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Are we being victimized or abused?

Is life killing us or are we spoiling it?

By Robert JackPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Are we being victimized or abused?
Photo by geoff trodd on Unsplash

LifeObviously, life is nothing but a bunch of concepts and logic running, and each of us is the executor and receiver of these concepts and logic, broken down, we are the set of concepts and logic itself, the execution and acceptance happen in ourselves life is us, we are living.

We like to habitually complain about life, we very easy to see ourselves as the victims of life, we are experiencing all the trials and tribulations thanks to life, we are carrying a heavy life, we are accepting the washing and grinding of life, we are sweating, tears, blood in life. What is life? Life is everything we face. What is everything in life? Where does everything in life come from? We always think that life is mainly made up of external things, and individuals are only the recipients and participants of life, when we complain about life, what are we complaining about? We are complaining about the vagaries of the world, about the viciousness of the human heart, about the cruelty of fate.

We are complaining that everything is not as we want it to be, that things are not as we want them to be, that everything is fickle and fickle, and that everything is unpredictable and unmanageable ...... The logical relationship when we complain about life is: I am living, I am bearing the burden of life. I and life are a kind of two parties that are separated, I am on one side and life is the other, life can have no relationship with me, I am living is not my life. The elements of life are made up of external things and others, and we are never complaining about ourselves when we complain about life. This is when we think we are the guest inhabitants of life rather than the subjects of life, and we usually think that it is a life that has cheated and abused us and that we are the victims of life.

Our logical relationship with life is turned upside down by our thinking, the truth of which is not that I am living but that I am living. The truth is not that I am living but that I am living. Life is the interweaving of our perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors, and it is not who is deciding who and who is swaying whom in life, but we are interacting in deciding and swaying each other. Life is us, the comprehensive embodiment of our ideas, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. When we complain about life, why are we not complaining about ourselves?

However, when we complain about life, do we have an element of self-blame? Are we criticizing ourselves when we complain about life? Are we in denial when we complain about life? No, we think that life has nothing to do with us and that it is the concepts and logic of life that are harming us. And where do these concepts and logics come from? They come from what we give to life. It is we who give life the possibility to kill us, it is we who give life the ability to kill us, and it is we who create the factual content of life to kill us. Should we blame life or should we blame ourselves? Are we victims of life or are we its abusers?

Life treats us, and we treat life, and all the ways and contents that life treats us are all the ways and contents that we treat life. Life treats us coldly and cruelly, and we treat life coldly and cruelly. We think that logically life is primarily a behavioral fact composed of others and that how others treat me is how I treat others. But this behavioral impetus does not go away; how we treat life is how life treats us. Life does not distinguish between me and others; the forces of life act on everyone, in every way. What we do is what we suffer. Can we say we are victims or abusers? What we do to live is what we suffer, and if we are victims, who are we suffering from?

This absurd illusion of logic happens to us, we think that there is a difference between me and him, I am the victim and others are the abusers. We do not know that life reconciles this I-other relationship, that life makes people indistinguishable from each other, that everyone is a victim, but everyone is an abuser. Life acts on you and you act on life, and the integrated and intertwined life acts on everyone. It is not very meaningful to distinguish the differences in such forces, and it is foolish for us to try to live in such differences because the wholeness and comprehensiveness of life diffuse the differences between people.

What we should do with life is what we should do with ourselves, what should we do with life? What should we do? Is this relationship not clear?


About the Creator

Robert Jack

One of the secrets of emotional stability for adults is to keep the expectations of others to a minimum.

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