At the same grocery store. I was seriously needing help getting an item down from the shelf. A tall boy came by and asked if I needed help and I graciously accepted the help. Another person needed the same thing so I asked for double so I could give the other person what they needed. That was the biggest chain reaction of kindness I have ever seen. The same person I saw was helping another person.

Kindness Contagion 5

When I was working at a convenience store, I would always help everyone out. But there were several people in particular that would visit all the time that were handicapped. I would carry the heaviest things out for them or to their car. Even if it took a bit longer than normal. I would be patient with them and help them with everything. I never got anything in return, but I did not care so long as someone was helping them.

Kindness Contagion 6

This will be the last one as I could go on for a while, but this one in particular involved a pet. A very playful husky to be exact. The sweet playful boy was bobbing away from us towards the road and back again constantly. So, the owner, my mom, and myself had to chase him down. We herded him back towards the apartments and finally got him to let the owner put the collar on. Well, he got free again, but it turns out the collar had been broken. We caught him again and I told the owner that I could just carry him back to her apartment for her. She was tiny. I was a bit bigger and a bit stronger. We walked all the way back to her apartment and I put him inside her apartment for her. He was so happy. She did say thank you a lot. I was happy to help.

You see, there is kindness everywhere. You can find tons of videos where people rescue animals and vice versa. It is totally worth it to be kind. It may not pay in money, but it pays in kindness.


About the Creator

L.A. Moore - Nash

Mom of two great small people.

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