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Awakening to Our True Spiritual Nature

Embodying Knowledge and Transcending Illusions

By San Published 9 months ago 3 min read

In our quest for understanding, it's essential to articulate complex ideas in the simplest way possible, not only for our own comprehension but also for others to grasp. When we truly embody knowledge, we don't just superficially know it; we feel it deep within ourselves. It's not enough to merely gather information and hold it in our conscious minds. We must integrate it into our being, overriding the programming we carry in our DNA.

Throughout our education, we were taught to gather information, study hard, and memorize facts for exams. But does scoring an A, B, C, or D on a test truly mean we understand the subject matter? Absolutely not. Merely memorizing facts for a test doesn't lead to true comprehension. We may remember the information temporarily, but it won't become a part of us.

To truly know something, we must engage with it emotionally. Emotional engagement is essential in the learning process. For example, when I was learning math or certain subjects in school, I wasn't emotionally connected to the material. I approached it as a chore, devoid of any passion. This lack of emotional engagement hindered my ability to fully understand and embody the subject matter.

In today's world, data has become the highest currency. Entities seek to gather data about individuals to understand their behavior, thoughts, and actions. This constant surveillance aims to manipulate our consciousness and limit our true potential. But to rise above this manipulation, we need to delve deeper into consciousness.

For most of our lives, we've become normalized to living in the three-dimensional, low-density material world. The understanding of our spiritual nature is minimal, if not absent. We rarely hear that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Instead, we've been conditioned to believe that the material world is the only reality.

To overcome these limitations, we must raise our level of consciousness. It's time to awaken from the slumber of the materialistic world and tap into our true spiritual nature. We need to establish a direct connection with the Source, the divine energy that flows through us, collapsing waves of potential into physical reality.

As multi-dimensional beings, we come from various realms before we incarnate in this 3D world. We must recognize that there is no separate self or ego; it's an illusion created by the Phantom Matrix programming. Our identity is not determined by our possessions, achievements, or job titles. We are divine beings, interconnected with everything and everyone around us.

The materialistic world keeps us focused on superficial things that distort our frequencies. We identify ourselves with external factors like possessions, social status, or financial success. These external associations trap us in a cycle of seeking validation from the outside world, instead of recognizing our inherent worthiness.

By understanding our true nature as spiritual beings, we can break free from this limited perspective. We need to challenge the programming and conditioning that keeps us anchored in 3D reality. It's time to transcend the ego's false narrative and embrace our spiritual essence.

As we awaken to our multi-dimensional selves, we'll come to realize that we are co-creators of our reality. Our thoughts and emotions shape the experiences we attract into our lives. By aligning our consciousness with higher frequencies, we can manifest a reality that aligns with our spiritual nature.

In conclusion, true understanding goes beyond gathering information; it involves emotional engagement and embodiment of knowledge. We must elevate our consciousness and recognize our true spiritual nature. By breaking free from the illusion of ego and materialistic identification, we can tap into our divine potential and co-create a reality that aligns with our highest aspirations. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, and remember that you are a multi-dimensional being, interconnected with the vastness of the universe.

Hope this article was enlightening to you. Peace and Love.


About the Creator


Female writer on a lifetime journey to seek and speak the Truth.

Blessed be those, who possess critical minds and live a life of Love, peace and truth.

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