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A Walk in the Woods

a contemplation on time

By Samantha ElizabethPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The only place she felt at peace was in the woods. When the world started to feel too overwhelming, and chaos seemed to be the only headlines, she’d take a walk. She had moved out of the city a few years ago. The goal was to get away from it all, figure out what Thoreau was raving about, and bring some of that back to society. He was really onto something, but how could that exist in a concrete jungle? she mused.

Strolling through the barely marked paths, made by her and the woodland creatures, she could name all the trees. Oak, birch, maple, apple… she put a name to a face as she went. These woods were carved by the slow and steady movement of the residents. The rabbit brushing by the lower branches each morning, as they bend over time to clear the way. The barely noticeable breaks in shrubbery where the doe and fawn dip from the main route. The forrest was it’s own world.

The deeper in she got, the more distant the rest of it all felt. The joyful chirps of the birds drowned out the harping of the masses. The animals had no care for the latest trend, just the trends of the seasons. The twisted trunks replaced the twisted morals that swirled around society. No hidden agendas could be found out here, just hidden slices of heaven.

I never know what I’m going to find. That not-knowing isn’t anxiety though, like in the damn city. It’s more like not knowing what’s behind the wrapping paper. This is anticipation. Yes, that’s definitely the word.. excitement.

The rustle in the elderberry bush to her left gave away the hiding place of her pup. Nelly dashed out of the greenery, in hot pursuit of a squirrel. That poor girl, she’s never going to catch one.. forever chasing after the unattainable, she sighed. Sorrow sank into her heart at that thought. It’s sad. So many are riding that same roller coaster. Nelly’s golden coat rippled a honey glow as it pulled tight over her muscles. Her prey alluded her quickly up a pear tree. Her sole focus now became those branches and green bulbs.

With her eyes glued to the grey fluff darting around the branches, her paws leapt and reached. The trunk held strong under her attack, protecting her prey but also assisting her attempts. The slow slant of the base gave footing for the pup, fooling her into a false sense of hope that she would ever complete her mission. But her attempts would prove futile, bringing about collateral damage to her battle ground.

Pears rained from the ripe tree. Well, I might as well reap the rewards of Nel’s sorry hunting attempt. She stretched down to grab the juiciest looking, every-shade-between-green-and-yellow piece of fruit she could find. Sinking her teeth into the sweet flesh, she dribbled a little of the sweet nectar out of the corners of a smile she couldn’t hold back. ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good’ is right, she chuckled to herself.

The seconds that it took to harvest this sack of nutrients are nothing compared to the months and years it took this tree to grow it’s branches strong enough to bear fruit. Probably ten years went into the making of that one pear. Ten years, all cumulating to one moment, to create the most delicious and joy filled bite. It was an ever-present reminder of the time and patience this world requires.

Maybe that was why the not-knowing of things didn’t create anxiety while she was surrounded by these trees. They held the silent knowledge of time. Their sturdy presence was a reminder that the tiniest of seeds can take root and grow up to the heavens. That a small idea, when properly watered and allowed the years to grow, can blossom into the greatest action. When that small idea is as resilient as the pear seed, it doesn’t even need that much encouragement or guidance to bear the ripest, sweetest fruit around.


About the Creator

Samantha Elizabeth

just sharing what's in my brain (:

fact or fiction, all of these stories are written in hopes that they find the people they need to find.. that they can give voice to something inside of you that maybe you couldn't quite say yourself.

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