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Changing the World Happens a Person at a Time

Chat with Les: An interview with Dr. Rasha Roshdy September 2021

By Call Me LesPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read
Chat With Les: Direct quote from Dr. Roshdy

This interview is the beginning of a series of interviews collected as part of the ongoing column by Call Me Les in the new Vocal Creators Chronicle. The column titled "Chat with Les", presents candid interviews with artists, scientists, humanitarians and authors. Both Les and The Chronicle are deeply honoured Dr. Roshdy is our opening interview.

If you're a fellow creator, perhaps you know Dr. Roshdy by her pen name, Asiya, and have already read some of her gorgeous fictions, such as the richly painted, A Brooch, a Beetle, and a Little Egyptian Magic.


Who we are is a question that has many angles. We often consider it from the vertex of what we do for a living or our hobby, but if writing fiction has taught me anything, it's that the little things are what matter the most. The fabric of our lives is woven largely with the simpler threads of our inner thoughts, aspirations and day-to-day activities, which surround the more visible portions of the pattern in the tapestry. Ultimately, it is the "in-between" that makes for the best storytelling. "Chat with Les" is a column that is designed to ask you, the reader, to pause and examine the finer points in the lives of those around us, such as Dr. Roshdy: doctorate degree holder, mother, humanitarian and author.

Q1: What is an average day like for you?

A: Coffee, get my family out the door, husband to work and kid to school. Coffee, call mom. I need to clean, so I procrastinate. Coffee, research and apply for grants. I need to clean, so I procrastinate. Coffee, reading time. Look at the time, now I don’t have time to clean! Pick up my teenager from school. Cook and eat dinner. Family time (one hour of TV) then tea time/one hour of TV with husband. Evening realization, I [still] need to clean. I procrastinate. Writing time.

I go visit refugees on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I make [time] to eat lunch or breakfast with one of my friends on Wednesday[s] and have lunch with my Rotary club on Fridays.

Q2: What or who inspires you?

A: People and their stories inspire me. Some people collect items: precious items, rare items, weird items—I collect people. I love listening to people tell their stories and observing people living their stories.

Q3: Do you feel called to a cause of action? If so, what should readers know about it?

A: If you want to improve the world, I believe [you need to] start with one family at a time. Years ago, I took classes with Peter Singer and pledged to support his program: “The life you can save”. I adapted my personal goal to something even smaller: “The life you can change”. [This means] getting a young boy a bicycle because he wants to help his family buy groceries or buying a sewing machine for a refugee because she wants to sell her products and bring additional income to her family.


Dr. Roshdy is the executive director of Amna Sanctuary, a San Diego based charity that support refugees.

Donations for Afghan refugees may be made through this direct link


Q4: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen lately?

A: A five-year-old American girl sent her doll to an Afghan refugee. She said the doll would [bring] [the refugee girl] comfort. As I handed the doll to the girl, she loved it so much she kept jumping up and down. Then she took her scarf off and ask me to give it the American girl. The Afghan girl [had] almost nothing because her family had just left [their home] with only their clothes on their backs. Yet, she wanted to share something of hers with the girl who gave her a doll.

Young Afghan refugee receives her first doll.

In Arabic, ‘Amna’ means safe. It was also the name of my grandmother, who was denied the opportunity of an education. Amna sanctuary is rooted in her spirit, with aims to provide immigrants and refugees with the tools for personal success she was never permitted. — Dr. Rasha Roshdy , Executive Director of Amna Sanctuary (quote from

No more using plastic bags to tote school supplies. This child is proud of their new backpack.

Q5: Why do you write? And which genre is your niche?

A: I write in different genres because stories come to me, and I don’t turn any story down. It came to my creative door. How could I? My readers [have] told me that my successful stories have been in magical realism. I want to create a book of short stories told in the old folklore style, but with a focus on the female perspective for example: The Giant Bull and the Farmer's Daughter.

Q6: What is the best piece of literature you've published?

A: My best piece of literature is always the next one. Every day, I learn, and I grow.

Q7: What's your greatest accomplishment professionally? And, what is your greatest achievement personally?

A: I earned a Doctorate degree in education leadership, and I write in English [my third language]. Personally, I take pride in the fact that I am very adaptable.

Q: How do you pick yourself up after a failure?

A: I always remember to turn the page. Conflicts and obstacles are the stuff that make a good story. I would want my life story to be a good one.

Q9: What quotes get you through the hard times?

A: No quotes come to mind.

Les says: When you have words like these on the tip of your tongue, who needs external quotes?

I believe that there's no limit to what good people can achieve, no matter how few they are. — Dr. Rasha Roshdy.

Q10: What would you like remembered about you?

A: Years ago, a spiritual friend told me that I am a ‘cosmic mother’ with the ability to endlessly love and give. I would like to be remembered as a cosmic mother who touched the lives of many with her motherly love.

Q11: If you could have a superpower, what would you choose and why?

A: I wrote about my superpower in my [Vocal Challenge] entry to, A Day in the Life.

Les says: Readers, if you want to know her in-depth answer, below is the piece she is referencing.

Q12: What is one message or piece of advice you would give to your fellow creators?

A: Use Vocal to practice and hone your craft, then send your best pieces out for publication.

Trivia: Bad Habit

A: My bad habit is I am always prompt. Why is it a bad habit? Well, most people are never on time. I always arrive early then must wait.

Trivia: Languages

A: My first two languages are Arabic and French. I tend to listen to music in these languages.

Finale: If you had a theme song that played when you entered the room what would it be?

A: I love Opera and my favorite is Carmen. If I have to choose music, it would have to be [the] aria, "Habanera" from Carmen.

Les says: I have to agree. A woman as extraordinary and formidable as Dr. Roshdy certainly deserves to enter to the fanfare of a full string, brass and woodwind orchestra punctuated by clashing symbols!

Please enjoy this live performance by another, equally as formidable woman, Maria Callas (Hamburg, 1962).

This concludes the interview. Click HERE to return to the main magazine.

First Published September, 11 2021 by Call Me Les for The Vocal Creators Chronicle.

~We are better together~ — Les

*Important note: The Vocal Creators Chronicle is not part of the company Vocal Media and we neither represent them nor answer questions on their behalf. We are an independent, Vocal-passionate, writing collective.


About the Creator

Call Me Les

Aspiring etymologist and hopeless addict of children's fiction.

If I can't liberally overuse adverbs and alliteration, I'm out!

Instagram @writelesplaymore

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    Call Me LesWritten by Call Me Les

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