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Brain Chip Implants: An Analysis of Potential and Pitfalls

Brain Chip Implants

By Joe BillyPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

In the ever-accelerating race between technological innovation and ethical consideration, Neuralink's recent announcement of a successful human brain chip implant represents a pivotal moment. Elon Musk's venture into the realm of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) has turned what was once speculative fiction into palpable reality. Neuralink, founded in 2016, focuses on brain-machine interfaces, receiving FDA approval for human testing in 2020 and launching clinical trials in 2023. Neuralink produced various samples of successful animal trials, especially a video from 2021 where a macaque with a brain implant was seen playing a video game.

If the trial implant becomes successful, Neuralink will launch its first product named “Telepathy,” tweeted Musk.

The brain chip implant, described as a Fitbit-sized device with tiny wires, aims to decode neural signals for controlling computers or mobile devices. Neuralink's technology involves inserting flexible threads into the cerebral cortex, equipped with electrodes for detecting neural activity.

Implanting the chip in human brain would help people with neurological disorders to control the motor functions. Paralytic people would be given the first priority, the company stated. Where in the brain would a chip be implanted? Neuralink’s technology involves inserting flexible threads, thinner than a human hair, into the cerebral cortex of the brain. These threads are equipped with electrodes that detect neural activity. The implant is covered by a biocompatible enclosure and powered by a small battery that can be charged wirelessly from outside. The chips and electronics in the implant are used to process the signal from the neurons and transmit to the application.

Neuralink's brain chip holds significant promise in potentially aiding paralyzed individuals to regain mobility and addressing various neurological ailments. The technology aims to create a direct interface between the human brain and external devices, fostering potential advancements in medical applications. However, ethical concerns, as indicated by the federal investigation into animal-welfare violations, emphasize the importance of balancing innovation with ethical considerations in the development process.

As we stand on the brink of this new frontier, public sentiment, as captured in a Pew Research Center survey from 2021, offers a nuanced perspective on the societal implications of such advancements.

The Pew survey reveals a society grappling with the potential impacts of brain chip technology. A majority of Americans (56%) perceive the widespread adoption of cognitive-enhancing brain chips as detrimental to society. This skepticism underscores a broader apprehension towards technologies that promise to enhance human capabilities beyond their natural limits.

Despite this overarching caution, the survey uncovers a more receptive attitude towards the application of brain chips for medical and therapeutic purposes. A significant 77% of respondents support the use of BCIs to restore mobility to those with paralysis, and 64% see value in their application for combating age-related mental decline. This acceptance reflects a collective empathy towards using groundbreaking technologies to alleviate human suffering and improve quality of life.

The public's mixed reactions, as illuminated by the Pew survey, serve as a crucial reminder of the need for a balanced approach to innovation—one that harmonizes the quest for technological advancement with the imperatives of human dignity, privacy, and the ethical use of technology.

Elon Musk lauds the achievement of his Neuralink, which has successfully implanted a brain chip on a human being. After the brain chip implantation, the individual is reported to be recovering from the surgery with remarkable positive signs. If it becomes a success, it can serve as the beacon for the paralyzed.

In this endeavor, engaging with and addressing the public's concerns will be paramount in ensuring that the future of brain chip technology unfolds in a manner that benefits all of humanity.



About the Creator

Joe Billy

Medlegal360 is the number one blogging site for medical-legal resource. Oh! Lawyers, medical doctors, patients, Don’t walk but run you have everything at medlegal360 platform.

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