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Bring out your dancing shoes!

Merlot and a bit of Gene (oops!) Kelly

By Melissa IngoldsbyPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

‘Time to dance!’ Cassandra said to herself. She was in her room.

She had just finished watching Grease, and felt inspired. She put on a pink baby doll top and bright pink hot pants, putting on her record.

She slow danced in front of her full length mirror, to her favorite song in the film.

She mouthed out the words, flipping her bouncing curls, blowing kisses at herself. She liberally applied a pink lipgloss on her full, pouty lips as she danced. She fancied herself a movie star, and she was thinking about Dean as she did this. She dedicated the shade of pink to Dean—-as pink was her absolute favorite color, and Dean was made to kiss her with that hue on her lips.

She was very excited too—-thinking about how they’ll have their first date, tonight!

She had just turned eighteen and was excited about graduation, thinking of the new and exciting future she might have.

She looked over at the poster on the wall she had for the film Carrie. It was her favorite movie.

She was glad they were going out dancing.

She was hoping to dance with Dean in the same spirit that Tommy and Carrie danced at Prom.

It was the best scene in the whole film to Cassandra, who mainly liked to be called Cass.

She even managed to get a bottle of wine for the occasion—-an older friend bought it for her. She hid it in one of her purses.

She loved purses—-as she had many types. Totes, handbags, saddlebags, messenger bags.... all sorts in all different shades of pink.

She’d probably bring her light pink hobo bag to the date. To carry the wine bottle effectively, of course! A very nice Merlot, that was only bottled a couple years ago —and a vintage wine too.

She replayed the song a couple more times, and then started to get ready for the date. He was picking her up at 7 that night.


Dean liked Gene Krupa and Gene Kelly.

He combed his hair, looking at the bathroom mirror, thinking about busting out a couple of moves just like Kelly.

His mom loved Gene Kelly and they grew up watching all of his movies.

Especially Singin’ in the Rain.

He really wanted to grow up and be on Broadway someday.

And he liked to play the drums, trying to emulate Krupa’s flair and timing. Especially practicing with this song in mind:

It was a song that made him exclusively think of his new date, Cass. He liked her a lot, and was so glad she had said yes to his proposal of dinner and dancing tonight.

He looked at his face, and realized how green his eyes were, thinking of the very pretty light shade of blue Cass’s eyes were. It made his stomach twist and his heart thump in his chest—thinking of Cass and how close they’d get tonight when they dance. He could look into her eyes forever.

He had liked Cass for a long time. He had known her since elementary, and she was his first crush.

He combed his hair again, feeling nervous and even wondered if he should get a quick haircut before the date to trim up the sides and look cleaner.

He decided against it, and put on some cologne his mom gave him for Christmas.

He felt that this cologne was made for Cass to breathe in, all close and personal like—-his arm wrapped around her waist, having their first kiss.

He finished up getting ready. It was 6, and he had to pick her up by 7.


Once Dean picked her up, he noticed that she had dolled herself up with flair. He complimented her, and they drove to a diner first.

All in warm colors, browns and some lighter pinks, she dressed in layers and long socks, with a fashionable hat and scarf—-Dean loved the way she accentuated her figure with her style.

She showed Dean the bottle of Merlot—peeking it from her purse to show him at their booth and he laughed at her forward nature, and they had a wonderful dinner—-planning to go to a secluded part of a park to drink some of the wine before the dance that night.

Dean paid for dinner, and they headed to a nice open park nearby—- opening the bottle with the bottle opener she brought.

They each took an undignified swig of it. Neither of them knew how to properly drink wine, but they didn’t care—-they were joking and laughing together, finishing off the bottle. They stayed for an hour, talking and getting to know one another—-and it was a perfect moment.

That was until—-the dance.

They were very close to the dance hall where the live music was going to perform at, and they walked there together, holding hands.

The band was swinging, playing heavy jazz and swing music.

And they danced with gusto, their movements in synch with each other, and they both leaned in—-ready for their first kiss, when...

That song comes on, and the crowd is dancing so energetically—so vibrantly, that Cass and Dean dance along with them.

Dean thought this was the perfect moment to show off some of the “Gene Kelly-esqe” dance moves. But he got too heavy of a start, going a bit too fast—-and

He fell flat on his bottom.

She took it as a funny twist, also ‘falling’ next to Dean.

“Oops!” She said, laughing. Dean got over his embarrassment immediately—feeling grateful that she fell too—-on purpose.

He felt like he was falling again—-falling in love.

She felt the same.

She kissed him on the cheek.

And he kissed her on those pink, pouty lips.

What a date!, they both thought. It was a perfect, dream date...

And they both ended the night dreaming of one another...

Until... 20 years later...

They celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary, dancing to their favorite song Sing, Sing, Sing.

And of course, telling their children the story of their father falling down trying to impress their mother to the swinging tune!


About the Creator

Melissa Ingoldsby

I am a published author on Patheos.

I am Bexley is published by Resurgence Novels here.

The Half Paper Moon is available on Golden Storyline Books for Kindle.

My novella Carnivorous is to be published by Eukalypto soon! Coming soon

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