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Body Parts Men Secretly Love and the Nifty Reasons Why

Ladies, Here's What Men Love Most About Us

By Andrea MolinaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
by Good Faces on Unsplash

Are you dating a woman who isn’t fond of her own body?

She thinks other women look a lot better than her. She has low self-confidence and esteem, and all you can do is constantly remind her that she’s beautiful. Still, you know deep inside that telling her that isn’t enough.

But you beg to differ. To you, she looks perfect, and there’s nothing you’d change about her because you know you would choose her over and over again.

But if her character is affected by the socially constructed idea of beauty, what are you left to do?

Help Your Woman Love Her Body

Today’s society has been brainwashed by the media’s unrealistic standards of the ideal human body.

It has made people think that women have to have flat stomachs, prominent collarbones, thigh gaps, and even small waists to be considered beautiful. Magazines, billboards, cover photos, and almost all forms of visual media are crusading this false truth.

On top of that, most of the posts you see online are a mere product of digital alterations.

People resort to photo editors now to airbrush their faces, make their waists smaller, and their legs longer. As a result, people who have deep-seated insecurities about their bodies feel a lot worse about themselves.

By that, we mean a lot worse.

Help her love her own body by following these strategies:

  • Avoid commenting about how good others look, especially women; this causes her insecurities to build right away.
  • Speak up when something’s wrong. When she starts to compare herself to others, remind her that she too is beautiful in her own perfect way.
  • Always be patient. She is going through a difficult stage. As her partner, you must extend every inch of your patience. Be kind.
  • Motivate her towards progress instead of perfection. Appreciate every part of her, even her imperfections.
  • Be generous in giving her words of appreciation. No matter how little, it will mean a lot to her.

Practicing self-love can be challenging for her, and your support is one of the best forms of help you can give her. So be sure to be with her every step of the way.

The Importance of Being Physically Attracted to Your Partner

Her eyes were probably the first thing you noticed about her.

Her smile might be the reason why you couldn’t get her off your mind.

Her looks may be why she stood out to you on the night you first met.

Simply put, romantic relationships begin with physical attraction. Though it is a vital aspect in developing a relationship, it is not the most important thing.

Genuine attraction isn’t only about what the eyes see. Rather, it is the combination of different factors such as emotional, mental, and spiritual compatibility. All of this is necessary to build and secure a connection with each other.

According to research, we do not want overly attractive partners. Instead, we want those who we think are attractive enough. As Griffin and Langlois found, a lack of attractiveness was often associated with negative traits. On the other hand, moderate attractiveness was necessary to make one’s associations positive.

Generally, physical attractions:

  • promote intimacy in a relationship;
  • increase affection towards each other;
  • encourage respect;
  • are based on human instinct; and
  • direct us to partners suitable for us.

The most beautiful person in your eyes is the same one who owns your heart. In love, it’s hard to define the importance of physical appearance on how our love for our partners came to be.

But if you were to say the body parts you love best about her, what are those?

Body Parts You Love About Her

Below are some of the body parts she might hate, but you simply can’t resist appreciating:

1. Hands

Hands symbolize receptivity. They are for massaging, caressing, and pleasing.

When you see her delicate hands, they appear inviting that there’s nothing you’d want to hold on to other than them.

2. Nails

It’s not her long nails that got you attracted, and her nail color doesn’t even matter that much. In truth, it’s all in her well-groomed nails that you can’t help but admire.

3. Feet

Admit it. You enjoy looking at her feet, especially when they look neat. Personal hygiene is reflected by how a person takes care of them.

If she has had a long day, you don’t hesitate to offer her a massage.

4. Back

You like it best when you cuddle her from the back. The scent of her hair and the delicate contours of her posterior is enough to melt your heart.

5. Lips

One of the sexiest parts of her body is her lips. It excites you more knowing that there’s so much you can do to it. Whether you’re having a meaningful conversation or an intimate time together, her lips give you comfort like no other.

6. Earlobes

Earlobes are one of the most attractive body parts of women. To you, it is one of the parts of her face you enjoy staring at the most. Seeing her get enticed as you touch your lips against them makes you want to do it more.

7. Belly

Some ladies hate looking at themselves in the mirror because of their curved bellies. It makes them feel uncomfortable standing in front of you, especially when they’re not used to it.

What they don’t know is that you love how soft it is to feel. Caressing her belly is something you enjoy.

8. Neck

A woman’s neck is also one of the things you consider sexy. Kissing, nuzzling, touching, and even simply staring at them is something you like.

Women’s physical appearance does not define them. No matter how different they are in shapes and sizes, their worth is way more than how they look.

Loving Every Inch of Her

We all define perfection differently.

While we don’t speak for all the ladies out there, we know one thing: love emanates appreciation.

As her man, make her love herself even more. Inspire her to take good care of herself and constantly remind her how every inch of her is beautiful in your eyes.

Andrea Molina, Professional Matchmaker and Dating Consultant for Colombian Woman


About the Creator

Andrea Molina

Professional Matchmaker and Dating Consultant for Colombian Woman

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    Andrea MolinaWritten by Andrea Molina

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