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How To Apologize To An Ex To Get Them Back (How To Say Sorry To Your Ex Boyfriend / Girlfriend)

If you're looking for advice for how to apologize to an ex to get them back then you're not alone. You want a proven method on how to say sorry to your ex boyfriend or girlfriend. Of course you do. You love them and right now they barely talk to you.

By Kelly LaceyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Sometimes all you need to get your ex back is by giving a truly effective apology. Relationships do often fall apart over either an accumulation of small arguments and resentment or a few major arguments that came about from a couple of dumb mistakes.

One mistake can cost you your relationship? Yes this could happen and sadly this sort of break up can leave one person emotionally broken for months or years. If ever you wished you could turn back the clocks, undo something you did and restore your relationship back to the way it was, then you've come to the right place.

Fortunately you don't need a time machine in order to reverse your situation. All you need is a truly effective apology, one that your ex will find hard to ignore or resist.

Knowing how to give a good apology starts with knowing what makes a BAD apology. Often people don't give a whole lot of thought into exactly what we're going to say when we apologize. What comes out usually doesn't make your ex feel any better and can ignite into another argument.

Be prepared. You need to realize that the words you say here can either make or break the relationship. Prepare what you're going to say beforehand or at least run through it in your head before opening your mouth. This greatly cuts down unexpected outbursts that could upset your ex more.

Never use the word 'BUT'. You could be doing really well until you throw in that word. 'But' completely negates the whole point of your apology, which is to put all the arguing and blaming aside. Using the word 'But' suggests you're still in argumentative mode and you STILL want to prove you're right!

A good apology comes from you being absolutely sincere and honest with both yourself and your ex. Your choice of words is also extremely important to make sure there are no further misunderstandings. How do you make sure you don't accidentally say the wrong things? That's why you need to understand the point of your apology is to make your ex understand you're on 'their' side.

Here's a great 3 part plan on how to apologize to get your ex back.

Getting your ex back does not have to be difficult. Many have succeeded, yet many others tend to fail. What makes the difference? The way you apologize. Learn these tips on how to apologize and get your ex back.

1. What went wrong and YOUR ROLE.

What was your role in went went wrong? This might take some setting aside of the ego and digging deep to be able to admit what you did or didn't do, or what you could have done better. This is the backbone of a good apology. Identify your role in the breakup.

2. Why you're sorry.

This is important, why is it you are sorry? It's one thing to admit your sorry, but you need to put a "why" behind it. You see, this will show that you have thought heavily about the situation. You've sat down and really figured things out. This can go a long why. So form a "why your are sorry" in your apology.

3. Won't happen again!

So your apology starts out with admitting your role, then explaining why you are truly sorry, finally you want to wrap things up with an explanation of how and why "it" won't happen again. Whatever "it" is, you simply have to form a plan that will show them that "it" will not occur again. This further shows that you've really sat down and figured out a way that things will not go sour ever again.

Make sure you are honest and sincere, and really emphasize in your apology that you've really spent a lot of time on this, which will prove how important the relationship is to you.

How to Send Effective Texts to Get Your Ex Back

There are numerous ways of getting back together with your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend. But is sending a text message enough to really get them back? This question is answerable by both a yes and a no. It greatly depends on the on how you go about sending it and the gravity of your break up. Keeping in mind how and why the relationship ended is a good basis on the effectiveness of merely texting your ex back. Of course it's always better to go about this matter face to face but here are some of the reasons why even with just a text, you can get back together.

Texting your ex - continues communication between exes

After the break up you and your ex still have certain feelings and connection with each other. Text messages enable both parties to spend some time apart but still continue to update one another with each other's lives. Sending proper text messages to get your ex back will spare him or her time to think of what their next move will be without the pressure of looking at one another and forcing a decision right away.

Texting your ex - prevents emotions to get out of hand

Often times when you talk to your ex face to face, the conversation gets too heated up that neither one of you gets answers that you want. This is most commonly seen in recent break ups. One tries to patch things up while the other wants otherwise. You let your emotions in the way, say things to each other that you don't really mean; and the next thing you know is that you have no chance at all to get him or her back. Sending a simple and composed text message prevent all of these from happening.

Texting your ex - lets you say how you really feel

Intense face to face conversations between you and your ex may do more harm than good as all there is, is yelling and nobody listening. A text message can be beneficial and effective in this kind of situation because it gives you the chance to collect your thoughts and say how you really feel without being interrupted. All the unnecessary and potentially hurtful words you banter back and forth will be gone and the only message that will remain is your true feelings of how you want him or her back in your life. This benefits you as well as your ex because you avoid adding more injury to the situation.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    KLWritten by Kelly Lacey

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