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A chronic disease famously know as Diabetes

Creating awareness on Diabetes to its simplicity for easy reading and understanding

By timothy mainaPublished 3 months ago 4 min read


Did you know that;

More than 133 million Americans are living with diabetes (37.3 million) or prediabetes (96 million).

What is Diabetes‽

There is a lot of confusion and illiteracy about diabetes. It is a chronic disease that is caused by the failure of pancreas to produce enough insulin. Moreover, it may be because of the body failing to use the insulin it produces.

What is insulin‽

It is a hormone that regulates the amount of blood glucose produced in the body.

What leads to uncontrolled diabetes‽

Due to increased blood sugar level in the body results to a condition known Hyperglycemia.

What are the long-term effects of Hyperglycemia‽

Due to uncontrolled diabetes, it results in severe damage to many body systems especially the nerves and blood vessels.

What are the statistics of diabetes in the world‽

It may seem like a minor disease to many, but it is affecting many individuals in the societies we are living in.

In 2019, 1,500,000 people died because of diabetes. 48% of the people were of the age set of 70 years and above.

It was also found out that 500,000 kidney disease fatalities were due to diabetes.

Moreso, Hyperglycemia causes approximately 20% of cardiovascular deaths.

During the Covid -19 pandemic, the mortality rate in the mid-income countries increased to 13% due to diabetes.

What are symptoms of diabetes‽

Symptoms of diabetes may occur suddenly. In type 2 diabetes, the symptoms can be mild and are rarely noticed immediately. It takes a bit of some time.

The common symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Feeling fatigued.
  • The urge to urinate more often than normal.
  • Blurred eye vision
  • The loss of weight without consent.

NB: People with diabetes are at a higher risk of health problems including heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.

Do not worry since there are steps you can follow to get rid of diabetes completely. It takes persistence and dedication to be free.

How many types of Diabetes are known‽

According to World Health Organization {WHO} there are 3 types of diabetes namely:

1. Type 1 diabetes

2. Type 2 diabetes

3. Gestational diabetes

Type 1 diabetes.

It is known as childhood onset as previously known as insulin independent. Surprisingly in 2017, there were nine million people with the disease. Well, many of them were from first world countries.

It is so astonishing to find that no one knows its cause and prevention yet.

Type 2 diabetes.

This is a type of diabetes that often affects the sugar usage to produce energy in your body.

It alters the functioning of insulin which may eventually lad to serious complication if not treated accordingly.

The serious complications are severe damage of the body especially nervous system and circulatory system {the blood vessels and nerves}.

Do not worry since type 2 diabetes is preventable and can be treated if noticed early!

Common factors that contribute to type 2 diabetes include the following:

  • Lack of frequent exercises
  • Overweight or obese.
  • Genetics

The most appropriate ways to detect diabetes early enough is through frequent check-ups and blood tests from skilled health or clinical personnel.

90% of diabetic people have type 2 diabetes. It was commonly known as adult onset.

What is Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IFT) and Impaired Fasting Glycaemia (IFG)‽

The are the intermediate conditions between transitioning from normality to diabetic condition.

These conditions often result in type 2 diabetes.

How can I prevent diabetes‽

The best way to prevent diabetes is through lifetime changes.

People should also observe the following to prevent this chronic disease:

  • Reach and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Stay physically active with at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day.
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid sugar and saturated fat.
  • Avoid using tobacco or any of it related products.

What should I do when I have diabetes‽

Person with type 1 diabetes requires insulin injections for survival.

Those with type 2 diabetes are required to take medicines to help manage their blood sugar levels.

Along with medicines to lower blood sugar, people with diabetes often need medications to lower their blood pressure and statins to reduce the risk of complications.

Besides medications one may need:

  • Screening & treatment for kidney complications or related diseases.
  • Foot care to treat ulcers.
  • Eye screening and treatment for retinopathy. {causes complete blindness}.

What is WHO response to diabetes‽

It aims to support effective measures for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

Remember that in April 2021, WHO made a step forward by launching Global Diabetes Compact.

What is the work of Global Diabetes Compact‽

It is a global organization that works to improve diabetes care, treatment, and prevention worldwide.

Do not forget that on 14th November it is World’s Diabetes Day where people are educated globally about diabetes, causes, treatment and preventions.

Along with medicines to lower blood sugar, people with diabetes often need medications to lower their blood pressure and statins to reduce the risk of complications.

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About the Creator

timothy maina

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