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Awakening the Power Within

Embracing Your Inner Knowing

By San Published 9 months ago 3 min read

In this article, we are going to delve deep into a topic that I believe will resonate with many of you. There's a common theme among us: a feeling of knowing something on a deeper level, a sense of truth, even without tangible proof. This leads to the question: Why do we feel this way? Why do we sense something without concrete evidence to back it up? The answer lies in our connection to Source, to the Creator, to God, or whatever term you prefer to use.

Throughout history, certain forces have worked to separate and confuse human beings from this profound connection to Source. They've done this in various ways, including the teachings of certain religions that instill feelings of guilt and unworthiness, creating a belief in a separation between us and the divine. This narrative leaves us feeling disconnected and in need of external validation to be deemed "worthy" in the eyes of a higher power. But the truth is, we are already connected to Source; it's an organic part of who we are.

To grasp this concept, we need to understand that we possess cellular memories encoded in our DNA. These memories can provide us with an inner knowing, even if we can't explicitly recall them with our conscious minds. So when you feel a strong sense of truth or a gut feeling about something, it's likely because your body is tapping into these cellular memories, a knowledge that is beyond the scope of what you've been taught or programmed to believe.

Many of us have experienced moments when we don't feel like we fit in like we don't belong. This feeling arises because we are not meant to conform to a false narrative; we are unique and powerful beings. The forces that have controlled information throughout history want us to believe we're inferior, to make us think we are not as powerful as we truly are. But when you experience a sense of not fitting in, it's a sign that you are awakening to your true nature. It means you're not falling into the trap of accepting false beliefs and narratives.

For some, this inner knowing might seem intangible or invisible, but that doesn't make it any less real. Some people try to dismiss or ignore it because they can't physically see it, but that's a limited perspective. The most powerful things in life often lie beyond the visible realm, and it's through connecting with these unseen forces that we can manifest our desires and create meaningful change in our lives.

One essential step in understanding this inner knowing is to open our heart chakra. When our heart chakra is closed, we become disconnected from our intuitive wisdom, and we may find ourselves being negative toward others and ourselves. By opening our heart chakra, we allow ourselves to tap into higher dimensions and raise our consciousness.

It's essential to trust ourselves, even when there's no tangible proof to back up what we feel or know. Learning to unplug from the programming and external narratives that have been forced upon us is vital in embracing our true power and potential. We need to have faith in the invisible and the intangible, trusting that our inner guidance is leading us toward a greater understanding of ourselves and our purpose.

This is a spiritual journey, a path to reconnecting with our true essence and reclaiming our power. It's about unlearning old habits and beliefs that no longer serve us and tapping into our cellular memories to access the wisdom within. Trusting in ourselves is essential, and it's time to put ourselves first and embrace our uniqueness.

This awakening process won't be easy, and it might challenge our preconceived notions and beliefs. But it's a necessary step in breaking free from the chains that have kept us under the frequency fence. By raising our consciousness and aligning with our spiritual selves, we can transcend the limitations of the 3D world and tap into the higher dimensions that are beyond our current perception.

Remember, you are never alone in this journey. There are others like you who have awakened and are on this path of understanding and growth. Trust yourself, listen to your intuition, and believe in your inner knowing. You are a powerful, infinite being, and it's time to reclaim your true essence and embrace your unique purpose. So step into your authenticity, unplug from the false narratives, and rise to the higher dimensions where your true power lies.

Hope this article was enlightening for you. Peace and Love.


About the Creator


Female writer on a lifetime journey to seek and speak the Truth.

Blessed be those, who possess critical minds and live a life of Love, peace and truth.

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