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Caught My Ex Looking At Me (Ex Looks At Me From A Distance)

Are you in the tough spot where you're saying oh my gosh, I caught my ex looking at me? If you're in a situation where you're saying my ex looks at me from a distance, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

To find out if your ex likes you is a lot harder than finding out if they don't like you. For instance, when they walk over to you at the bar and spill their beer on you, then break the bottle on your head is that because they despise you or is it playful flirting?

Step 1: Their Eyes: While you're at said bar, is your ex locked into you like a hawk looking for prey? If they sneak glances to get a look at you and keep tabs on what you're doing there's a good chance a flame is still burning.

Step 2: Their Mouth: Does your ex nervously talk to you at the pub and do they call you every now and then? If so, it's a good sign that they still have feelings...unless the calls are just to try and rustle the money that you owe them.

Step 3: Their Ears: If you're just some person they used to date, your ex will hear you but they won't listen. Somebody who still likes you will be locked into your words and will genuinely be interested in what you've been up to during the break.

Step 4: Body: When your ex starts getting in shape, it's either because they are trying to improve because they want you back or are trying to impress the opposite sex down at the gym so it's a sticky situation. If your ex puts on 45 pounds, it's because they're depressed about the breakup and they too still like you.

Step 5: Feet: If your ex packs up her things and heads to start a new life in the city, he or she has probably written you off as a potential mate. On the other hand, if they stick around or move closer to you, it's because they're waiting for you to get your act together and sweep them off their feet.

Step 6: Their Mind: Sometimes to know if your ex still likes you, you've got to pick their brain a bit. If you stay in good graces with them, you'll be able to gauge their feelings for you by whether they talk to you about hooking up with other people or inquire about your family and how things are going.

Step 7: Their Heart: The old saying follow your heart is somewhat accurate because it's our brains that make the decision on who we fall in love with but the heart sends it blood. Anyways, your ex will follow their heart if they truly like you and will be determined that you can change so follow your brain and take them back.

How To Get Back Your Ex Now

You want to get back your ex? Yeah sure you can. But if you want to "get back your ex now" sorry you cant. The keyword here is NOW. You can't build your love in an instant just like that isn't it? And also you break off does not happen in a day isn't it? Similarly it would take time to get back your ex immediately.

It takes time and patience:

You see, after you break up with your loved one, both you and your love are going through a lot of emotions which are very unstable. If you take any decision during this period of time, it has a 95% probability that it can go wrong. You need to stay positive and persistent on getting your love back, but "Rome was not built in a day". If you value your love so much, you can sure wait some days.

Being persistent doesn't mean constant arguments with your ex:

Most of the people who deserve to get back with their ex, sabotage their own chance of winning their love back by immediately calling their ex and trying to explain how they value their love and ask for a chance to love again. But this will for sure not work out. Instead it will only project you as a person with no self respect and desperate for love.

Don't be desperate, that will kill your love 100%

Have you ever seen a desperate sales man, running behind you, calling you like a pest trying to sell what he has got to offer. Even if he has some product of value, you will never ever consider buying from him just for the trouble he caused you trying to sell. You can see his desperateness to sell the product. Psychologically your mind thinks that when something or somebody is desperate, they will only have very little value to offer. Similarly when you constantly trouble your ex, trying to get them back, it will only make them see you as a pest trying to creep inside.

So don't beg or argue

Just be sorry for breaking up, tell your ex how much you respect his/her words. That's it, no contacts then. I know its hard not to speak with your ex and tell them your point of view, but resist that feeling. If you want to get back your ex, you should resist that feeling.

Divert your mind:

If you keep yourself idle, having nothing to do but worry, it is only going hurt you much and eventually you will call up your ex and start arguing. Instead go hang out with friends, get some gym memberships and start doing exercises. Read some good novels and books (not those romantic ones please). Avoid any contact with your ex as for as possible.

So, we have seen about the first steps you should take to reach your goal of getting back your ex. Then just stay positive, build your self respect and wait for at least one month before you call up again. But when you call your ex again, you should have lost all that desperate feeling you were having to get your ex back. If you are not ready still, wait for some more time. If you are in a hurry it will only make things worse.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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