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Children in the Village

What children in the village are going through

By Gyimah MichaelPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Children in the Village
Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

In a village where innocence resides,

Children's laughter once reached the skies.

But now a shadow blankets their mirth,

Suffering grips their dreams from birth.

Once they played in fields of gold,

Their futures bright, their stories untold.

But now their smiles have turned to tears,

As hardship deepens through the years.

Innocence danced in fields of gold,

Promises of futures, a tapestry bold.

Yet tears now trace their cheeks so fair,

As time's heavy burden they're forced to bear.

Laughter once bubbled in carefree delight,

Dreams interwoven in pure starlight.

But shadows of suffering cast their pall,

As the village's woes weave a tragic sprawl.

Oh, to restore the radiance they've lost,

Countering the toll, no matter the cost.

For in each tear that glistens, we see,

A plea for a future where their hearts roam free.

Let's kindle a flame in their eyes anew,

Ignite their hope, their spirits renew.

For children in the village, their pain we share,

Together, in love and strength, we'll repair.

Hunger's grip, a cruel embrace,

Steals the light from each small face.

Empty bellies, vacant eyes,

Innocence lost to desperate cries.

No more games of hide and seek,

Just the struggle to survive each week.

Education's promise fades away,

As their potential dims, day by day.

Let's extend a helping hand,

To lift them from this troubled land.

Restore the hope, renew their glee,

And let these suffering children be free.

For in their laughter, we find our grace,

A chance to heal, a hopeful embrace.

In the village's heart, let's spark a change,

So children's lives can rearrange.

Amidst their laughter, grace takes flight,

A beacon of hope in the darkest night.

Within their joy, a remedy we trace,

A balm for wounds, a gentle embrace.

In the village's heart, a fire shall ignite,

A fervent resolve to set things right.

To break the chains of suffering's range,

And guide these young lives to rearrange.

Let compassion bloom like flowers in spring,

A melody of change that all hearts sing.

For children's dreams deserve a chance,

To flourish and thrive, in life's grand dance.

Let's rally together, hand in hand,

Transform their future, like shifting sand.

In their laughter's echo, let us find,

The strength to heal and forever bind.

In a village hushed by silent plea,

Children's dreams caught in destiny's decree.

Yet, hands outstretched, we hold the key,

To change their world, to set hearts free.

With open hearts and minds aligned,

Let's weave a future, tenderly designed.

Education's gift, a beacon of light,

Guiding their paths, igniting insight.

Schools shall rise like sunlit morns,

Knowledge blossoming, like fields of corn.

Teachers nurturing each eager mind,

Empowering the dreams they've pined.

Healthcare's embrace, a safety net strong,

Ensuring their well-being all along.

Immunize against suffering's sting,

Watch them flourish and spread their wings.

Nutrition's bounty, a feast of care,

To nourish bodies, a burden to bear.

With gardens and meals, we'll pave the way,

For strength and vigor to mark each day.

Clean water, a treasure, we must provide,

Quenching their thirst, like a soothing tide.

Sanitation's shield, a fortress against strife,

A fundamental right for a thriving life.

Together we stand, a united front,

Breaking down barriers, solving each affront.

With love as our guide, let's strive to be,

The change that ensures each child's glee.

In actions woven with compassion's thread,

We paint a tapestry where hopes are spread.

For children in the village, let's kindle a flame,

And etch their dreams with a noble aim.

For children in the village, their hopes we'll mend,

Hand in hand, our love we'll extend.

With compassion's thread, eir futures shall flourish, in this sacred place.

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literaturehumanityfriendshipfamilyfact or fictionadvice

About the Creator

Gyimah Michael

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