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Against the Current

Perseverance pays

By Ndubuisi OkerekePublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Against the Current
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In the heart of a small fishing village, where the salty breeze danced through the narrow streets and the waves whispered secrets to the shore, there lived a young fisherman named Kian. From the tender age of six, Kian had followed in his father's footsteps, casting his net into the tumultuous sea each dawn to provide for his family.

Life in the village was simple but hard, and as Kian grew older, he faced his fair share of adversity. Storms ravaged the coastline, destroying nets and boats, and the fish grew scarcer with each passing year. Yet, despite the challenges, Kian refused to succumb to despair.

One fateful day, a catastrophic storm swept across the sea, swallowing whole ships and shattering the livelihoods of countless families. Kian's boat, the "Silver Gull," was battered by the relentless fury of the waves, leaving it broken and adrift in the unforgiving waters.

For days, Kian clung to a piece of driftwood, his body battered and his spirit shaken. But even as he faced the darkest depths of despair, a flicker of resilience burned within him. With every wave that crashed against him and every gust of wind that threatened to tear him from his fragile refuge, Kian clung tighter to hope.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kian washed ashore on a remote island, bruised and battered but alive. As he staggered onto the sandy beach, he knew that he faced a new set of challenges, far removed from the familiar hardships of the sea.

Alone on the island, with nothing but his wits and determination to sustain him, Kian set about building a new life from the ashes of his old one. He fashioned a shelter from palm fronds and driftwood, scavenged for food among the lush vegetation, and tended to his wounds with the care of a seasoned healer.

But despite his best efforts, the island remained a harsh and unforgiving place, testing Kian's resilience at every turn. Wild animals prowled the dense jungle, threatening to tear him limb from limb, and the elements conspired to sap his strength with relentless heat and pounding rain.

Yet, through it all, Kian refused to give up. With each passing day, he grew stronger, forging a bond with the land and sea that sustained him. He learned to navigate the treacherous currents of the ocean, to read the signs in the sky and the stars, and to find solace in the simple pleasures of life.

And then, one day, as Kian stood on the shore, watching the sun sink beneath the horizon in a blaze of fiery hues, he realized that he had found something far more valuable than mere survival. In the depths of his soul, he had discovered a sense of inner peace, a quiet resilience that no storm could ever hope to shatter.

As the stars blinked into existence overhead, casting their gentle light upon the world, Kian raised his eyes to the heavens and whispered a silent prayer of gratitude. For in that moment, he knew that he had overcome the greatest adversity of all – not just the trials of the sea, but the battle with his own doubts and fears.

And as he turned his gaze back to the endless expanse of the ocean, stretching out before him like a vast and boundless canvas, Kian felt a sense of peace wash over him like the gentle caress of the tide. For in the face of adversity, he had found not just survival, but the strength to thrive against all odds. He smiled and shouted, "I'm a survivor".


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  • Steven Christopher McKnight4 months ago

    "Horizon of fiery hues" - so evocative. Keep it up!

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