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Cassie's Lament

Lost Love

By Mesaye Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 10 min read
Love Hurts Sometimes

A cool breeze slips into the open window, intermingling with the musky scents from last night. “Mmmm, oh,” I exclaimed as Malcolm gently bites my ear. “Mmmm,” Malcolm’s throaty groans competing with mines. I could feel the coolness of the cotton sheets we lay on caressing my skin as Malcolm has me pinned down, his thighs gently pressing mines down and apart, his chiseled chest pressing into my swollen breasts. I love waking up to him like this. Rock hard body canvassing my soft, fluffy frame. Malcolm rocking deep inside me making me call his name. “Baby,” he whispers softly in my ear. I wrap my legs tighter around his waist knowing he’s close. I close my eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck. He presses his face into my neck and bites it softly, I moan “Yes, please,” he looks up “Don’t beg,” with a cocky grin and “Damn”, oh my goodness he went in. The once gently back & forth now becomes a hastened pounding up and downing. My watch vibrates on my wrist signaling my heart rate is over 120bpm. I smell the damp fragrance of last night mixed with our sweat and the light, fruity marshmallow scent of my perfume. I could taste the Meet Cute Merlot we had last night, its berry and dark chocolate flavors still lingering on his tongue as he kissed me deeply. All the sensations my body was going through sent a single tear down my left cheek. Malcolm, my champion lover, trails soft kisses after the tear, smiles and in his deep baritone voice demands “Tell me!” I know what he wants. This caramel honey dripped, arrogant man, that knows his way around my very soul. “It’s yours!”, I screamed caught in the throws of exhaling and was rewarded with his powerful release. His body trembling as he finishes our dance, stroking the sides of my thighs, his face in my neck, shaking his head, smiling. “Maaan girl!” I laughed softly as I rubbed the back of his neck. Reality breaks up our transcendence back to earth to the tune of Malcolm’s vibrating phone. He jumps a little to the intrusion, then quickly reaches over me to pick his phone up from the nightstand. Still laying on top of me, he turns a bit “Hello”, he pauses then “Wrong number.” Quickly hangs up the phone gives me a sheepish glance. “Who was that?” I asked. Leaning in for a quick kiss he assures “They had the wrong number.” He jumps up grabs his work bag from off the chair by the window throwing his phone inside. I was admiring his long muscular legs, flat tight abs and chiseled chest brandishing the most intricate lion’s face tattoo I’ve ever seen. Trailing to his oval shape face, flexing a deep dimple on his left cheek, almond shaped light-brown eyes, soft wavy black hair that was recently cut back down to his thick full lips now saying something I missed. “Huh, what did you say?” I shook myself back from my daydream. “I was saying”, Malcolm joked, “While you are looking at me like I’m dinner, you know I have to go into the office for a few.” He informed me while grabbing a towel heading to the bathroom. I sucked my teeth with fake disgust and whined “I thought we would be spending the day together, babe!” Malcolm ducked his head back in feigning sadness “I’m sorry, but I have to finish my presentation before Monday, I won’t stay long.” He left back out the room. “I’ll come by tonight, we can watch movies, order take out, how does that sound?!” He hollered as he went down the hall to the bathroom. I could hear the door close, so I knew he wasn’t trying to wait for an answer. He probably knew I wouldn’t say no. Things were just getting back on track with us. Our relationship has been strained a bit. Ever since Malcolm found out he was up for a promotion to COO of the marketing firm he slaved for. Long hours at the office, me working double shifts at the hospital on the weekends, we kind of fell out of sync with each other. Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, I could hear Malcolm’s phone buzzing again. I got out of the bed, slipped into my peach-colored silk robe, and was tying it closed when Malcolm appeared at the door fully dressed, rushing, hurrying past me to grab his bag. “Hey speedy, slow down a bit,” I said while grabbing his free hand. “Okay let’s do the movie and chill thing tonight,” smiling up at him, I continued “You bring my favorite wine and I’ll pick up some dessert.” He steps back a little, looking somewhat confused and emptily replied “Ah yeah, yeah that’s sounds cool.” Regaining his composure, he finishes “Listen I’m going to go in work really hard and try to be back tonight.” Leaning in he kissed my forehead, sliding on his jacket, while still clutching his bag, which is still vibrating, Malcolm leaves.

The cool spring breeze blowing from the window turns into a chill and I gather my robe, closing it a little more. Walking to the living room window I can see Malcolm rushing quickly to his car, on his phone talking excitedly. I smiled a bit, he’s so excited about this promotion. I lean more out the window to watch him drive off and frowned when I saw him make a left on the corner where he usually makes a right. I shivered again, let me get out this window and start my day.

After washing last night’s dinner dishes, vacuuming, and placing all the wine bottles into the buildings recycle bin, I showered, jumped into my flower sundress, pulled my braids in a bun, and headed out the door to the neighborhood bakery up the street. Enjoying the way, the breeze caressed my dress making it swish side to side as I walk, I smiled to myself remembering Malcolm’s touch and his smile. So gone in thought, I hadn’t realized I walked into the bakery and ran right smack into another bakery patron. “Oomph, oh!” I exclaimed “I’m so terribly sorry.” The woman in front of me smiled a little too knowingly. “That’s alright, looks like you’ve got something good on your mind,’ she joked. I laughed a little embarrassed now. The woman in front of me was very gorgeous. Deep, rich, mahogany skin that paired with an almost unreal coca cola bottle figure, although a little too heavy on the top but beautiful, nevertheless. Her hair pooled around her round face with shiny black curls and that fragrance, she smelled familiar. “Girl and you know it!” I replied as I put one hand on my hip and shot her a wink and a gun with the other hand. We both laughed. “Who’s next?!” called out the young man behind the counter. “I can take whoever next!” We both turned arguing the other to go ahead. “No, please you were here before me,” I insisted. The woman smiled sweetly and ordered half a dozen of lemon tarts. “Oh, I was ordering the same thing” I announced. “Really?” she paused looking as if she wanted to share something but thought better. “No, what?” I cajoled “Go ahead,” She rolled her eyes flirtatiously “This guy I met a few weeks ago, finally is free today so we can get to know one another,” she pursed her lips “and I remembered him telling me about this bakery and how much he loved their lemon tarts.” “Oh, sounds like you’ll have fun,” replying while waving my hands to the young server pointing to the lemon tarts the woman just was handed, mouthing “same.” “Oh, so you like these tarts also?”, smiling I shook my head, “Mmmm, no my man loves these, and he’s been working so hard lately, I thought I’d surprise him with these later when we see each other.” Crazy as it sounds, I’ve always had random conversations with people I don’t know. I’m always told that I have an openness to me that makes people drop their guard and will talk to me like they’ve known me for years. This woman wasn’t any different. Her smile faded some as she confessed “I’m new to the city and in the three months I’ve been here, you’re the first person I’ve met, well second,” mentally correcting herself, “person that has made me feel glad to have moved to this city.” I grabbed my tarts as we moved through the bakery. Her name is Aaron, her father wanted a boy, hence her name, she jokingly divulged, we shared the same birthday month, she moved over 3 months ago from Kansas, works at a temp agency, and stays right around the corner from me. “Well Aaron, it was really nice running into you,” I joked. We both giggled, exchanged numbers, and promised to get together for coffee soon.

As I walked back home, the wristlet wallet housing my phone began to vibrate. Must be Malcolm calling, I thought as I sped up the stairs to my door. Once I got the phone in my hand the screen showed 1 missed call. Opening the phone revealed it was indeed Malcolm. “Plink” and a soft vibration from the phone signaled a voicemail was left. Flinging the door open and closing it, I slammed my bakery purchase on the kitchen counter, and hit the voicemail button. Hearing Malcolm’s voice on the other end brought a warm stirring inside and a deep gut punch as I listened closely to him explain how sorry he is that he’s not going to be able to see me tonight. Semi-upset, I placed the lemon tarts in the refrigerator and went about my day.

Sunday, I woke in a haze and a slight headache. Groaning softly, I remembered drinking not 1 bottle but 2 bottles of the Avast White 2020, its floral aroma soothing the dull ache away I felt last night when Malcolm didn’t come by. Its fruity blend danced on my taste buds, lulling me into a sweet twangy trance as I watched a couple of movies I picked out for our evening of chilling. Forcing myself into an upright position, I grabbed my phone to see if Malcolm called or text. Letting out a big sigh, I tossed my phone back on the bed; 3 missed calls, several text messages and none were from Malcolm. After showering and finding me something to eat, I set about returning the calls and text messages. One was from Aaron, the woman I met at the bakery yesterday, inviting me to a café this afternoon.

She sounded giddy as she left directions and time she’d be there, adding if I couldn’t make it, she’d understand and how she was meeting her new beau there also anyway. “Great!” I thought my love life taking a hit and the new city girl love life taking off. Clearing my throat, while dialing Aaron’s number, after the third ring a bubbly voice pops “Hello, this is Aaron,” “Hey Aaron, its Cassie I got your message and I’d love to join you for some coffee.” Cheering on the other end Aaron quips “Yay, I’m so happy you said yes, I need some girl power on today,” there’s that giddiness I heard in her message earlier. She finished “I’ll fill you in when I see you!” “Okay, it sounds juicy!” trying to match her bubbliness. She rewarded me with the details of how she wanted my help getting a read on the new guy she was talking to; said they spent all afternoon and evening just talking. She went on to say how glad she was to have met me and we chatted a few more minutes before hanging up.

A few hours later, finds me walking inside a café on the other side of town, as I mentally noted was a few blocks from Malcolm’s firm. Inside, I can see part of Aaron’s beaming face only because there’s a gentleman sitting directly in front of her. His hand reached out and brushed one of her curls from her face. I smiled thinking oh this is so cute. As I walked closer, she perked up and waved her hand frantically at me saying come her girl. As I neared, I could hear her “I want you to meet this lovely young lady that literally ran into me at the bakery yesterday,” she continued to beam. As the gentleman turned an awful, sick feeling like I had to throw up immediately came over me, as I recognized the scent, the haircut, the physical build and now the all too familiar dimple on the left cheek as his smile turned into complete shock and fear. Malcolm stood up frozen, hand outstretched in mid-air, as tears began brimming on the edges of my lashes. I quickly turned and ran out of the café, quickly looking for a cab to jump into. As a lady was exiting one that just pulled up, I immediately jumped in, mumbled my destination, and watched as Aaron stood very confused as Malcolm ran out of the café trying to catch me. Even hours after I got home my phone kept ringing, kept buzzing, kept plinking with calls from Aaron, Malcolm, and a few other people. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. My phone was flooded with missed calls, emails, text messages throughout the whole week. As good as Malcolm has made me feel, he continues to find different ways to hurt me, and I don’t know if he’s purposely doing things like this, but I know I can’t keep letting him. Saturday evening as I’m pulling myself in from a long-drawn-out night at the hospital, I see a case of my favorite wine at my door with a note attached. It’s from Malcolm. I take the case inside and settle myself for the evening. Sitting in my living room, I pour myself some of the Meet Cute Merlot, letting the flavor slid down my throat, my phone lit up; I had turned my ringer and vibrate off days ago. It’s Malcolm calling, again. I sigh and answer, “Baby, before you-,” I cut him off replying “Wrong number!” then hung up the call. I’ll think about changing my number tomorrow as I sipped some more wine.


About the Creator


From the moment I read my first Edgar Allen Poe story when I was 12 yrs old, I knew what made my heart flutter & what drove my imagination. Writing has been something I’ve loved doing, fell far away from & am now drawn back to it!

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    Mesaye Written by Mesaye

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